《The Healing Thief》Forcedius (8)


Forcedius (8)

"Step away!! Let me through!" A boy yelled before countless maids, butlers and guards moved out the way.

In the middle of the night where people usually had already slept in their rooms... were now wide awake. The snow outside would have made the room have a nice pleasant air if it weren’t for the shattered glass on the window. The howls of white rabbits played alongside the miserable lamentation of the atmosphere.

Forcedius quickly made his way across the room in search for what he heard and hoped it was not true.

At the end of his sight, was a figure laying on the ground. Still in place, like a painting. One by one his steps slowed down before he made contact with the person's face.


It was his brother Sephilio. Pale with the look of regret on his face. Blood could be seen flowing on the paved floor. Eventually dying the soles of the boy's shoes.

His eyes slowly turned hazy as his mind became blank. Only afterwards, after a time that seems like endless, did he start repeating, 'He's not dead...' Denying himself from this horrific scenery. Over and over, he kept on repeating those words to himself.

He still had hope as he grabbed hold of Forcedius's hand. Trying his best to feel a pulse. Sadly he couldn't feel none, even when he placed his hand on his brother's neck. Nor any breathing coming off him.

Slowly, tears fell from his eyes, 'No...'

He clawed his left forearm as he recalled moments of when he was mad at him. At that time, he didn't know what got over him, as to why was he like that. Now he felt that his actions were horrible and despicable.

'I'm such a fool... Someone must have been playing with us...' Blood flowed from his forearm before mixing with the puddle of red below.

Suddenly, a bright surge of golden light appeared for a moment. Blinding everyone nearby.

It only lasted a breath's time before everything came back to normal.

The boy was confused as to what occurred, and he felt something changed inside of him.

His trail of thoughts came to a halt after hearing a familar scream of someone nearby.

He turned to find his younger sister, Lady Katherine, having a look of disbelief with shock filled in her eyes. An expression that he wished that never would appear on his dear sister.

Standing up, Forcedius wanted to comfort her, even doing so far as burying away his own sadness. It’s more important to comfort his sister’s mental state than his own, as he just learned how important it was to cherish your loved ones.

Though, the moment he stood up, he immediately was sent back to the ground with great force.

Afterwards, his body felt like being squeezed tightly. Making it hard to breath.

Forcedius felt some sort of chain around his body. He tried struggling but the more he did, the more his energy sapped away.


Katherine was planning to crying her heart out with his brother Forcedius’s care, until she saw what happened to him. This triggered something in her which caused her eyes to be filled with void followed after was a certain aura. A deadly murderous one.

Quite rare for someone so young. Makes you think how many battles this girl has went through.

She jumped towards the hooded group, who were responsible for shackling her brother.

Like a snake, she slithered through the numerous maids and butlers before appearing in front of them.

It only took the blink of an eye for her fist to be near someone's face.

A sense of dread occured on the person, as if he couldn't do anything but stare upon the small fist getting larger.

His mind went blank as he closed his eyes and winced. He knew this would dislocate or even fracture his jaw. Hopefully he would become unconscious before then.

The moment the man opened his eyes again, he saw the girl laying on the ground. She was knocked unconscious by the magic technique of his colleague.

He thought to himself, 'My face was so close to being disfigured...' He gave his thanks to his friend with a nod.

One of the hooden individuals, approached the boy on the ground. He then apologised, "Sorry prince Forcedius. Due to the claim of some people, we're afraid that will have to shackle you down and make you have an audience with the King."

Forcedius replied back, "At least... can you tell me the reason? Perhaps I'm being accused to killing my own brother?"

"Precisely. It’s quite sad and we do hope that it was a misunderstanding."

Before Forcedius could retort, the loud sound of someone shouting interupted him.

"Prince Hamlyn!!! You can't move right now! You're severely injured!"

Next moment, a man appeared limping with lots of medical wraps on him.

His golden hair drooped which matched his unfocused eyes. He muttered, "Brother..." A surrowful look. It only lasted for a moment before he turned towards the group of hooden people with a fierce look. As if the old Hamlyn returned.

"Let go... of them this instance! *Cough* *Cough*" Though it only lasted for a moment before he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"Prince, you're clearly in a dire state, please let me carry Forcedius to the King in peace."

"I... won't allow it..." Before he could continue, he fell to the ground unconscious.

The person who was following Hamlyn, immediately came to his side before lifting him up. Asking help before they carried him. The prince’s last sight before he succumbed the lull was Forcedius.

Forcedius thought to himself, 'Strangely, I was in deep sleep... The perpetrator used that time to murder Seph. But why did he leave me alive then? Poison could've done me in...'

