《Hope Springs Eternal》40.3 : Love is Blind


Sól opens his mouth to speak, but the walls begin unfolding and reforming all around us, the sound drowning out his words. The stone and furniture move back into its original place, puzzle pieces fitting into one another.

The three of us blink in confusion.

I cautiously chance a question, “Is it safe?”

Windows leading into the courtyard show scorched marks along the field. No perpetrators are to be found. A cacophony of chatter erupts from the students.

Before a deep resounding voice booms, “The situation has been dealt with.” Principal Aurelian’s voice erupts from the fireplace, sparks crackling to life. “Professors will arrive shortly to take attendance and escort you to your rooms.”

Dealt with? What does that mean? Are Vaniriel and Nott alright?

Professors suddenly appear, almost from thin air. Order quickly returns and dependent on your dormitory, roll call ensues.

Worry laces my heart, but I obediently follow instructions, biding my time until I can ask. I don’t want to contribute to anymore concern and chaos until the other students are out of earshot.

Hearing each familiar name be called and responded to placates my worries. Though, of course, two names are missing -- Vaniriel and Nott Amaryllis.

When we’re finished being led to our dorms, I stay behind and go up to Professor Aristole. He sees me approach and speaks before I can even say anything, “Your father and Sól are currently with the headmaster. Information on Vaniriel and Nott will be disclosed tomorrow. So for now, get some rest and don't do anything stupid.”

I’m unsatisfied with his words, but I nod my head and lead Noel to my room. As soon as we’re alone, I ruffle his hair. “Aeya,” He starts.

But I shake my head, “Everything will be okay. I’m sure Nott is fine and I’ll definitely talk it out with Vani.”

He nods his head meekly in understanding. We don’t get any rest, but before long, dad arrives at my door. Rushing in, he hugs us and puts my worries to rest. Both Nott and Vaniriel are unharmed.

Noel starts trying to apologize again, but dad just pokes his forehead firmly. Tears begin forming under Noel’s eyes, crystallizing into silver veins of frost. In the quiet darkness, the three of us hug for a long time.

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