《Eternal Soul》Chapter-15


Traveling deeper in the forest, and killing countless treants on the way, he finally reach what look like to be a town, protected by a stone wall.

Following the wall he arrive at the gate, Grekorio was walking through the gate but he was stopped by a dark elf guard standing on the side.

"Who are you and where you came from?", the guard said unfriendly.

"I'm Grekorio, i came from the other side of the forest.", anwsered Grekorio politely while pointing where he had come from.

"Good, now the pay the taxes.", spoke the guard less unfriendly.

Grekorio caught by suprise didn't know what to do, since he don't have any coin on him, after thinking for a bit he take out the deep gold ore and give it to the guard.

"Welcome to the Morte.", said the guard friendly while putting the ore in his pocket.

Now with permission to enter, he slowly walk through the gate, and after passing the gate he was suprised by how crowded the streets are, while forcing his way through, some people tried to pickpocket him a few time.


Arriving at a blacksmith shop, he browse through the weapon on display.

"What can i help you with?" An old man with a dark skin and pointed ears said.

"Oh, i would like to sell my weapons and some ores."Grekorio spoke while taking out the saber, sword and the deep gold ore from his bag.

"Excellent quality saber and sword, and 10 deep gold ore, that will be 160 gold coins." The old man took a bag with the coins from the counter while storing the items.

Receiving the coins he slowly turned his head, and pointed at a gladius 70cm, black in color, and a saber(katana) 70cm, blue in color,"I want these sword and saber."


"That will be 60 gold."

"Thanks.", said Grekorio after receiving his new weapons and paying for them. Putting the both sheathed sword and saber on his inventory to prevent it from being stolen, Grekorio exit the blacksmith shop and cross the street to the item shop.


"Welcome." Said the young man behind the counter.

"I want a map from the sorrounding, 100 bandage and 10 health potions."

"10 golds."

"Here.", taking out 10 coins and put the items inside his inventory, while thinking where he would get some information, his eyes rest upon the young man in front of him.

"What can you tell me about this city?", asked Grekorio after thinking for a while.

"Information need payment."

Grekorio put 1 gold coin on the counter.

"This city is called Cidade da Morte, and is ruled and created by a alliance between the undead and dark elf to fight against the wood elf, humam and high elf, the war started by the wood elf with the excuse of purifying the treant forest that the dark elves live, but before the dark elves came here it was already like this, but between the fight of dark elves and wood elves, in the end of the clashs the dark elves was always winning, then the high elves entered the war when it couldn't look upon the shameful state of the wood elves but their addition only balanced the war, it wasn't before the annoying humans put their noses in elves matter, and the elves permited it, making the balance tilt to the side of the wood elves which began to call themself, justice and light side, while the dark elves side was the chaotic and dark side, leaving with no choice the dark elves requested help from their neighboor, the undead, which made it balance the war, and slowly tilt to the 'dark side'."


Taking his time to slowly digest the information, Grekorio exit the shop and start to walk through the streets,'Maybe i should try to find some quests on the army barracks, then try to show the leader from the dark side that they should follow me, but first i would need to became the demon king....so i first complete quest for the dark side and slowly gain their trust then when i became the demon king i will try to recruit them, and for now the goal is still the orcs.', lost in thought he arrive at the barracks but before he enter to try to see if he can find a quest, he take out the map from the world and the one from the sorrounding.

After analyzing both and crossing information, he understand where he is, he is currently where is considered the demon territory on the Hyathea continent, and the Solastia capital, is 5000km from where he is to the west, the orc territory is 500km from where he is to the north-east.

Happy and depressed feeling mixed with his discovery of where he is, Grekorio start to walk inside the barracks, while searching for an officer or someone that looked like one, took him a while but he found one.

"Sir, i want to volunteer to fight against the shameless wood elves.",Said while putting a hand above his heart and knocking his left foot against the right one.


Author note - Thank you for reading, please review my story i need to know what i should try make better besides my horrible grammar.

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