《Eternal Soul》Chapter-21


After the voice fades away, the treant hand is lowered, Grekorio suprised by its action, he soon realized why. The sword meet something hard and that is likely its core, after all, the treants' core are inside the theirs heads.

'So this is a deadly point, meaning that no matter how much hp it has, if i cut the core it's dead, interesting.', feeling satisfied by the useful information, he in turn asked the treant something,"If i was in your situation, would you have mercy?"

",,,",The treant stayed silent for a while, not knowing what and how to answer, it honestly said,"Probably not."

Still applying pressure on the sword, Grekorio said,"See, you already have your answer, so why you begged for mercy?", feeling that he's in control of the situation, he said calmy, "If you can convince me that i should let you live, then maybe i will have mercy."

The treant answered rapidly,"Sir, i may not be strong now, but soon i will, when my race, treants, reach 500 years old they will evolve, and i am 499, at the same that i can command all the treants younger than me."

Hearing this Grekorio stopped to consider the option that the game is showing to him,'First, i kill it, get lot of exp and end of the story. Second, is plainly accepting it as a pet.', after thinking of the pros and cons, he replied the treant,"Okay, then from now on you will follow me, do you accept me as your master?", after saying that a magic circle appeared above both of them, it could be see from far away, this 'magic' is something that he used a few times in the beta.

The treant looked deeply on the magic circle before nodding its head while saying,"From now on, i will follow master."


Soon after said that, the magic circle started to move down, passing through their bodies. On Grekorio's right forearm a symbol formed, it looked like the treant's face that is under him, green colored.

The treant kneeled on the ground, and putting its hand on the ground, it made a bridge for Grekorio get down, which he accepted and jumped down, walked down the arm, soon stepping on the ground, and after that the treants still kneeling bowed its head, and said,"Master."

Grekorio transformed back to his normal appearance, and the glare from the reflex of his white hair meeting the moon made him appear more intimidating , he said,"Good, do you have a name?"

"No, sir.", still bowing its head, the treant answered Grekorio.

"Then, from now on you have name, and it's Woody, since i am lazy to think of a better name, maybe later i have a better ideia.", looking at the pitiful creature, Grekorio sighed and climbed its arm that is still connected with the ground.

「Quest completed」

Grekorio climbed to top of Woody's head, and took out the sword that is still sticking to its head just to Woody's white blood gush from it, and sitting down he gestured with his hand, opening the menu he could see an new icon was added, it was obviously the pet icon and it was shining brightly that is impossible to not see it, pressing on it, appeared a symbol that looks exactly like the one that is on his forearm, on the side of it was a 'mini-woody', it showed its HP and MP, and the HP is only 1/4 full.

While Grekorio was entertained by the new option on the menu, Woody already got up and asked Grekorio,"Master, where we should go now?"


Interrupting him in exploring the new things made him a little irritated, but he understood why, after all he can't stand here without doing nothing, and he should go back to the camp, but suddenly he was assaulted by a though after thinking about the quest that he unknowing got into,"Woody, you said earlier that you can control all your brethren, right? And how can you recover your injuries?"

The reason why Grekorio asked that, is that the quest are separated in rank that from lower to higher difficulty is: White Rank, it don't influence nothing just daily quest, Village Rank, that influence how the village is, Town Rank, is the same, Region Rank, influence how the region is, Country Rank, the same, Continent Rank, and World rank, so besides White rank, all of them influence how a place is, be it small or big, and Grekorio thinks that the quest he just completed made him kind the ruler of the region, the forest.

Woody replied respectfully,"Yes, but only if they are younger than me, and the injuries will recover naturally after the bleeding stops, or i can just eat cores from the weaker, that will make me a little stronger and help me in recovering."

Grekorio listening to its reply, took out 15 cores that he gathered after going out the camp and placed them on its hand, looking at the pet window, a exp bar appeared with half of it full at the same time the hp bar was 90% full, resolving one problem, Grekorio stopped to think of another problem after ordering Woody to walk in direction of the camp, with it wide steps, they will probably soon arrive, forgetting about the quest rewards, Grekorio felt a way to resolve this stupid war, but the way things are, they hate each other enough that it is enough reason for them to continue this war, forgetting their 'holy mission' that started this war,'I can order Woody to control his brethren and move them from here, if i remember correctly in the beta, one NPC said that the monsters make their environment and the environment make the monsters, so i can guess that the treants are the cause of why this forest is so morbid, but the environment will not change soon after they get out, i will need to find a way to resolve that too, but just the exit from the treants will change the environment, and the dark elves will either get out of here or simply just stay, and the wood elves will not have a reason to war. Wood elves... they are almost surely puppets from either humans or high elves, maybe both. I really hate politics.'

Finishing his monologue, he searched for the blue moon, but was suprised that it is almost dawn, he looked at the horizon from top of Woody's head, and while waiting for they to arrive at the camp,'The good point of having a mount.', he though that and started to explore his menu,

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