《The Healing Thief》Forcedius (7)


Forcedius (7)


The sound of steps could be heard.

A person's shadow neared before revealing that it was Seph.

His brown hair was quite messy which somehow matched his tired looking eyes.

His movement slowed when he heard someone's conversation nearby.

Two familiar voices to him.

Peeking around the corner, he spotted Forcedius who was speaking with Anne quite happily. The lady who previously was set to be his wife.

In his heart he felt a bitter feeling. At the same time, annoyance started taking control.

Only after seeing that lady Anne left, did he emerged and spoke coldly, "Brother, out of all things you could request...You had to pick her?" Electricity could be seen moving around him.

Forcedius felt the pressure of the aura emitting from his brother. Making it hard to move. At least he could speak as he replies back, "What are you talking about, I wouldn't go requesting for someone who I never have met." A look bafflement could be seen on his face

Sephilio knitted his eyebrows, "Hoho, never thought you'd still avoid telling the truth." He then closed his eyes before continuing, "Our father himself told me that you requested her for marriage."

Gritting his teeth, Forcedius cried out, "He's the one who is lying!" He then took a step back to avoid his brother's pressure before he continues, "Tch, you are so worried about that lady while already having another. Someone who was so close to me...You didn't know how I felt back then!"

Forcedius then elaborated after gnashing his teeth, "Someone young like me, having his first love stolen!"

He couldn't understand his little brother as he says to him, "You don't make any sense." Sephilio then thought to himself that this is meaningless before going after Anne.

Leaving behind the frustrated Forcedius.

Their rationality has been clouded with anger.

"Wait Anne!" He finally caught up to her.

"...Seph?" She replied back with a puzzled tone.

Sephilio saw her mixed expression before he asks, "Be Honest, do you actually agree with these shenanigans?" His tone was filled with frustration. Even if his tone sounded normal.

She saw how his eyes were almost hazy like, and the corners being red.

"Calm down Seph..."

He pestered again, "Anne, this is something that you truly don't want right?"

This time, lady Anne paused for a moment before she replied back, "Who said so?"

"...!?" Seph's expression changed.

Anne sighed before continuing, "Since the King ordered it, and since I'm already betrothed to his family, there is no big deal in switching partners. Even if the King himself takes me as his concubine."

Seph felt something shattered inside of him, "Anne... Do you even know what are you saying?"

She bit her lower lip before saying coldly towards him, "I know clearly very well, and it is Lady Anne to you now. Since we're not engaged anymore." She then went away. Leaving him behind.

Her words caused the disappearance of the last remaining pieces that kept Sephilio sane.

Started laughing, before long... started crying.


In the living quarter of the royalty.

The soft sound of a lady's voice could be heard, "Instructor Feng, I have something to talk to you about, regarding my son."

Nodding, he then replied back, "Yeah, I've seen him. He precisely had the look of someone who lost something precious."

The lady nodded before inviting, "Come inside my room, we need to have a proper discussion."

He asks in response, "Is it alright with you?"


She nodded before opening the door of her room.

Letting the man inside.

A little while later, Feng took the cup made of wood before inhaling the fragrance coming off it. he then comments, "It has been a while since I took ginseng tea."

"Really? I always have some ready in my personal storage." She then eyed the ring on her finger. She came back to the important topic at hand, "So, do you have any clue as to why my son is different than usual?"

Placing down the wooden cup, Feng replied, "Something to do with that green haired girl."

Raising an eyebrow, she confirms, "Are you sure?"

"It's a gut feeling. And my gut rarely is wrong." He then winked.

The lady shivered before showing a wry smile. Only saying afterwards, "Well, I can't deny that you're indeed an expert when it comes to that subject."

"I wouldn't exactly call myself an expert." Feng was being modest.

She smiled before saying, "We gone off topic again." She then paused for a moment before continuing, "Have you also seen the change in his brother?"

"The tall man with brown hair?"

She nodded as a reply.

He then affirmed, "Of course. I Witnessed his horrible expression before he entered his room."

She then says, "It's kind of weird. The same goes for my husband, the King." She then thought of something before continuing, "Just last month, he announced the marriage of Sephilio and lady Anne Guin. Now the King decides to hand over that lady who I barely know to my very son. As an act of punishment to poor Sephilio."

"It is definitely weird. The king could have chosen prince Hamlyn instead since he was much older."

"Sadly, due to him being crippled, not to mention his impotency, the King decided that he's not a good match. Especially since the status of Anne grew due to how their house contributed in recapturing a fort this past year. It is also not helping that my son won that competition." Seeing that her cup was empty, she filled it up again.

"Would Forcedius even like having a lady he doesn't know as his wife?" Feng sighed.

"This is how nobles work. But as a mother, I can't tolerate something like this..." She then took a sip of the tea.

Feng started feeling kind of dizzy and hot. He then noticed something strange on Lady Suzune, "Hey, how come your face is so flushed..."

