《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (17)


“Roll call!”

Amara stood in front of her six family members like a drill sergeant, completely with a mock-stern face and strict tone.








“I’m up!”





Five enthusiastic voices and one noncommittal voice replied the girl.

Enigma yawned, squinting his tired eyes.

He had slept very late the night before.

So many thoughts circulated around his head and kept him awake. It was only an hour before Amara made them get up that he finally managed to fall asleep. However, the rest appeared to be in good moods and woke up early.

They had decided to go house-hunting. With Enigma’s inheritance backing them, they were free to choose their new house, considering their high budget.

“You guys go ahead. I’m going back to sleep.” Enigma waved them away, retiring back to bed.

“What? You can’t do that! You’re the main character, after all,” Joy says, pulling his arm.

Enigma turned away from the girl, burying his face into the pillow. Soon enough, he fell asleep.

“Let’s just go, Joy. He looks really tired.” Belle tugged the other girl, pulling her away.

“Fine, then.” Joy reluctantly followed the group, finally leaving Enigma alone to get his much-needed rest.

“It’s okay, we can just send the bill to him later,” Lukas says, smiling shadily.

“Hey, cut him some slack! We should pool our money and pay for the new house together…” Belle reprimanded Lukas, reminding him that Enigma had already given them a hefty amount of cash to spend.

“But the money he gave us barely made a dent in his bank account~”

“I see, so this is what ‘giving an inch and asking for a mile’ meant,” West noted, nodding his head.


The group bantered as they left the warehouse.

With no one left to bother him, Enigma managed to sleep peacefully.

It was only nine hours later that he woke up, feeling refreshed.

Feeling hungry, he rummaged around the pantry for some food, but all that was left was a few packets of ramen-flavoured nutrition supplements—the cheapest kind one could buy.

He eyed the packets with a disgusted expression. He was better off ordering some take-outs instead. Although store-bought food was not as good as those classy restaurants’ that used fresh and organic ingredients, they were still much better than the nutrition packets. Since he was feeling lazy, he decided to order some food from a chain restaurant closest to the warehouse.

Three hours later, the six finally returned.

“I told you that #7 was better! Or #10. I was fine with either of the two!” Lukas grumbled.

“What are you talking about? #13 was definitely the best choice! It has a large veranda, and we even have free access to the rooftop park!” Joy shot back, rolling her eyes.


“Who cares about some rooftop park?! The internet speed in #7 was the best among all of the rest, you know?!”



Lukas and Joy clearly had differing opinions during the house-hunt. In the end, the group chose the fifteenth house they visited, much to the dismay of Lukas.

“Enigma, you should start packing. We can move in tomorrow.” Amara says, ignoring the quarrelling duo.

“Guys, I have something I want to talk about.” Enigma says to the group, causing them to quieten.

“What is it, Enigma? Why so serious…?”

“Is it about… that Mysty person?”

Enigma nodded.

“Who is she anyway?”

“Mysty is… my sister.” A complicated gaze flitted Enigma’s face. All this time, he was unsure of Mystery’s relation to him. Back then, he had asked the same question to her.

“Mysty, how come I don’t have parents? All the other kids in the building keep making fun of me because they have never seen my parents.”

“What? Who are the kids? I’ll go teach them a lesson…”

“Mysty! You still haven’t answered my question.”

“Oh… uh… they’re… far away.”

“Mysty, are you my sister?” Enigma tilted his head. He figured that it was impossible for Mystery to be his mother since she seemed to be much too young to be one.

A helpless look flashed on her face as Mystery smiled awkwardly. “…Sure. Something like that.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter! You’re the only family I need!” He cuddled up to the girl, throwing away the subject. He couldn’t care less what their relation was as long as he was together with her.

“Yes, yes~ Eni, you’re so sweet~ Kyaa~”

“Eni? Enigma?” Amara waved her hand vigorously in front of Enigma, snapping him out of his daze.

“Huh? What?”

“I asked you, what happened to her?”

“Mystery… she was kidnapped by some unknown people the same day I came to this planet.”

“Mystery…? So you don’t know?”

“Ah, Mysty’s full name is Mystery. And no, I don’t know where she is now or what happened back then. But I have a strong feeling that maybe, Pandora Corp… was the one that took her away.”

“Mystery… and Enigma? Your parents sure have a way in naming their kids, huh.” Dean remarked.

Enigma sent a sidelong glance at Dean, not bothering to correct him.

“But what makes you think that it was Pandora Corp?”

“For one thing, I can’t think of any other ‘Pandora’ that can hire so many experts just to capture some kids. Another thing is… Mystery is the same as me. No, she’s even stronger than me.”


“So you weren’t the only one in your family? Does this mean that the superpowers are genetically passed down…?”