He then turned to find his unconscious little sister Katherine. He told the maid nearby, "Bring Katherine back to her chamber."


The maids nodded. Normally they would be frightened enough by the mages to ask approval from them first, but the respect and loyalty they have for Forcedius was quite high. Especially ever since his change.

Even the group of robed figures couldn’t fathom to the speed of how they carried off the unconscious Katherine. The robed individuals didn't even utter a word since they had no business with princess Katherine.

The group of hooded mage, brought the shackled Forcedius to the King's chamber.


The large doors opened before the sound of numerous steps could be heard.

Inside the throne room, it was a place of simplicity in terms of furniture and architecture. Though the height was impressive alongside the windows. The top half of those tall windows had beautiful stained glass with a pattern that resembled the symbol of lightning. When looking directly up, you could see multiple bricked scaffolds zooming horizontally with some bearing chandeliers. They were supported by pillars with torches surrounding them like sashes.

Behind the throne was a large circular glass window that peers into the forest of nightmares. Beautiful red curtains cover the sides.

The throne was simple but wonderfully crafted. Suited to the supreme aura of the man who sat on it.

Forcedius was forced to kneel before his father, the King.

The King waved his hand before everyone left. Leaving only his son and him.

"I never thought that in just one day...I would have to face both you and your mother kneeling in front of me."

Forcedius closed his eyes before persuading, "I was asleep, there's no way it was me."

"Sadly, no matter what you say right now...it won't change my mind. There's multiple evidence that leads to you." He then continued, "I'm starting to think that someone is trying to mess with you and your mother. But I don't see any advantage to that. Your brothers and sister don't really have any grudge to Sephilio except you."

Forcedius knew that one of the reasons would be that. He sighed inwardly.

"Another reason is the fact that you were found roaming the corridors during that incident."

"Impossible, I was asleep."

"Countless maids and butlers could attest."

"..." Forcedius then thought to himself, 'Someone took my place...That means...' His expression turned pale, then flushed with anger.

The King noticed his change in behavior but didn't speak of it. He then moved to the next evidence.

"The last one sealed the case." The King snapped his fingers before a dark cloathed man appeared from the ceiling. Presenting a sword.

The king then asks, "Do you remember this?"

Staring upon the straight blade, Forcedius nodded.

"It was presented to you after you beated Sephilio in that competition." He then closed his eyes before continuing, "How ironic that this very blade is the one that killed Sephilio."

Looking at the clean blade, the prince felt baffled.

He then questioned, "How do you know it's this blade and more importantly why does it relate to me?"

"My most trusted advisor, hired some skilled doctors to examine the width and depth of the wound on Sephilio. The wound matched exactly to the sword I’m currently holding. Next, a particular court sorcerer used a technique and found traces of Sephilio's blood on the blade. If it weren't for the sorcerer, no one could find it as it was almost thouroughly cleaned."

The king then questioned Forcedius, "With all that being said, and also the sword being in your room and hidden quite well...Of course I would accuse you."

Forcedius gave up. He knew that he was perfectly set up, and he couldn't even rebuke right now. He doesn't know anyway to prove his innocence.

The King sighed with a volume that could be clearly heard. He then assures his son, "No worries, I have no plan to execute you. Even if Sephilio died by your hands."

Forcedius’s eyes widened as he raised his head, "...Why?"

"One, even though there's so many evidence towards your murder...I still think that you were set up. Secondly, since Sephilio is now gone, you're going to be an important figure later on due to your swordmanship. Learning proper art of war would make you take the place of Sephilio. Being a key foundation of the kingdom. Even possibly inheriting the right to the throne. Aside from you, there’s only one other person who’s capable of being a crown prince. It’s a shame that Hamlyn is disabled, otherwise he would prove more worthy."

"..." Sephilio couldn't help but feel a bit relieved that his father is somewhat competant.

The King then said, "No need to thank me. Just make sure to train hard with a person who I was recently recommended to."

It was the same man who presented the blade, but this time he removed his hooded cloak.

The first thing that Forcedius noticed was the fact that the man’s face was covered in small holes. As if things pierced him deeply.

"This is Ku'iv. He's one of my body guards, he'll train you to be the very best in this Kingdom. Though you'll be moved to the back of this palace alongside your mother. This way others would think that you are being held like birds but in reality you’re going to be an eagle."


Later at that time, the youngest wife of the King fled the castle with her very young daughter. She had a premonition that her husband might’ve went mad from all the changes. Like how he even locked his very own son and had zero trust on his word. Sooner or later, it would be her turn. So, she took this chance to escape with her toddler

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