She felt her breathing became haggard as she replies back, "You too..."


The rattling of chains could be heard.

With a pull, it forced a certain lady to get up.

She felt the pain on her wrists before she looks up.

Sitting on the throne, a middle-aged man was staring back at her. With an expression filled with anger with hints of disappointment.

He then yelled, "So, tell me Suzune. What's your excuse for betraying my trust and love?"

"You know very well that it's obviously the use of an aphrodisiac." She replied back with a straight stare.

"We have checked everything there, even the tea you drank. There's no sign of any of them being tampered." The king then massaged his forehead.

She felt puzzled at first before she suggests, "How about our bodies then! It's pretty obvious that we have been drugged in some way!"

"Neither of your bodies had any trace! two of my best court sorceresses told me about it."

The lady bit her lower lip before she says, "...You won't believe me?"


"It doesn't help that both you and that man originate from the Kian region. Also, the fact that the last nigh we shared was very long ago." The King rebuked.

Seeing the resolute eyes of the King, she sighed before saying, "...I might be punished for this, but remember that this is some sort of plot!"

"Plot? How? You're my least favorite wife...I'm pretty sure it's obvious to everyone." He then continued after eyeing the water eyes of his wife, "Not to mention that red-haired man, I see no reason for him to be involved in this sort."

"..." Suzune had nothing to say.

The King sighed before saying, "I was smitten when I first met you. The way you played that instrument and your mesmerizing voice. A shame that you had to betray me this way." He then snapped his finger before continuing, "Drag her into her room, have a guard patrolling inside and out."

Suzune asks, "What's my punishment?"

"It's not yet decided. But it's going to be severe that's for sure." He then saw the worried look of hers before he continued, "Our son is not involved."

His last words were all she needed. She felt relieved as she was escorted to her room by guards holding her in chains.


Somewhere inside a dungeon.


There sat a man beside a barred window.

Having no way to see if it weren't for the moonlight. Illuminating his vibrant red hair.

in front of him were guards that detain difficult prisoners. Particularly ones that are quite powerful.

He then asks the guards, "Not even a sip of alcohol allowed?"

"Stop asking the same question!" One of the guards replied back with an irritated loud voice.

Feng spat before replying, "Fine. No wine. But can I at least have water?"

One of the guards sighed before throwing in a leather bag.

With the shackle between his wrists, it was difficult for him to pick it up and drink.

Only after some time did he manage to quench his thirst.

Afterwards he laid his back to the wall before thinking, 'How did I get into this mess.'

He then sighed before recalling the events that occurred inside that room. 'Instead of getting poisoned, it had to be that.'

Thinking about it...made him loath himself before he yelled to the guards, "HEY!"

Both of them yelled back together, ""What!?""

"Can you...beat me up?" he asked kindly.

They were completely unprepared to what he said.

Afterwards one of them whispered to the man besides, "Is this really the man who thought prince Forcedius?"

"Maybe. He does have red hair." He whispered back.

They then shrugged before minding their own business.

Feng sighed before laying on his hay bed, thinking to himself, 'Now, how am I going to get out of here. Maybe Forcedius could solve this mess.' He then paused for a moment before continuing his trail of thoughts, 'Maybe not.'


Late at night.

Inside the bedchamber of the King.

The sound of loud steps could be heard outside.

Hearing that caused the middle-aged man to sigh out loud. He stood up from his bed before waving to each of his side.

Afterwards, his large door was pushed open before a young teenager entered. Followed by guards who were contemplating whether to stop him.

"What's the meaning of this father!?" The young boy yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I already explained to you my son. Your mother cheated on me." He showed a disgusted look before assuring him, "Although I will definitely release your teacher after three years has passed."

Forcedius felt relieved that his instructor wasn't harmed but then when he thought about his mother.

Recalling as to how the maids were treated on their mistake caused him to yell out, "She's still my mother and your wife! Don't you dare lay even a finger on her!"

"Don't worry, for now I had imprisoned her to the room. That's all."

He knitted his eyebrows before questioning, "Then why can't I meet her?"

"She'll be isolated to her room. Having only her personal maid to deliver food to her. Since that room has all the things she needs, it's not so bad as a punishment." He then continued after resting his head on his hand, "If it were another King, they would've made her feel the sting of countless whips. Worse, executed."

Forcedius winced before rudely walking out the King's chamber.

Passing by Hamlyn who had a worried look on him.

He wanted to talk to him but he was not in the mood.


"Someone is definitely aiming to tumble down the structure of this place."

The King closed his book before replying, "Are you worried about Forcedius's mother?"

"Not her, but the person who set up that situation." Hamlyn crossed his hands before looking at his father.

His father raised one of his brows before questioning, "By your words and tone, I can presume that you found the culprit?"

"No, I still don't have solid evidence." He paused before continuing, "But I know for sure it has to be her."

This piqued the King's interest, "Who?"

