《The Healing Thief》Forcedius (9)


Forcedius (9)

"It has already been a week and it seems you have still not changed one bit."

Forcedius couldn't reply as he was out of breath and on the ground. He couldn’t even move his head as he glared at the man who’s observing down on him.

The man then revealed a nasty grin. He shook his head before he yelled, "Do it!"

Forcedius grew another layer of despair as he thought, 'No...'

He then gritted his teeth as he heard his own mother’s scream from inside that room.

At first, her voice was that of someone scared and pleading. It then transitioned to that of a misserable scream. Hearing that caused Forcedius to stand up even though his body hurts like hell, with almost all of his energy reserves gone.

He gripped his blade's handle which was covered in blood, before charging towards the tall man. Yelling with immense killing intent on his eyes. "AGHHHHHHH!"

The tall man was surprised as he blocked the incoming strike. Though he was much stronger, he could feel the immense force coming from Forcedius. He felt that both of their strength had almost become equal. Though it was only for a moment before Forcedius slumped to the ground unconscious. The fatigue finally overtook.

The tall man stared at the boy on the ground for a good moment before giving out a sigh. He knew that his faith of imminent.


In the maid’s quarters, inside a room.

"Mother? you haven't had much sleep these past months... and you're getting thin." A young girl said with a worried tone.

"No need to worry dear, it's just that ever since Prince Sephilio's death... I must keep watch if anything is suspicious."

The girl chuckled before wiping away the sad tears on her eyes. She was still filled with stress and grief ever since the King took away the man called Feng. She also didn’t like how she had to see her very own mother go through with this.


The mother then ruffled her daughter's hair before going back to work. But instead of going of to her assigned station, she went to a place where a bird could be found. It was sitting on top a table as it stares at the maid.

She then looks around, just making sure that no one was there. The maid brought out a silver amulet before whispering into it. A small field made of mana was made around her. This prevented any leakage of voice outside the bubble. She then took a deep breath before said to the bird, “I'm here to report."

The bird eyes flashed in yellow..

"The guards around Forcedius and his mother’s imprisonment building is still great in number and there’s no gap in which I can infiltrate. The royal guards are heavily armed and won’t allow anyone to enter. Though there were occasional people covered in dark robes entering the place. Screams were heard while I was nearby that place which likely belongs to both his mother and Forcedius. Please make the preparation quick... if this lasts another year... It would be already too late.

There also has been signs of the King's advisor movement. Though strange amount of unknown people started emerging even more. The lady Anne Guin seems to stuck inside her room and wouldn't leave. I sometimes hear moarnful noice coming from her room. This... might remove her from being the suspects of Prince Sephilio murder. Prince Hamlyn was seen frequently entering the King's throne room with an angry look in the early months of this year. Later on, he left the palace and went on a journey to the left with his retainers and some court sorcerrers. That's all."

The bird’s eyes returned to normal before flapping its wings. The moment it started flying was when it disappeared


Inside the castle, there was a room where a certain person always gather around. He had his nice long table with many documents on them. Light came off from a frog who had a glowing stomach. A nice soft rug was kept over the marble floors.


There a man sat comfortably on his chair as he crossed his legs. He took a bite on the sweets he had prepared before returning his sight to the woman sitting on his desk. She looked to be in her forties but still had a coy filled expression. Her face came from the Kian region but some features showed that she had some inherited from Krehor.

"So, how's the little prince faring?" The man asked before wiping his mouth with his handkerchief.

A playful smile appeared on the woman, "Don’t worry, I hand picked the most suited person to train that boy. As a result, the prince’s progress is slowly getting better each day.”

The man who crossed his legs, pondered about something before shaking his head. There was a moment of silence before he asked, “Are you sure about this? You know the consequences if he found out what you’re planning.”

A smile appeared on the female, “He’s not the only one who received a prophecy. The moment that red haired bastard unleashes that vile insect abomination is the moment where I act.”

The man sighed before taking a sip of his water. He then commented, “I wonder how would Hamlyn react if he found you here.”

The lady chuckled while showing a flushed look on her face. “Oh... I long to get my hands on him again.”

“More like claws.”


"Faren... Will mother ever wake up?" A sense of hopelessness can be seen on the blond girl’s eye. The adolescent lady held her mother’s hand tightly.

"Don't know, but she's doing much better than before at least. Her complexion is not as pale as before.” Farengoth replied with a rare look of sadness. He had a hunch that they’re keeping their mother in a vegetative state in order to keep them. Not by his princess but more the doing of the King.

"Princess Katherine hasn't returned yet. I guess if she doesn’t return, the plan she told us needs to be done.”

Farengoth recalled the meeting they had before, “...It’ll be a hard task but that sword he wields is of great importance to the princess.”

"All we’re tasked is a rescue mission and retrieval of a sword. I don’t get why would she not ask us to help her brother and step mother instead.”

"We’d be marked as traitors and our dear Mother would go to the gallows. Think a bit more before you speak, Sheirl. Since I still priorities you and mother over the prince.”

“I don’t know whether to feel touched, or offended that you mocked me in a roundabout way.” She then ruffled her hair as she angrily released a mouthful of curses. She then stared at Farengoth before she complains, “I bet we’ll not have that painful mission from the princess if she didn’t learn about your special quirk. I got a hunch that she found worth of you ever since then. You could tell clearly from seeing her eyes.”

Farengoth remained silent.

“And what’s up with that power of yours? It’s so similar to old man Pielle. Don’t tell me he passed it to you since you witnessed his final breaths.”

“He didn’t pass the power. Before he died, he told me that we had the same ancestor and so our blood would only require an awakening. I guess his death caused mine to awaken?”

“Look at you, you’re turning to be the centre point of a play. Luckily, I’m the princess of the dashing knight hehe.”

As a reply, Farengoth simply nodded.

"Would it kill you to smile or blush a little? This place is already gloomy enough. It feels like I'm suffocating everyday with the pressure emitting from the royal guards.

"Indeed, a storm is brewing."

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