《A Change In The Same World》Who wants to snuggle?


*Narrator's POV*

Typhon is currently leaning own Faith's shoulder as he limps with her out of the school gate and pass the snake body, he gives the shredded up monster body one last kick because he's petty. He screams out in pain from the kick, but he's satisfied with his pettiness. Faith just looks at him like he's a idiot before tugging him and telling him let's go. They make their why towards faith house because her family lets her live alone in apartment close to the school. Typhon still lives with his family and he would rather not go to his house and see his family still alive, he would slaughter them with ruthless efficiency. As there making their way towards her house, getting closer and closer faith tried to strike up a conversation.

Faith:“Hey Ty…..is what happening seriously happening it almost feels a little fake but the pain is definitely real.” *Glares at him*

She's obviously still mad at him for his little twister mine stunt from earlier. In his defense she should have been watching were she's going, if she was aware of her surrounding, she wouldn't have smashed into the wall like an idiot. They finally see her apartment building in the distance. Surrounded by monsters…..The apartment building is infested with goblins.

Typhon:“...Oh my God those are goblins the lvl 1 mob you see in every game haha god got style gotta keep it retro heh”

Faith:“ Yeah those green little shits are blocking my building entrance…..ok I'll handle all the monsters starting now, you try and fight your definitely gonna die so let you future wife handle it kk?”

Typhon:“Whatever floats your boat cupcake, hey you do realize the world basically ended, we don't have to go through with the arranged marriage thing”


Faith:“Yeah I know, don't worry about it just eat your cookies”*smiles at him*

Typhon: “Ok yeah sure the cookies are pretty good…...soft baked are the best!!! Ouch! Just getting excited hurts”*pouts*

Faith(Oh you're so adorable I could just eat you up!!*squeals*)

They make their way to the front of the building. The monster’s obviously see the human’s and starts to rush towards them, only for their goblins to be smashed into the ground. Their body was being crushed by an unknown force, before the goblins could even scream in pain, they died. The two walk through the front door as faith continue to ruthlessly crush goblin after goblin and anything that rushes towards. No monster is safe, they all get crushed to a pulp in a matter of seconds. Faith and Typhon finally reaches her apartment, she takes her keys and enter with Typhon following her. Faith takes Typhon to her room and makes him lie down in her bed to rest, he agrees without much struggle because he's exhausted. Faith lays next to Typhon and snuggles up against him, at this point in time he could careless, all he wants right now is sleep and more cookies, he ran out a little while ago. He sets of twister in front of her bedroom door that will stay active as he sleeps, making it invisible and insanely sharp anything that walks through that door will be cut to pieces in seconds.

Typhon “Faith don't walk through that door, I made a invisible twister to be our passive guard as we sleep. Well anyway’s night night though it's midday.”*Falls asleep faster then a certain pirate king*

Faith: “ ok ty nighty night”* gives him a kiss on a chick**falls asleep just as fast as Typhon*

Well lovely viewers that's my cue that this chapter is a wrap, now tune in next time for an exciting showing of a change in a same world, Narrator out.

*The End*

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