"The sole heir to the noble Guin Family, Anne Guin."

The King knitted his eyebrows before questioning, "Let me hear your reason for accusing her."

"Firstly, all these incidents started arising the moment she stepped in the palace again." A short pause. "Secondly, ever since she started being the lover of Sephilio, his tactics started failing." Another short pause. "Thirdly, there has been a small amount of eye witness to how she was spotted speaking with Forcedius's mother. A week back."

The eye changed for the King before he asks, "Is there more?"

"Yes, I've written all my findings inside the scroll right here."

The King held the scroll before eyeing Hamlyn. Slowly his eyes were covered in red light before the scroll on his hand turned to ashes.

He then massaged his forehead before telling his son, "Even if Lady Anne was the culprit for all this mess, doing something to her would do more harm than good at this moment. Considering that we're about to have the backings of old Guin with the marriage of Forcedius. I know for sure that more than half of the households are plotting to end my lineage and we'll need all the power that we can."

Hamlyn burst in anger before pointing to his father and saying, "Are you an idiot or what!? Isn't it the same thing!? Anne Guin is definitely plotting to throw your head to the gutter! Why would you tolerate such thing!?"

"Cause it's just one person." He then waved

Hamlyn rebuked by rudely kicking away a chair before walking away.

Before he could exit, he heard his father say to him, "Be a good son and stop meddling with Anne's background."

This caused him to curse as he exited the door.

Hamlyn then went through the corridor, seeking to descend through the main stair case.

The moment his feet stepped downward upon the stairs, he felt a huge force hit him from behind.

His eyes widened before he felt a series of pain.

Slowly his consciousness left him as he stared at the figure on top of the stair case.


After getting out the King's chamber, Forcedius bumped into Sephilio.

He felt no mood to meet his quarrelsome brother at the moment. But he found the atmosphere around Sephilio strange. Anger wasn't pointed towards him but instead a serene sense of bewilderment.

He raised his head and stared upon the tired eyes of his brother.

Forcedius was then questioned, "What did father say about mother?" A genuine question of care.

Feeling aghast, he corrected himself before immediately replying, "She has not been harmed, and as for my instructor, he has been sentenced to three years in the dungeon."

A weird silence followed after.

Sephilio broke the silence, "Sorry about what I said to you before. Anger clouded my judgement. I'll try my best to convince Father to forgive your Mother at least."

Forcedius was about to forgive him until he remembered something.

He then shook his head before staring at his brother with knitted brows, "I'm sorry, but I can't forgive you since there's a very large chance that you were responsible for this mess."

"..." He raised an eyebrow.

"Lady Anne told me that you would occasionally use aphrodisiacs to help you at night."

Sephilio's expression turned from being trouble to somewhat angry. He then asks, "When did she told you this?"

"Yesterday, inside my room."

Sephilio stood in place.

Forcedius turned his attention towards the hand of his brother which started bleeding.

Sephilio then sighed before saying, "No matter what you think of me, remember of all the times in the past." Afterwards, he walked away.



It was snowing.

A weird occurrence since it was so pleasant some days back.

The hallways were cold and the presence of life was none except a guard who sat with a blanket on him.

Beside the multiple stained windows, snow started to pile up. Due to the winds strangely moving towards the palace.

The sound of fire crackling could be heard inside a certain large room.

A man could be seen sitting on a chair and staring upon the fireplace.

Holding a bottle of wine which is half-empty. Around him were countless empty bottles.

As expected, his expression was flushed with obvious signs of being drunk.

Sephilio closed his eyes before thinking to himself, 'My head... Aghh... I can't even feel my mana...'

Suddenly, the loud sound of the window shattering could be heard.

Even with being intoxicated with wine, he still stood upwards and turned towards the place.

He saw that a small window at the very right of the room was left with fragments of glass. A dead bird could be seen on the middle with its blood gushing out.

Sephilio walked towards the bird while trying to focus his mana.

His head was buzzing with pain ever since he stood up but he endured it.

When he got close, he saw that it was a crow. A dead one.

He then thought to himself, 'I'm lucky...Huh. What a twisted jok-'

His thought stopped due to feeling a sharp pain.

Seephilio immediately channeled his mana throughout his body, but his source doesn't seem to be responding.

The pain became worse as he felt his organs get skewered.

Blood came out his mouth before he fell to the ground.

Feeling the cold floor.

The room became silent except the howls of the wind coming from outside.

His eyes went blurry as his thoughts flashed multiple moments of quality time with a certain lady.

Then afterwards, his mother and all of his siblings. Especially Forcedius, since he remembered carrying him up in the air and seeing his childish smile.

His vision grew darker as he slowly started feeling really cold.

The feeling of his body already left.


Before his eyes closed for good, he heard the words, "Sorry. If there's another lifetime...I'll compensate then." A sad tone filled with regret.

Knowing that voice, he felt regret in his heart before he took his...

Eternal slumber.


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