《Eternal Soul》Chapter-14


Awaking when the sun is setting, Luke get up to close the windows, and turn on the A/C and go back to the bed, slowly putting the helmet he start the game.


Grekorio appear in the same plain after logging in, walking to the middle he sit down to think.

'Why i feel that i am forgetting something?', after remembering all he had done recently he remembers that before he logged out yesterday he had received a notification about a quest, then he opens the quest tab, and realize what the update was about.

「The way to become a king」

「Rank - ???」

「There's no king without his people and land. Find a place to start to your kingdom and go recruit yours soldiers, generals. So why not start with the Orcs, go and find someone worthy becoming one of your generals, show them your might and make them recognize it, and make them bow in respect before you.

-Land has been found, but it needs a castle to show that it's your territory.」

Seeing new content in the quest, Grekorio understand what he should do, but he actually can't build a castle maybe a wood hut will suffice.

'Oh right, Rakia forgot to say her character name...maybe it's the same.'

Opening the option icon, he pressed on friend list, and typed 'Red snow' in the box to add friend.

「Invitation has been sent」

It didn't took long before it was accepted, and a message came soon after,"Hi, Luke?"

"Yes, so you and Jerry are using the same nickname from the beta?", Jerry is Raika's husband, they became know as the morbid couple due to their nickname and way of playing, her husband nickname is Blood Rose.

"We didn't had any better ideia, and we will be waiting for you."


"Okay.", after that the messages stop.

'Since i can't build a castle i will begin with a hut.'

Taking out the materials from his inventory, and putting them on the side, he take out the saber from the inventory too, while trying to find a way to build his house.

Taking the greatsword from his bag, he start to use it as a shovel, digging holes to put the wood in, after which he use the saber to cut the wood.


2 hour later.

After building the house like a puzzle, since he don't have nails, he had to cut the wood in a way that would fit with each other making the house at least stable, but it can just resist the weak wind, if the wind get a little stronger then the house will be send flying probably.

「Quest updated」

The prompt appear in the corner of his vision, while he is looking at the shabby hut in front of him, he carefully open the door and enter.

Inside there is only one room, in the room he put a chest with what is left from the wood that he got, he could get the wood from the treants but it's too weak.

'Now i should try to find some orcs while exploring around here, and try to find where i am.', while thinking that he get out the house and start to walk to the treant's forest.


1 hour later.

Grekorio feel the eerie silence around him, in which mean 2 things, he will be ambushed by treants or he will be ambushed.

Taking the greatsword from his back with his right hand, he restart to walk deeper in the forest, it didn't took long before he was ambushed by branchs coming from his both sides.


Jumping he dodged the branch, and swing the greatsword downwards cutting the treant in half, and putting the greatsword behind him, he defended from a attack of the other treant, which send him flying in direction of another treant in middle of it's 'awakening', he put the greatsword in front of him, it penetrates through the treant, Grekorio then pull back his greatsword while kicking the treant and he go back he was before.

Slashing horizontally at the treant that send him flying, the treant broke in two.

On the way, while still furiously trying to rise his skill in inspection, Grekorio was ambushed a few times, and he start to notice that the treants around here are the undead type, and the herbs are the dark type, the type more frequently and easily made in poison.

'Maybe in the core of the forest, i will find a boss, should i try to recruit it to my army or kill it?', Grekorio had this choice in the fight against the troll's king, but didn't choose to recruit it.


Author note - Thank you for reading.

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