《The Healing Thief》Forcedius (6)


Near the canyon of slumbering moon bears. Beside a fish village and on the path that leads to the palace of the King.

The sound of men and women screams echoed through out. Even the dying noises of horses

A battle was taking place at the right section of a band.

More of a slaughter to be precise.

On the front side, a man cladded in silver armor had an irritated look. He patted the head of his horse before a man appeared beside him.

"What happened?" He asked calmly with an expression devoid of emotion.

After stopping his horse by using the harness, the man replied, "My lord Sephilio, we've been ambushed by Xoplis soldiers!"

Knitting his eyebrows, Sephilio comments, "But how? The distraction was almost flawless...not to mention the amount of units under me is so small..."

"Maybe the king was right, taking this plan was risky." A middle-aged man commented beside him.

Sephilio gritted his teeth before telling the man, "Raise the defensive formation flag. Also give orders to the south, west, and east captains to protect the three sorceress at all costs."

he then turned to his side, before giving a nod to the middle-aged man.

Seeing the look on Sephilio made the man sigh before unsheating his sword. Brandishing it afterwards.

The battle then commenced.

At the centre of the band, the foot soldiers raised their shields before circling around the center with spears at hand.

Sadly, afterwards, the enemy soldiers came in with their heavy cavalry at hand. Easily beating the frontline due to the difference in momentum, and most importantly, the moral of the frightened units.

Luckily the sorceress at the centre were able to help the frontline get through. Buying enough time for the allied cavalry to salvage with their flanks at both side.

unfortunately before the horses could get close, a large barrage of thick arrows rained on them. Halting, or even killing both the rider and animal.

It didn't stop there as one of the sorceress was shot in the head by a dark beam. She was the one responsible for increasing the strength of the frontline.

She fell to the ground unconscious.

The ladies nearby became wary and erected a strong barrier to surround them. Though this act caused them to decrease the amount of help they're giving to allied army around them. Resulting in a slow demise.

One of the sorceress yelled to the other, "We should leave this useless soldiers behind and get our sister out of here!"

"Agreed, lets give it another moment before we rush to the front."

After seeing a severed head flying towards them, they decided that it was time. Slowly, they carried the sorceress to the front. One of them used an orb to surround themselves in a wind barrier. Channeling their refined mana in the orb is another way of harnessing the elements around. Though particularly meant for defending.

Sephilio felt irritated that the sorceress left the frontline defenceless.

He then saw the massive hurling of large molten rocks, flattening most of the remaining army.

It was the sorceress's job to intercept incomming enemy spells. He felt annoyed truly.

Though he couldn't help but hatehimself.

That's because the lives of everyone here is not compared to that of three sorceress.

The anger caused him to immediately unsheath his blade before pointing it onto the sky.

On his back, the tattoo there glowed in bright gold.

His eyes turned white as his blade was covered in electricity.

The clouds in the sky parted.

Before anyone's notice, almost every enemy cavalry units where charred by lightning. The smell of burning flesh filling the battlefield. A tiny moment later, followed by the loudest thunder anyone has heard.


The enemy halted their advance as they couldn't help but become petrified from what they saw in front of them.

This buyed enough time to allow Sephilio's elite bodyguards to safely escort the sorceress away.

Though later on, a man riding a horse with a limp arm could be seen going towards the Palace.

It was Sephilio, completely exhausted with hazy eyes filled with regret.

His silver armor which was tarnished in blood and dirt, had many punctured holes. In his leather bag, someone's severed hand could be seen dangling out.

He keeps pushing himself to stay conscious as his mana reserve is nearing zero.

Though the sounds of his soldiers agonizng screams still linger inside of him.

He shouldn't have took that advice, or better yet, he shouldn't have even made that plan.


Inside a certain room in the palace.

Where light barely shined inside.

Only hanging lanterns, powered to create fire by mana crystals.

On the center layed a table with a large map on it. Many sheleves with countless scrolls and little books here and there. Not to mention the numerous amount of cloth on the ground.

A man's voice echoud throughout the room. His tone resembled that of a middle-aged man.

"Let me get this straight, you basically failed me."

Afterwards, the sound of a glass being placed on a wooden table could be heard.

Another man was inside the room. Wearing multiple medical wrappings on him.

He looked hallow as he remained silent, "..."

"If things turned out different, we would have three extra sorceress who are comendable in creating barriers. Later those very women were found dead...in a special way."

