《Dark Chronicles》Ch 7 Breakfest


I reach the ground floor and see people eating breakfast with a few maids and butlers serving them. The old man behind the counter so I walk up to him and sit down.

"So, I trust the room was to your liking. I see you got all that blood washed off..."

"Yes, the room was good so can I have some breakfast here? Or do I have to sit somewhere else for breakfast?"

"No, sitting here is perfectly fine! Just tell me what you want from this list and I will make it for you then once you're done, you can pay.”

He passes me a menu. I know most of the dishes so I decide to go with some toast with fruit jam and a coffee.

Wait a second... If I now share a soul with Drake, does that mean he eats what I eat? So maybe he wants something else? I should try to make his stay as nice as possible so he would teach me more magic.

'Hey Drake, what do you want for breakfast?'

'Eat whatever you want but if you could I would like it if you eat as much meat as possible because that's what dragons love most of all oh, and thank you.'

'No problem!'

"Hey owner, I would like some toast with some fruit jam and coffee with a lot of bacon on the side!"

"Okay, it will be right out."

I see him head into the back then hear him say a few words then comes back out and serves a few customers then comes back to me with a smile.

"So... What are your plan for the day, sir?"

Why the hell did this guy care what I was doing today? And does he really have to keep calling me ‘sir’? It is starting to annoy me...

"I plan on leaving this town on a convoy I am protecting oh, and please stop calling me ‘sir’. My name is Kaito."

"Well, seems like you have a interesting day ahead of you, Kaito. Oh, and just to make things even my name is Mike and it's nice to meet you."

We continue talking a little about what I did yesterday and about the inn. It actually has quite a history.

Mike built this place when he was just 20 and has run it. Since then, he has had to face many things: bandits, crazy ex-lovers and even had to rebuild when a giant fire beast attacked the village 36 years ago.

Even though I just met this man, I can say I like him... He reminds me of master in a way.


While we are talking, a call comes from his bracelet and he leaves to go attend to it.

When he comes out, he is carrying my order on the plate in his right hand. He is carrying perfect golden brown toast with stacks of bacon on the side that look just right to be eaten. My mouth water just a little as he places the food down in front of me.

"I will go into the back and get your jam and coffee."

He walks into the back again. I take off my cowl so that I can eat.

This is the first time I have ever eaten in public. I start with the bacon because without the jam the toast will not be as good but the bacon is very good: it is crispy and tastes very good not as good as master’s cooking but still good.

I am still chewing when Mike comes out when he first sees me, he looks very surprised but it quickly fades and I go back to eating.

"Well... Color me shocked, who would have thought that beneath all that cowl was a good looking young man. I bet if Lucy saw you now she would blush instead of being scared."

"Maybe she would be both..."

"Hahahaha! Maybe you would be right!!!"

After that, the inn got very busy so I just sat down and ate my meal in peace and quiet just how I like it then suddenly, the entrance doors get slammed open.

I turn around and see four assholes, all rich looking sit down and I hear one of them saying:

"Pfft! What a shit hole this place is... I can't wait to leave. When will father be down with his business anyway?"

"Hey girl, get me you most expensive dish right now!"

The waiters and waitresses are quickly giving them whatever they want just so they will leave.

I finish my meal but I’ll stay because I still have time and I can tell this dipshits are going to cause trouble if left alone and I like Mike so I might as well do him a favor.

Their bad manners continue but most of it is just ordering around the staff like they own them. If they just continue just like that, we will have no problems.

But then their youngest grabs one of the waitress ass-


I swear, it was one of the best slaps I have ever seen! He looks dazed for a few seconds then only one emotion can be seen on his face: rage.

He stand up and grabs her by the arm.


"You bitch! You think you can slap me? Do you know who I AM? I the son of a duke I own everything in here including you!!!!"

He goes to slap her in the face but he's not faster than me, I catch his hand before he can land it then I activate my [Dragon Mark] and set his arm on fire.

Everyone looks shocked but then his older brother charges at me with a sword, I quickly blow him away with fireball.

The next two won’t get out of their chairs as they were paralyzed with fear. I turn off my [Dragon Mark] and the flames disappear all that's left off the four assholes is one with a burnt arm, the other one with scorch marks all over and the other two are paralyzed with fear.

"Are you alright?"

I ask the young waitress who is the same one that ran away from me yesterday. She starts to blush at me then just nods then I hear a little bitch saying something:

"You piece of mage shit! My father will have your head and then he will burn this place to the ground!!!"

Now, this person is the kind of people I hate: big mouth assholes who think people who aren't even here can protect them from problems right in front of them.

Maybe I should just silence him right now? I walk over and draw my sword as he starts making empty threats.

I can tell he's scared not just from the scent of piss coming from him but also the look in his eyes the same look I used to have before I had real power.

I bring down the sword "KAITO." but a familiar voice interrupts me it's Mr Kris and a chubby rich looking man with a beard who bears some resemblance to the assholes.

They start their slowly walk in. The room is completely quiet as they walk in then I hear the bitch beneath my sword start talking.

"Father, this idiot attacked us and tried to kill us! Teach him a les-"

"SHUT UP! Before I take out my anger on you, Axel... Now then Mr Kris, I am very sorry for what trouble my idiot sons have caused your man... I hope that this does not affect our relationship in the future and any expenses will be covered by me of course."

"Of course not! It was all a simple mistake by your sons, I hope when they get healed they do not make the same mistake once again..."

"I will make sure they do not you have my word Mr Kris Robert grab your brothers and let's leave before you embarrass me anymore."

After that, the four idiots and their father left and I was left with the mysterious Mr Kris. What kind the hell of background did he have for one thing? That was just a duke that showed complete servitude to him and not only that, also fear a lot of fear enough to abandon his own sons so he has to be more than just a simple merchant.

"So, this is what you look like under that cowl of yours? Never thought you would be so young but no matter, you are definitely strong, perfect for the trip so then let us be on our leave."

"Wait- How did you know what was going on?"

"Oh, Mike contacted me and told me what was going on so I headed over here to end it so can we go now or do you want to finish you meal because we still have time and don't worry, I will cover it for you since it was quite funny seeing those brothers pissing themselves."

"Thanks and no, just let me collect my cowl and we will leave."

After that we left and started our walk towards the meeting place.

"You're not going to ask about what happened back in the inn?"

"Everyone has the secrets, Tom. And I am not one to go prying into things that do not involve me since I trust you..."

"Thanks Kaito, I really didn't want to have to explain my past."

We continued to walk in silence until we reached the gate where I saw the caravan I would be protecting. I also saw a red haired teen around my age.

He had a innocent look to him but beneath those eyes deep green eyes, I could see a keen mind. He was fairly attractive, wearing some leather armour, feeding a cute white puppy but no visible weapons.

Is he the other guard?

"Hey sorry, did we make you wait Luke?"

"No, it's fine I was just feeding Cerberus- Hey, is that the other guy you were talking about? He looks strong... What do you think Cerberus?"

The dog stared for a while then walked up and rub himself against my leg. I patted him and he walked back to his master.

"Wow... I have never seen Cerberus be so warm to someone straight away. It's nice to meet you, my name is Luke."

He holds his hand for me, I shake it.

"Pleasure, my name is Kaito."

"Well then, now that everyone know each other let's get on our trip to [Vienstlelle]! It will take us for a while but I would like to arrive as soon as possible."

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