《The Prime Minister's Beloved Wife》A Gift


The day of the spring banquet was approaching with the ripening of the spring. The atmosphere was filled with the tiny colorful petals of the cherry blossom dancing in the air, a picturesque sight that even the commoners could enjoy. It is the season that everyone waits for the whole year.

Bai Yu Yan had been holed up in her room for the past week. Apart from going to the shop to inspect the work progress, she took the path back to the Autumn courtyard and worked inside her own room. The routine had been repeated for the past week. So except for a few servants, not many people had seen her on those days.

"Xiao Fan, you stupid girl, why didn't you tell me earlier that you know how to do needlework?", a crumpled paper was shot in the direction of Xiao Fan.

"Miss, Xiao Fan thought you already knew about it. Afterall which handmaid does not know how to do needlework, ah?", she looked at her Miss with a wronged expression. Her Miss seemed to be on the brink of going crazy. She had barely slept for the past few days. Her dark circle and bloodshot eyes scared Xiao Fan every time she saw her Miss.

Yu Yan knew it was not Xiao Fan's fault. But every time she thought of how Xiao Fan could be of help if she had known of her needlework earlier, she could only think of how the dress could have finished much faster. There were only two days to the spring banquet and if she didn't finish Consort Shu's dress by today, her shop would definitely get closed before it could get the second customer.

And with the deadline approaching, going a little nut was completely normal.

After two hours, Bai Yu Yan lay paralyzed on the couch. Her hands spread on either side of the couch and a charcoal stick was still inserted in her messy bun. On the ground, a few feet away from her, Xiao Fan laid like a dead fish, with her eyes staring at the ceiling. She had no energy left to care about her Miss's appearance.


"Miss, when did you learn to make dresses? Why isn't Xiao Fan aware of it? Don't tell me Miss learned from those legendary masters like in the stories and you are not allowed to disclose it to anyone.", Xiao Fan's imagination was running like a horse.

Bai Yu Yan closed her eyes in exhaustion. If she told Xiao Fan where she learned designing from, she was sure the girl would treat her like a ghost. "Aren't such legendary masters supposed to teach medicine and martial arts? Since when did they start teaching design?" She really couldn't fault Xiao Fan for reading such fantasy novels. Afterall her own situation was a result of reading such novels.

At last, Fan Lu's Ginseng Chicken soup finally saved their life.

The next day, Bai Yu Yan was getting ready to go to the Plum Garden. Xiao Fan was carefully doing her hair from the back.

"Madame, this servant is praised for having a good hand in making hairstyles, why don't Madame let this servant try it in her hair once?", Fan Lu came inside with a new pot of tea. These days, apart from Gui Momo, she has been working as Bai Yu Yan's personal servant.

Yu Yan motioned for her to come and help her with hair. Seeing this, Xiao Fan let go of her hair with a dissatisfied expression as if she was robbed of her privilege. "Xiao Fan, it's just making hair, why do you look like I owe you a thousand gold taels?" Fan Lu laughed as she took hold of Yu Yan's hair.

Fan Lu's hands were soft against her hair. While she was busy making her hair, Yu Yan quietly looked at her in the mirror. She didn't know why but she felt her face was a bit familiar to someone she knew. But no matter how she tried to think who it was, it didn't come to her mind. Choosing a hair accessory from the jewelry box, she casually asked, "Fan Lu, how about you go with me to the Plum Garden?"


The movement of Fan Lu's hand inserting the hairpin paused for a second. Without raising her eyes, she continued as if nothing happened and jokingly answered, "Madame if you take this servant with you, afraid that Xiao Fan will not forgive this servant for trying to covet her place."

"Hmph, as if you can take Xiao Fan's place."

"Of course, Xiao Fan will also go along.", Yu Yan added as she watched Fan Lu. The subtle unease hidden in her eyes didn't escape Yu Yan's sight.


"Fan Lu, what are you doing inside? Quickly come here and take this laundry", Fan Lu had yet to answer when Gui Momo's sharp voice came from outside the door.

"Madame, this servant cannot go with you. Let Xiao Fan accompany Madame.", hurriedly saying this Fan Lu ran out.

"At least she knows her place.", Xiao Fan's stiff muscles finally relaxed. "But Miss, why are we going to the Plum Garden?"

"You'll know when we reach there.", Bai Yu Yan answered as she mentally reminded herself to not be doubtful of everyone.

In the Plum Garden, Old Madame Lu was surprised to receive a present from Bai Yu Yan. She opened the bag to find a peach pink color dress. The fabric was none other than what the palace had sent a few days earlier. Peach pink is usually what the young girls wear but the dress in her hand was of a darker shade and suited to someone of her age. The V neck was cut two inches above the cleavage, giving ample space for the necklace while not showing too much skin. The complex patterns of veins were concentrated on the upper part of the body while the lower skirt only had few strands of the veins falling from above.

"Did you make this?", Old Madame Lu looked at Yu Yan with a wide eye.

"Yes, mother.", Yu Yan knew that after Father Lu's retirement, the palace wouldn't send any clothes to Old Madame. So from the two pieces of fabric she had, she used one to make a dress for Old Madame.

Old Madame Lu was at a loss for words. She looked at her quiet daughter-in-law and suddenly laughed at the back of her hand. She could clearly see the situation. Before, she had reluctantly approved of Yu Yan working in the shop. But now with this dress in her hand, Yu Yan had proved her worth as well as showed filial piety of a daughter-in-law. Her daughter-in-law didn't seem to be that silly.

Old Madame nodded her head. Her brows curving with her smile, "It's beautiful. Mother has received your feelings."

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