《A Change In The Same World》Well it just got Xxx


*music playing**music playing*

In a classroom filled will dead bodies, chairs and desks scattered everywhere stands a young man. A young man covered in blood from head to toe, with bizarre blackish white hair with a black hood over it and grayed over eyes. A minute a go, all was calm the day was slowly passing by like any other school day but in an instant, everything changed. The young man is currently dancing and caterwauling to a song most should probably know.

*Switches Pov to MC*

“Took a white bitch to Starbucks. That little bitch got her throat fucked!! I like to rock out like I'm misfit

My emo bitch like her wrist slit Curly hair bitch like I'm Corbin Got like three bitches; I'm Mormon Skeet on your main bitch's forehead Don't want your pussy, just want head.”

*Cough cough* Hah hey my devoted viewers and chubby otakus out there I didn't see you there. Don't mind me I'm just vibing out to some lit music with my classmates *dead bodies sprawled across the floor* ….yup nothing out the unordinary. So a lot has happened, since you know I took my class for a spin*creepy grin* so let me explain a bit so, I checked my status and seen some skills that we're instantly useful and incredibly fun. What skills you ask? Well overweight otaku in the audience I shall show you.


Name: Raider Wilson. Level 1

Class: The Human Twister. Title:Gale Lord

Hp: 100%. Mp: 100%. Sta:100%

Str: 14. Agi: 18

Dex:18. Cha:20


TWIST Lvl1: The ability to twist anything and everything to varying degrees the amount of force and pressure applied to the twist increases with the level, stamina consumption decreases every 2 lvls

SPIN Lvl1: the ability to spin anything and everything with varying degrees of velocity, rotation and speed increases with lvl. Mana and stamina consumption decreases every 2 lvls


You can probably guess what skill I used first hehe*creepy smile*. Ding Ding Ding, yes you were correct overweight otaku without a Girlfriend currently hugging a body pillow. The first skill I used was Spin, I made everyone bodies spin like a top at super high speeds till they popped like the weasel out of a box. Yes I know that sounds bad, was it gruesome? Yes, incredibly so, was it fun watching human beings bodies pop like a water balloon? Yes it was delightful *smile that stretched from ear to ear*. Ah that was so stress relieving now next on my to do list. Well for one I obviously leveled up multiple times and had a skill up each, I'm not gonna open my status till I find my childhood friend cause even a lunatic has priorities. Now it's time to leave the classroom but, right before I get ready to leave after stopping my music, the door flies and a huge minotaur charges into room.

*Narrator's POV*

A hulking beast with rippling muscles and a body that makes even the biggest of weight lifters sniffle like children, easily standing over 2 meters with giant horns coming out of it's head. The beast faces his next victim only to stop and realize this victim is shaking, it looks he's shaking in what most would believe is fear including the beast…..oh how truly wrong they are…...the beast grunts smoke out of it's nose and charges towards Raider. Raider who see’s the beast charging at him is shaking in excitement he says,

“Oh my what big horns you have.”

The beast left leg starts to twist in a way that shouldn't be possible, like you're wringing out a towel but instead it's with a minotaur leg. Raider who see's this, starts to slowly walk towards the Minotaur while smiling. The Minotaur tries to stand even with his twisted leg but Raider just flicks his wrist and the other leg starts to twist violently as well. Raider says to the Minotaur who's struggling to try and get away.


“Awh that's cute you're trying to crawl away ,what happened to the big bad minotaur that was snorting snot and smoke everywhere huh?”

“ Uh? Well it doesn't matter, bye bye Minny I hope in your dead monster life you'll realize not to run towards a twister it'll never end well.”

The young man turns around all of a sudden and look in a random direction that might actually not be so random and says.

“Did you enjoy the show? Hehe”

A smile stretches across his face as he makes his way through the classroom door, into a hallway that leads to a where most would call hell but him, no he calls it Paradise.

The End

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