《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (21)


Enigma woke up from the tranquiliser.

He looked around the cabin, only to see that everybody else were still knocked out. It seemed that those who had woken up before him had probably sedated themselves with another dose of the tranquilisers.

They were in zero gravity, so the moment he took off his safety belts, Enigma floated in the air. He hurriedly reached for something to grab. He was rather unfamiliar with the condition so his movements were awkward and uncoordinated.

Enigma latched himself on the bars installed above the windows, heaving a breath of relief.

He looked around. The place was quiet save for the slight hum of the spaceship. Even the flight attendants were unconscious in their own cabin pods.

For a moment, he stayed still, taking in the view.

His stomach grumbled.

Enigma returned to his seat, rummaging for his rations.

Though he could have called for a flight attendant to get him some solid food, he did not feel like interacting with other people.

As soon as he finished the chicken-flavoured nutrient packet, he sat down and fumbled around with Mystery’s bracelet.

Ever since he had received it, he often found himself looking through its every files and functions. Though he had not found anything unusual, it was somewhat calming to do it.

For the nth time, he played Mystery’s video.

He closed his eyes, trying to remember what Mystery had told him.

That story, it was about you. Although I simplified and sugar-coated it quite a lot, it will one day come true.

The story…

What was it… he had to remember it…


Enigma opened his eyes in a snap.

As if something clicked in his mind, he began to ponder deeply. He thought back to the story Mystery had told him that night.

“He saved them, of course. He made eee~veryone as special as he was.”


“Huh?” Enigma tilted his head again, confused. “How can he make others become special?”

“Because he had the gift of sharing~” Mystery laughed, dishing out the anticlimactic ending. “He shared his kindness with everyone, so everyone became as kind and as special as he was.”

The gift of sharing…

Was that his true power? The ability to make everyone a superhuman?

…Was that it?

He stared at his palms. He had never tested if he could do that. As far as he knew, his power was just telekinesis.

Perhaps… it was because Mystery had not taught him anything else other than moving things with his mind that he never bothered to find out if he could do more.

His fingers twitched.

“Should I… test it?” He muttered. “But how…?”

“He shared his kindness with everyone, so everyone became as kind and as special as he was.”

“Maybe…” Enigma’s eyes carried a certain light as he looked around.

He closed his eyes, concentrating.

“To move something, you must know where they are first, then order them,” Mystery had once said during one of their lessons. Her words did not make much sense and he struggled a lot while practicing, but after a few tries he was able to levitate a few things.

In the same way, he visualised the layout of the place.

However, something surprising suddenly happened.

As if following his command, many multicoloured dim lights popped out on his visual map.

His eyes opened in surprise and he looked around.

The dim lights were in the exact same position as everyone around him!

Unknowingly, he had discovered something new; a radar.

“What kind of development is this…” He muttered in amazement.

He closed his eyes and continued to explore his new ability.

“Ugh!” An aching pain suddenly invaded his head.

At first, it was barely noticeable, but the longer he used his new ability, the more intense the pain became.

Worse of all, even after opening his eyes, he seemed to be unable to stop seeing the radar, and without any idea what was happening, he passed out.

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