《Rise of the Empress of Stars》New Friends and Little brothers - 2





Ren and Lancer start to pull with full strength and the apple flies up into the air and draws a parabola landing in front of Zera and Inora.

"Aww...Aww..." "oww….ow…..", Ren and Lancer start screaming as they were sent tumbling backward due to inertia.

"Hahahaha….look at them Zera Haha.." Inora starts laughing out loud till she got tears in her eyes while excitedly pulling Zera beside her, who is also has a smile on her face.

Ren and Lancer slowly got up from the ground with red eyes as if about to cry, facing the apple resentfully which made them lose face in front of the little girls they quickly picked it up again without saying a word and started another round of apple flying into the air and two kids rolling back, falling, sometimes one of them let go first as the other fell. Which caused both Zera and Inora to laugh till they got the stomach.

"Okay, enough guys. You have been at it for more than an hour now, we can see that you got no hope in breaking it in half. Admit that you lost and call me Boss from now on!" Zera said, with a smile on her face as she watched the beggar-looking kids still trying to come up with ideas to break the apple.

"Hey, I don't accept it! We didn't lose and you can't break the apple anyway as we couldn't. We are much stronger than you and are much older but still, we couldn't. I don't believe you can break it in half with your bare hands!" Ren said with an indignant face while Lancer also nodded like chicken pecking rice supporting Ren.

"If I do it you have to call me boss and you can't go telling your parents afterward about whatever I told you to do. Okay?" Zera said smiling slyly.


"Yeah, sure but if first you have to break it and the goes for you too little girl won't forget," Ren said trying to suppress the smile forming on his face as he imagined the unending supply of snacks coming from now on.

"Sure, watch carefully now and don't say I cheated afterward," Zera said while taking the apple given by Inora and placing it in the center of her palm while facing Ren and Lancer.

"Go on start," Said Ren, paying close attention to the apple as if it is about to run away.

Zera held the apple in both hands, placing both index fingers at the stem and the thumbs at the bottom, and started to apply force on those fingers to get a tight grip and pull it apart with the index fingers and the support of the palm.

"See, come on little brothers say, Boss!" Zera said taking a bite out of one half of the apple while playing around with the other.

"No way, it's just a little trick. We can do that too if we agave another chance! I am not going to call you boss for a little trick, who are you trying to fool," said Ren with an indignant expression.

"Well how about this, I will do something with an apple and if you can do it the bet is off but if you cant I am your BOSS! Okay?" Said Zera looking pretty serious for a 7-month-old which made Ren, Lancer and Inora try their best to hide their laughs.

"Sure go on" Said Ren.

Taking the half apple she has been playing with, Zera placed it in her palm in front of them and she squished it like a sponge ball turning it into apple mash in an instant as she slowly opened her palm to the shock of her new friends.


Watching the idiotic-looking face of her new friends Zera let out a laugh and said with a raised eyebrow " So now am your Boss or do I need to squeeze your palms next time! Hmm!"

Regaining their senses after being shocked by the strength of the little girl in front of them the three little kids looked at their newfound friend with twinkling eyes filled with awe with their mouth forming a bit O.

Seeing that they are still watching her dumbfoundedly with awe in their eyes, Zera added" If you become my little brothers I can tell you how to get as strong as I am."

"Boss, give your little brothers a few minutes to bring our snacks as our first offering! Let's go, Lancer," said Ren motioning Lancer to hurry up.

"Yes Boss, I recently got a new remote-controlled car. I will get that as an offering!" said Lancer as he turned around to leave quickly.

Zera stood still watching them leave as a gust of wind and disappear around the corner unable to get her head around what just happened till Inora said " Hmm, Zera, Can I call you Boss as well. I also want to be as strong as you so that my parents can't snatch away my chocolates next time!"

"What? Snatch chocolates!"Zara said, regaining her senses while facing the chubby friend with her eyes twitching a little.

"Call me Zera, I am your friend, and sure, call me Boss if you feel like it but I will tell you the truck right now it's going to be quite hard to gain strength. You can't give up once you get started with training and you also have an added benefit that is, you can eat more food without getting chubby!"Zera explained seriously to her new friend.

"Are you sure I won't get chubby even if I eat 10 chocolates along with a tub of Ice Cream every day?" Inora asked seriously as if making a life and death decision.

"Hmm…that much quantity... I am pretty sure you can but it will take some time till you reach that level though. After a few years you can even eat 50 chocolates per day without a doubt if you follow the training, this I am sure." replied Zera.

'Girl is food the only thing you can think about all the time'

As Zera and Inora go discussing how much snacks they can eat every day while training, the sun sets over the horizon slowly marking the end of the day for Zera and her newfound little brothers.

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