《A Change In The Same World》They are not worthy!!!!


*Typhon Pov*

Hmmmm……...for some reason I feel like I'm forgetting something, what could it be……... OH Shit!!! please tell me I'm wrong ….oh please tell me it's not there…...ugh oh god!!!!!!

Typhon “.....Hey I wouldn't have happen to leave my favorite sword at your house by any chance right……..”

Echidna “You mean that scratched up katana you like to brag about, saying it's a legendary cursed sword? Yeah you left it in my sister's room, when you were giving my sister her new headphones and telling her that stupid joke”

I can't believe I left it there…..this is a oh my God this is a travesty!!! This is sky's fault!!! she kept distracting me with with her cool lighters!!...like I mean come on black and white flames!! How is that not cool!!. I can't leave weapons at Echidna's house, her parents like to steal my weapons saying stupid stuff like a kid shouldn't have such dangerous weapons yadda yadda yadda, there just secretly weapon fanatic's, one time I took one of my scythes to her house and they saw it, they got sparkles in their eyes and fought me for my scythe. They were so creepy!! No matter how many times I knocked them down, they got right back up trying to snatch my scythe from my hands…..I eventually got tired and gave it to them while crying….they were manly tears!!.....I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it.*tears up*

Typhon “if it was any other weapon I would say fuck it they can have it cuz I can't kill them for it, but Echidna I want my sword, we're going to your house and getting my sword no if ands or buts.”

Echidna “*sigh* I figured you would say that, you do realize my sister is still lost right? if we don't find her who will, stop being selfish”


Typhon “No!!! Please I'm begging you*on his knees* I need my sword let me get my sword!! Your sister is fine, she's like a female version of me, only less crazy, that little Firestarter we'll be fine let me get my sword I don't want your parents to take this one, please honey!!!!”*cries on her legs*

Echidna “*sigh* fine but you owe me if anything happens to my sister I'll hold you accountable Twist ok?”

Typhon “Yay!!! *Jumps in the air* you won't regret this I'm sure your sister is fine and she's having fun setting things on fire”

Echidna “ *sigh* whatever let's go we have like 20 blocks to cover to get to my house.”

*4 hours later*

*Munch**Munch* Hey beautiful people, so on are way to Echidna’s house I seen a bakery that was left untouched by the horror of the apocalypse….. I decided to break in and still all the sweets!!!! It was totally worth it, the cookies were amazing and oh my God!!! the banana bread Was to die for *drools Abit* anyway's were finally outside of her house, I couldn't stay calm, I didn't want my sword to be touched, so I took a gale force Sprint towards her house and flew towards her sister's room and entered through the opened window only to see Sky getting undressed…….

Typhon “Hey sky you seen my sword anywhere? I left it in your room the other day?”*tilts head to the side*

Sky “Yeah sure big bro, I put it under my bed because I know you wouldn't want mom and dad to see it”*starts to put on clothes*

Typhon “thanks sky and oh hey when you reach lvl5 you can change your name, I changed my to Typhon The Tempest and your sister changed hers to Echidna Wife Of The Tempest”*looks under bed and grabs the sword”


Sky “Yeah? cool name big bro, I like The Tempest part so you and big sis finally tied the knot?”

Typhon “*sits on her bed*Yeah...I thought what better time is there to get married then in a apocalypse”

Echidna “ *slams door open* Hey you Twisting jack ass, don't just leave me outside, anything could have happen….oh hey little sis *gives her a hug*”

Awh isn't this reunion just touching I got my sword*cuddles the sword*, and my beautiful wife gets her sister….oh you probably have no clue what sky looks like huh? Well she looks nothing like her sister. Sky dyed her hair red and her eyes are blue like her father's. She looks like a cute little anime chick from pretty much any anime you would probably watch.

Typhon “So sky what class you got? I know it must be something to do with fire”

Sky “Yeah my class is called the Human Heatwave it came with three skills Burn, Gas Creation, and Flame control, gas control just lets me create lighter fluid so I can spark my fire”

Typhon “Wait so that means you can't create fire but you can create gas?. How the hell does that work?”

Sky “hell if I know I just make fire and it goes burn burn that's all that really matters don't sweat the small stuff”*shrugs shoulders*

Typhon “Fair enough so where's is you mom and dad?”

Sky “you would get mad at me if I told you…….”*looks away*

Typhon “nah I promise I won't get mad at you so tell me”

Sky “....Ok…..there currently sparring with your favorite hammer and scythe……”

*Face goes blank*......did she just say what I think she said?........like my favorite hammer…….you mean the hammer that I killed 75 people just to get after being seriously injured……...my hammer it should be locked In my safe why do they have it….. .and my scythe…..and my scythe……..they cried and begged me for….my scythe they guilted me into giving them…….. I can ignore that because I got a new scythe but my hammer……...

Typhon “ Did…..you just say my favorite hammer like the hammer I almost died for after killing 75 people you…….why do they have my Hammer…”*looks at them with soulless eyes*

Sky “They kind of broke in and a t-took it…...I'm sorry big bro..”

Typhon “Their in the sparing room right?......” *Stands up*

Sky “.......Yeah why do you want…”

*Zoom**Door flies open*

*Sky POV*

Echidna “Sky!! we gotta stop him he just might really kill mom and dad!!”*Runs after Typhon*

Dammit mom and dad you need stop messing with big bro stuff you really pissed him off this time* chases after Echidna*

*Typhon Pov*

This fuckers are dead, how dare they go in my vault and touch my weapons!!!! They think they can just get away with touching and taking my stuff just because I love their daughter? I'll show them how wrong they truly are!!! I'll show they'll why I'm walking Carnage I am the personification of death and destruction I'll show them true terror!!!!!!.



*The End*

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