《A Change In The Same World》Wait...were did you get cookies from?


*Narrator's POV*

Typhon makes a mad dash towards the giant 5 meter tall snake with reckless abandonment. He uses Gale Force Sprint at full power as he runs towards the snake not caring about his Stamina and Mana. All that's on Typhon's mind right now is slaughtering the giant snake. He makes mini twisters in both hands as he runs, getting closer and closer towards the snake. He flicks his wrists and the mini twisters shoot out of his hands faster than the monster can react. The twisters slice into the monster's body shredding it, but it's not enough damage to seriously harm the monster, all it does is irritate it.


The monster screams out in pain, wondering how this tiny little human can make him feel such pain,the snake bares his fangs and pounces towards Typhon. Typhon seeing this only lets out a mad cackle as rushes towards the monster. The monster is already in front of him getting ready to devour the little human. Typhon Starts to spin, spinning in a Circle, Typhon gives the monster what he calls a 1080 Roundhouse kick. Typhon's Foot smashes into the giant snake’s face ripping it as the monster is sent flying.

Typhon runs towards the snake and jumps inside the monster's mouth and makes his way towards the giant monster's stomach. Typhon body starts to warp into a twister….moving faster and faster with each second, shredding and ripping the monsters insides. The monster roars in agony as he can't stop the human from killing him. The monster falls over and gives his last breath. Typhon shoots out the monsters dead corpse flying into the air. Typhon does a 360 flip and lands on his feet in the iconic superhero pose.

Typhon:“Heh I guess the snake didn't have a deep throat….hahahaha.”

Typhon gives one more Maddened spree of laughter, before passing out in front of the worried Faith. Faith uses Repulsion and Attraction, using a pseudo levitation, making him float in the air before bringing him into a empty hallway so he can rest.

*Sleep induced Flashback of Typhon's childhood*

*Typhon/Raider POV*

My name is Raider Wilson of the Wilson household….my family is one of the biggest mafia families in the world, As the heir and the son of the current boss, my family literally beat certain values into me with ruthless efficiency.

Father:“There are no weaklings in the Wilson household, you don't have the right to be weak, you don't have the right to have fun, you don't even have the right to make your own choices you do what I say or I'll end you, got it son"


I obviously said yes, then he starts torturing me to make a point. My father was a cold man he got what he wanted no matter what it took to get it. He's ruthless, cold, and efficient by his words the best kind of boss he says I'll be just like him when I grow up and I shall succeed as his heir. All I've wanted was freedom, the freedom to make my own choices, to do what I want without anyone stopping me. My Father physically tortured me, My Mother tortured me emotionally, and the rest of my family berated me for not living up to their standards. My family has had me practicing Martial arts since I can stand, I've pretty much master all the martial arts they had me learn by the time I was 11, because if I didn't I was scared my family would torture me. I was tired of pain I was tired of the emotional anguish, I was tired of the beration. One day I eventually snapped and lost my sanity, I put on a show of my previous behavior to not arouse my families. I was longer scared of pain anymore I embraced it, I was no longer scared of emotional torture I enjoyed it, I was longer scared of beration because I was my own person.

My family introduced me to this girl named Faith, they told me she'll be my future wife…....yes they set up an arranged marriage for me. Supposedly it was the daughter's idea, she wanted to bring our families together is what they said. Then yelled at me for not being more like faith. I took the beating and met the girl the next day. I couldn't understand her she looked at the world differently than me, she was so positive about it, at one point I assumed she never truly suffered...oh how wrong was I, she suffered just as much as me but she never snapped, never lost her sanity, and on that day I realized she was stronger than me and that I was weak I hated feeling weak. I was left with emotional anguish, I was in turmoil….and with my enhanced senses from all my training I could hear the conversation of the body guards standing a distance away guarding us as we meet.

Guard1: “That son of the head is such a disappointment he can't do anything right and now he's getting married to our families rival ugh such a disgrace”


Guard2:“yeah man he's completely useless and he never listens he's such a brat”

I couldn't handle it, with my already swirling emotions and the anguish I was feeling I truly snapped. I got up and opened the door.

Raider:“You think I'm nothing? You think I'm a disgrace? You think I'm flawed product?…...you think I'm useless!!!! I'll show you bastards useless!!!!!”

I Rushed towards the first guard and snatched his battle knife from him and slit is throat, before moving to the next guard. The second guard yelled out help and two more guards came only to see me sticking my knife into the bodyguards heart before yanking it out. I throw the knife at the third guard and hit him in the eye giving him an instant death, while rushing towards the last guard. The last guard was pulling out his gun before it got stuck on his holster giving me a enough time to snap his neck…..they were all dead......I enjoyed the feeling of power….I enjoyed the rush I got from taking their life's….so why do I feel so empty?.

I started to cry I hated this feeling of weakness I wanted to belong to something, to know that I mattered I wanted something that would love me for me!!!!. I put my hood over my head, I was ashamed of myself I wanted to hide myself from everything, I didn't want the world to see me for the monster I truly was…..Faith embraced me she hugged me, told me she would be my friend, told me she would love me if no one else would….I cried, I cried harder than I ever cried before I was crying from joy…..I could feel her warmth, her care. It struck me, I told myself I was do anything to protect this warmth, she'll be my light in the darkness, she'll pull me back if I ever embraced my insanity to much.

Raider :“ Faith thank you……..”*cries*

Faith :“It's what friends are for right?”*smiles*

Her smile was so beautiful, so bright, it captivated me. I was lost in her smile and my mother and father showed up. I smiled at them with my best smile as they stared back in shock and horror.

“Hey Father dearest Mother dearest, I did what you taught me, they were being disobedient and was mocking the family I was protecting our honor, are you proud of me?* *Brightly smiles*

*Flashback Over* *Typhon POV*

Ugh everything hurts...oh God why did it have to be a snake I seriously hate snakes...tsk! And now I'm in a bad mood from that stupid flashback why did you have to go and bring up bad memories!!!....*sighs* whatever...oh look Faith….. wait….why the fuck does she have cookies? I didn't see cookies in her backpack!!!! Where did she get the cookies!!.

Typhon:“Cookies!!*in a cookie monster voice* Faith where the hell did you get cookies from I want some...ouch!!! Fuck it just hurts to move.”

Faith: “Oh there was a vending machine and I broke it and took all the cookies…..do you want some? Then come get some hehe”* mischievous grin*

Typhon: “ faith stop playing and gimme cookies!!! Or I'll spin you again I don't need to move to spin you!!”*grins back*

Faith: “No no!! Ok I'll give you some!! why are you so mean to your best friend!!” *Starts fake crying*

Typhon: “Hey best friend stop with the water works, I love you” *blows kiss*

Faith : “ if you love me you would stop being so mean you just think I'm fun to play with!!”*cries some more*

Typhon: “Ugh faith I'm sorry I'll try and be more gentle, Hey come here gimme a hug I'm sorry”*grins*

Faith: “Really ok hehe I knew my best friend wasn't so cold”

Yes yes….keep walking just take one more step yes…..you're almost there and…….now!!!


Hahahahahah I can't believe it!!! she actually tripped on my super invisible twister I set right in front of her. Ok maybe I should explain it for your little otaku brains to understand, I Can give my twisters different effects and attributes I made it thin out barely being visible to the naked eye while still giving it enough torque to keeping spinning at rapid speeds without it even making a sound. Heh yeah I know cool right? Ain't nobody like me. Anyway as she was walking towards me she stepped on it did this ridiculous unbalanced spin and flew into wall!! Hahahah it was priceless. Ahah oh my sides I can't stop laughing

*The End*

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