There was only so much that they knew about the superhumans. Enigma and Amara were the only two superhumans in the group, after all. Their powers were totally different from one another, too. One had super strength while the other had telekinesis. Researching their powers was difficult as well, since they needed to keep it hidden.


“Then, we have to save Mystery!” Belle says, a worried look on her face.

“”Yeah!”” The others parroted her. To them, they were all each other had. Knowing that Enigma still had a living relative also made them happy but worried at the same time. According to what they knew, Mystery was in a precarious situation. If Enigma’s deduction was true, then they might face some troubles in trying to save her.

Enigma felt his heart grow warm. He had grown up with all of them together and they were very close. He was fine with going to find Mystery alone, but knowing that they wanted to help him without showing even an ounce of hesitation caused him to feel touched.

“Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate it.” Enigma says, lowering his head.

“It’ll be hard to do it alone, so don’t worry and just rely on us, okay?” West patted Enigma’s shoulder reassuringly.


“Alright! We should get to work as soon as possible, then!” Dean stretched out his arms upwards, a roguish grin on his face.

“Let’s start brainstorming, then,” Lukas suggested.

The seven huddled together in a circle and sat down.

Multiple holographic screens were projected in the middle of the circle, with Enigma controlling it.

“Before I came here, Mysty and I lived on the mainland.” Enigma made the projection zoom into the planet in question. “We lived in Z City.”

He showed the penthouse they lived in. ”I’ve lived there for as long as I remember.”

He pulled out a picture of Mystery, screenshotted from the video. Mystery had never liked taking photos, so he could only use a screenshot instead.

“This is Mysty. I don’t know how old she is, but judging from her outward appearance, she must have been about… seven years older? She, as you know, is somehow extremely rich."

The rest scrutinised Mystery’s picture.

“She’s so pretty,” Joy remarked, letting out an amazed sigh.

“I know, right,” the rest nodded in agreement. Before this, they were only able to take small peeks, but seeing the girl’s face so clearly dazed them. She shared the same golden eyes as Enigma, but instead of the sharp and cold glint in Enigma’s eyes, Mystery’s eyes were more doe-like, gentle and soft. Her hair was also as white as snow, which starkly contrasted from Enigma’s pitch-black hair.

“Hey, who do you take after, your mom or your dad?” Amara asked him curiously. While the two shared some resemblance, they ultimately did not look similar at all. If not for the rather unique eye colour, one would probably be unable to link them together as siblings.

“…” Enigma ignored her question. Rather, he did not know how to answer the question, since he also did not know. "I don’t know about my parents. Mysty never talked about them.”

“As I have mentioned before, Mystery was taken away one night, and she sent me away. I suppose it was her way of trying to keep me safe.” Remembering the memory of that night caused a sour feeling to appear in his heart. Enigma frowned, sighing.

“Mysty has always taken care of me. I never knew we were even being tracked by someone. That was why, yesterday, I dug into Pandora Corp’s servers to see if I can find something. Anything.”

“…That’s a crime, isn’t it…” Belle sighed. A leopard can’t change its spots in one day, she thought.

“But I couldn’t find anything. At least, not on the surface.”

“What do you mean?”

“I had to dig really deep for these.” Enigma pulled out multiple windows. Each one of them contained sensitive and undisclosed information regarding Pandora Corp.

Alongside the windows, he also showed them several news articles.

“If you look at the date and location of the recent ‘terrorist attacks’ in the news, you can see that it coincides with these reports." He moved a pair of windows and placed it side-by-side for reference. “See, the one on the left is the report I found in Pandora’s secret archives, while the one on the right is an article by the Frontier News.”

“But couldn’t that be just a coincidence?”

Enigma shook his head, “I thought so too at first. But, look at this part of the report.” He highlighted a paragraph from Pandora’s report.

“—Subject attacked the observers and managed to run away. Troops were immediately dispatched to subdue the subject, but a building was destroyed in the process. Results showed that subject is able to control his powers better under pressure. Evidence taken from the site shows a 20.54% increase in solidity of subject’s ice manifestation. Further training is needed before subject can achieve the desired level of solidity.”

Enigma also read an excerpt of the news, “—A building was destroyed in F City’s commercial district. It is believed that it was a terrorist attack by an unidentified group. Traces of melted water and ice spikes could be found within the building, showing that the terrorist carried an endothermic bomb which exploded in the building, thus causing its destruction. Actions were quickly taken by the government and the terrorist has long been captured and taken in for questioning.”

A peculiar air enveloped the group.

“Does that mean… what I think it means?”

The five glanced at Amara and Enigma. A feeling of excitement caused their hearts to beat faster.

Dean jumped, his eyes wide open, “Pandora Corp is investigating superhumans?!”

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