《Eternal Soul》Chapter-31


The elevator door opened and they walked out, Luke observed the rows of desks occupied with people working on their computers, when Luke one desk and looked at the computer screen he could only see streams of codes in the monitor.

Agathe noticed Luke looking at the monitor with a intrigued expression,"They are correcting bugs and checking the game, even though the A.I do that, we still check it.", she then pointed at a corridor,"This way."

Walking half-way through the corridor, Agatha stopped and turned to a door in the right side of the corridor and opened the door while saying," Come in."

Luke stared at the door at the end of the corridor, 'That must be the president room.', he then followed Agatha and entered the room. Getting inside the office, he was suprised by how spacious and empty it's, only two sofa facing the windows and the desk beside it. Agatha was sitting down on the sofa and gestured to Luke do the same, Luke looked behind him and noticed that the two assistants vanished, he decided to not think about it.

Sitting on the sofa, Luke thought,'Why i had to come up here? I want to go back home.', then he took out the package with the papers inside it and tried to give it to Agatha,but she didn't took it, in place asked him,"Before you give me that,do you have any questions about the contract?"

Luke nodded,"I just want to confirm, i will receive the payment at the end of the month until you create the NPC that will take my place? And i will get a new apartment as a gift?"

"Yes, one with a view like this.", Agatha while answering got up and approached the windows, Luke too approached the windows.


"Even though it's simple concrete and clouds, it's a nice view. Funny that while i was coming here and looking at these tall building i thought,'It must be good living up there.'", Luke said while taking the view.

"Yeah, now there's only skyscrapers , the houses vanished even in the rural areas.", Agatha sat on the sofa again.

Luke tried to give her the papers and this time she accepted, she then ripped open the package and started to read the papers. Luke had a feeling that he had to wait a little more, bored he asked, " The president isn't here?"

Agatha answered while reading,"She's always busy for some reason, she was the creator of the game and know the secret of it, so it isn't like we can say anything and she said she did this to help her in finding someone or something like that."

Agatha stood up and putting the papers on the desk said,"You signed at the right places, so there isn't any problem.", she sat back on the sofa and continued speaking to Luke, "Why do you asked about her?"

"Just curious, by the way can i-", before he could finish, Agatha interrupted him, "Do you want to choose your apartment?"

"No.", Luke tried to gently say that he want to go back home but was interrupted everytime he tried to, and he couldn't be rude since she is his boss.

2 hours later.

Luke finally walked out the building, he looked at the blue sky and took out his phone, unblocking it he glanced at the hours, 4:15, then reopened the GPS app and started to make his way home.

While looking at the map he noticed that he could use the alleys as shortcuts, entering one he thought, 'I really don't want to come to this company often. And this obviously dangerous alley, why i entered it again?'


The inevitable soon happened, three silhoettes in the corner stood up and walked up to him, Luke looked at them and thought,'Again, why did i entered this alley?', he searched for anything that he could use, like a iron pipe.

Two stayed behind him, and one in the front, the one in the front said warmly,"Hey friend.", Luke was shocked by the guy's thick face,'Trying to rob me and dare to call me friend.', he answered while scanning the enemies to confirm if they had guns, after all it don't matter how strong someone is, one well aimed bullet in the head and the guy is dead.

Luke replied the thug after confirming that they only carry knives, "Hey, how are doing?".

The thug smiled and said,"Oh. I'm fine, but i'm needing money maybe you can help me."

Luke took out his wallet and opened it,"I do have money with me now, but it's not much and i will need it. Sorry, maybe another time.", putting his wallet back in his pocket he started to walk.

The thug thought he was in the control of the situation, so he was stunned by Luke answer. Before Luke could even move one step foward, the thug with a ugly angry expression said,"Are you making fun of me?"

Luke feeling frustated, answered,"Chill man. We can talk calmly about it."

The thug brandished the knife and while pointing it at Luke's face he said,"Talk my ass, give me your wallet and cell phone now!"

The thugs behind him did the same, and started to approach Luke. Luke shaked his head and said, "Okay then, catch it.", he then took out his cell phone and wallet, throwing them at the thug in front of him, 'I hope this works.', he crouched down and kicked the ground.

The thugs was suprised, and hurried to catch the wallet and cellphone coming at his direction, but he didn't notice that while he was distracted by them Luke appeared misteriously by his side, and before he could react, the thug's head was hit by kick and he immediately became unconscious.

Luke stared at the falling body and thought, 'Fuck! It really worked, so i can 'adapt' it for different things, it don't necessarily need to be a sword. But the pain in my legs feels like the bones are broken.', Luke used the attack inspired by Gerald and the lightning that he used on a troll. Luke turned to the other enemies and was suprised that they are at the same place as before, stunned, they stared at each other and Luke tried to conceal his pain.

Picking his things from the ground, Luke turned to the thugs and said,"What? You want to try me? Take this piece of shit away.", he then started to walked away.

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