"Not to mention because of your incompetence, an important village was ravaged to the ground. Just because you decided to gamble on that risky plan of yours. Instead of being someone with common sense. Not able to wait patiently near the village for reinforcements to arrive."

the king then snapped his fingers before the soldiers removed the sheeth of white cloth on the dead bodies nearby.

Revealing the horrible expressions of three young women, and multiple heads of dead soldiers.

The women's body were covered in blood while having most joints dislocated.

The king then asks mockingly, "This was just recently sent to us. Do you recognize them?"

Sephilio stared at each of the bodies before closing his eyes deeply, he then replied, "Yes."

"Good. Make sure you engrain this picture of them inside of you." He then continued after giving a sharp glare, "This time you let me down entirely, Sephilio."

He nodded again before he asks, "Who was responsible for doing such horrible things to these women." his eyes had hints of anger behind them.

"Luckily we recently found the identity of the culprit. It was done by searching the mind of a young man who was a survivor. Apparently it was a man from Kian region. Someone who is known as Ming Lu. Though he disappeared from sight."

'Ming Lu...' Sephilio recited the name inside his head.

"Now disappear, my son. I'll set your punishments later. I have to now deal with all the outcries coming from villages nearby. Word travels fast. Not to mention the compensation I have to give to house Vinial. Stupidly killing off their great sorceress due to a buffoon's mistake."


A day before the small royal competition took place. A windy morning with the scent fresh flowers lingering in the hallways. A sleeping quarter for the wives and children of the King.

The floors have whole furs of large powerful creatures. Keeping the residents warm even if you don't have any shoes on.


A young boy around thirteen came out of his room, letting the sunlight cover him.

Black fluffy hair with matching eyes. Complexion being slightly tarnished form the sunlight due to training a lot.

Seeing the window, he never understood why they placed the window just in front of his room. At least it wakes him up, somewhat.

He then heard a clicking sound after stretching his arms.

There in the right, he saw his brother Sephilio's door open.

From inside, a head peered out, looking sideways. A green haired girl.

The moment he saw the green hair, Forcedius immediately hid himself.

Thinking ti himself, 'What's Quafilia doing in brother's room?'

Peeking a little bit, he found that she was hurriedly running away. To the opposite direction of where his room is.

He also spotted that she dropped something which looked like an undergarment.

Hurriedly picking it up before running away even faster.

Forcedius was puzzled and horrible thoughts clouded his head.

Though he decided to not think much about it and procede to meet with his instructor Feng. That's what he thought at first.


Later at night, Forcedius decided to hide and wait around his brother's room.

The sound of crickets chirping could be heard with the occasional hoots of an owl. In the middle of the night.

Since it was cold outside, Forcedius covered himself with a blanket as he waits on a certain corner. No one was awake right now, even the maids were off to sleep.

Only the guards who patrol occassionaly. Just in case aassassins went in.

But he felt that something was off as he never saw a guard till now.

Even with knowing that, he still kept still. Turning around here and there.

Eventually he heard someone's footsteps. It was light as if the person was trying really hard to mask the presence.

Looking to the side, it was a green haired girl, holding a lamp. Obviously being Quafilia.

Forcedius watched carefully as she opens the door of his brother's room. Hearing a little moment later, the voice of his brother.

"Come in." It was soft but recognizable.

Quafilia nodded before entering the room. Shutting the door behind her.

Forcedius went nearby the room, and waited.

After hearing the murmurs for a long moment, he then started hearing the rough breathing from inside.

His vission grew blury as the sound inside became clearer.

He understood by now but he couldn't move. As if he was paralyzed. Or better yet, frozen in fear.

Slowly turning around, he covered his ears before walking back into his room. Deprived of thoughts, except the buzzing sound inside his head.

He felt dizzy, he wanted to puke his guts out, he wanted to scream out loud.

Eventually he layed down on his bed, and stared at the candle nearby. Thinking about numerous things.


At the day of the competition, everything went out smoothly.

The sons of the king, were especially great during combat.

Easily beating their peers.

In Krehor, age descrimation didn't exist.

You'll not be mocked for losing to someone younger, even besting one.

That goes the same for this competition, every opponent that Forcedius face who were older than him, didn't joke around. During combat, they would try their very best to beat him. Even at their defeat, they would admit without a single word of complaint. Plitlely bowing respectfully afterwards.

