《Blue Moon Emperor》STAR GAZING


Xie Mei was the most beautiful girl in Xing Peng's class and she was also considered as a top beauty in the whole school.

What made her likable was that she was social with almost everyone and anyone but there was a thin-line that bridged her away from the others, it made others feel comfortable to talk to her and at the same time made them respect her but this thin-line like bridge was truly solid as it friendzoned all the guys, who had tried to strike up a conversation with her for all the wrong reasons.

But nevertheless, many guys of the school still had a crush on her, Xing Peng was no different either.

This was because the guys of Xing Peng's age would have undergone puberty and would be more curious and attracted towards the opposite sex, Especially a charming and beautiful girl such as Xie Mei. She had a good background and was talented in almost everything.

Xie Mei was a girl filled with charms and all her actions were graceful. Her father was the CEO of a maritime company and her mother was an ex-air hostess. She had the charms of her mother and social skills of her father. One could say she had inherited the best of both her parents.

Xing Peng could also be considered as somewhat famous in his class, as he was constantly bullied but there were times when Xie Mei did reproach those bullies but later on when Xie Mei was not around, they would get back to bullying him.

Xie Mei was the class representative, as such she had her own share of responsibilities and at times she was not present in the class and even if she was, she would be sitting in the front, while Xing Peng would be pressured to sit at the back due to the bullies. Where he would be surrounded and bullied by them.

But Xing Peng didn't blame her for not taking a much serious approach towards bullying even though she was the class representative. This was because one of the bullies was actually the grandson of the principal. So no matter how you dealt with them, The bullies would end up getting spared as they had "mistakenly" hurt someone or that they were just trying to be "friendly" with someone, such ridiculous excuses would get them away from consequences.


But today Xing Peng was quite happy because today his class was going on a field-trip to the countryside for star gazing.

This field-trip was originally planned out by some group of friends from his class but due to the fact that everyone's exams had just recently got over with and they had got their grades, so some people were happy with their results and some were not.

So Xie Mei took the initiative along with that group of friends and decided with the teachers to let there be a field-trip for the students of their class to the countryside. Where they would try to enjoy the countryside and star gaze, keeping their worries aside.

So that was how this field-trip was decided. Given that even Xie Mei was coming along in the trip, Xing Peng was pumped. Although he didn't have the self-confidence that an average person had. Due to him being constantly bullied, Xing Peng always felt that he was at the bottom of the food chain.

But nevertheless, just getting a glimpse of Xie Mei was enough to give him the strength to endure through the day.

Soon enough the whole class boarded a bus and traveled towards the countryside. These students were excited and talked throughout on the journey.

As for Xing Peng, he was seated beside Li Chong and they were discussing some Chinese novels throughout the journey, their excited faces would make one misinterpret as if they had seen a woman pole-dancing in front of them which led to their excitement.

Everyone had prepared well for this trip, and the group of friends, who had originally planned this trip had come with some telescopes to observe the night sky better.

As time passed by, Xing Peng and his classmates had made it to the countryside and stayed at a temporarily rented quarter, which also seemed to be a place which was a bit isolated in the countryside but provided the best view of the night sky.

Since it was already late afternoon by the time they had arrived at the countryside, most people chose to roam around the countryside to check out its specialties, as for Xing Peng and Li Chong both of them decided to go to a nearby lake for fishing as they rented out 2 fishing rods from two old men, who were fishing at the lake and had a few spares.


This was how they passed their time, soon night came in and everyone had gathered at the lawn of their resting quarters, all the telescopes were neatly arranged and pointed towards a particular cluster of stars, or the moon, or any other celestial body.

Those group of friends who had brought the telescopes were actually from the astronomy club and they then decided to help explain to their classmates about various constellations, star clusters, and other celestial bodies and to invoke some of their interest and perhaps get them to join their club.

Xing Peng was also somewhat interested in this astronomy stuff as he listened. Previously, given his "busy" life, he didn't bother about other extra-curricular activities, but coming to this field-trip for star gazing, he felt his decision previously might have been incorrect.

As those astronomy club members excitedly discussed about astronomy stuff, which made all the classmates come together to listen to them. Xing Peng who was also there listening, had his curiosity peaked and he went towards a telescope at the far corner which was set towards the moon. He looked at the moon and saw those craters, they were just like how they were described by those astronomy club members.

As he was taking in this amazing view, he saw something flashing past in that direction.

Xing Peng looked up and saw a shooting star flashing by, he felt excited and made a wish: " I hope I'm free of all the difficulties in my life, I also wish for a beautiful wife, someone just as beautiful as Xie Mei".

Although Xing Peng felt it was kind of childish, but he still made the wish.

as he looked up at the dark skies, he saw the shooting star which was still bright become bigger and bigger in his vision.

"hmm..? why does that shooting star seem to get bigger and bigger?" Xing Peng was confusedly looking on as the small shooting star slowly became bigger in his vision, he felt something was strange and after a good while he realised something !

" what the F*CK isn't it falling in this direction?!" as Xing Peng shouted out loud, rest of his classmates who were engrossed in listening to the astronomy club members also looked about and discovered a luminiscent flashing meteor as it was making its way towards their direction !

"holy cow that's a meteorite ! and its dangerously close to our direction" said someone from the crowd.

"run guys, you can't imagine the temperature of that thing, you should clear away from its impact point" said another.

Soon chaos ensued as the crowd of students hurriedly ran away from the lawn.

Feeling nervous, Xing Peng also tried to get away as far as possible from the lawn but he tripped over a rock and fell down. By the time he got up, he saw that meteorite only a short distance away from him.

And tragically enough, Xing Peng was standing right at the place where the meteorite was about to crash. The size of the meteorite was about 3 or 4 cars stacked together and it was completely red-yellowish hot, one could only imagine its intensity.


The next moment was not a suspense as the meteorite crashed onto Xing Peng and went deep into the earth.

Li Chong, who saw this tragic sight from far cried:" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

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