This goes the same with everyone.

The competition went harder for Forcedius, but he still went through.

Even giving his father, the king, a smile.

Quafilia who was nearby, noticed that he was different than usual. Even during their conversation before the battle.

A little worry filled her.

The red-haired instructor drank the contents of the glass before nodding in aprroval. His eyes said otherwise as they were ssharp and surveying.

The competition proceded, till the two brothers met.

Both Sephilio and Forcedius.

The older, having a rather serious look. At the same time, inside of him, he felt proud of his brother. Being able to be at the finals.

He then says to himself, 'Even with being labelled as a failure, I still feel like showing him the best of what I can do.' Spying his father a little later.

Though the moment he saw the eyes of Forcedius...A shiver ran through him.

Since what he saw was pure hatred coming off him.

When the battle started, all the swings of Forcedius were deadly and filled with an aura of malice.

Sephilio felt baffled due to not understanding why he's being hated. He even asked himself, 'Did I do something to receive his anger?'

He tried protecting himself from the barrages of strikes, but since the form of Forcedius was different than norm. Really hard to read. Not to mention the injury received a while ago.

Feints were done with switching of the blade hand. Showing all the things Forcedius has learnt this past years.

Sephilio never thought that it was possible for someone to switch repeatedly when striking with a blade. Not to mention the fact that when Forcedius aims to do a heavy blow, he would wield his sword with two hands. Explaining the reason why the hilt is long.

He couldn't even attack, not to mention giving a moment to breath.

Though that doesn't mean he'll just be in the receiving end. He closed his eyes before calming his head and striking back.

He was not labeled to be a great warrior in times of war for nothing.

Like a beast, he repelled the offense before giving the boy in front of him, the taste of a veteran warrior.

His arms moved like a snake as he continusly shift from thrusting to weird angles of slashes.

Midway, he realised that his arms became sore, 'The strength he displays is abnormal...If only I'm not so injured but I fear even then we would be equal at best...'

Before he knew it, his sword was already on the ground.

The winner was decided.

Sephilio raised his head to find his father back with shame. It was only his father though as everyone clapped to his display of prowes.

Sephilio smiled wryly before thinking, 'Only he will descriminate between ages. Not to mention the fact that I failed before...'

He then sighs before looking around for a lady. Thinking to himself afterwards, 'Well it's a good thing she didn't came. I didn't want to embrass her.'

He turned before looking at Forcedius. His eyes seems too hazy than usual. The anger that was displayed before was all gone.

Raising his hand, Sephilio then says, "I don't know what angered you, but that was a great duel."

Forcedius didn't understand why, but his head blanked for a moment. Before he knew it the match was over.

Looking at Sephilio's hand, he was puzzled but he eventually shook the hand.

Afterwards, he spotted a forced smile appeared on Sephilio's face.

He didn't understand it.

Instead of pondering further about it, he gone off the stage before heading towards Quafilia. Who had a towel ready. She had a weird look on her.

Forcedius saw the mixed feeling on her eyes.

Only now he realized what he has done. Shaking his head, Forcedius then says, "Sorry." Like what his teacher thought him.

Quafilia showed a wry smile before replying, "You caught us, huh."

He closed his eyes before nodding gently.

She then says, "You should understand by now, who my heart belongs to."

Forcedius had a downcasted look. Nodding afterwards before thinking of getting back to his room.

Ignoring all the countless people questions.

Though there was one voice which made everyone halt.

It was the King's voice.

He yelled, "Halt my son. You can't just leave without receiving your reward."

Turning around, Forcedius looked up. With a look that obviously says that he doens't want to be here any longer.

The King turned to his older son before revealing a scornful look. Afterwards he declared, "Since you were victorious of this little competition, I bestow you the rights of marrying a lady. Her name is Anne Guin!"

Large applause came foward. From many family the claps could be heard.

But particularly, the head of Guin, was having a complicated look as he stares at his King. Telling himself, 'Isn't this punishment... A bit harsh...'

Sephilio's eyes widened as the words of his father repeats on his head. Like a thunder.

Slowly, like pieces crumbling, he fell to his knees before thinking to himself, 'This can't be happening...'

He then looked around to find his lover, but no traces of her could be spotted.

A bit far away, Forcedius wondered why his brother was so in dispair. But he didn't give much thought to it as he already was walking away.

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