《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (16)


“Aaaaaaah!” maniacal laughter filled the space. “We’re rich! We’re filthy rich!”

“No more sleeping on uncomfortable beds! No more sleeping in unheated buildings!”

“No more stealing! No more scrimping on food!”


Enigma watched the crazed crowd, allowing himself to smile a little. All of them were forced to leave the orphanage when it closed down a few years ago, and since then, they had been working hard to feed themselves and make a decent life for themselves.

Without Mystery’s stashed funds, Enigma had also been treading on the edges of poverty. Thanks to his pricey equipment, there was barely enough money left for him to buy food. All this time, he had been relying on the disgusting nutrient supplements for sustenance.

“Hey, Eni…” One of the men sneaked close to Enigma, looking as if a pair of devil horns sprouted from his head. He rubbed his hands together, a sly smile on his face.

Enigma did not bother to pay attention to him. He looked down at Mystery’s bracelet and made a flurry of taps. Within a few seconds, the sound of notification bells could be heard from the others’ bracelet.

M.E has deposited $1000000 into your bank account. M.E has deposited $1000000 into your bank account. M.E has deposited $1000000 into your bank account. M.E has deposited $1000000 into your bank account. M.E has deposited $1000000 into your bank account. M.E has deposited $1000000 into your bank account.

“Eni…” The crowd looked touched. Some of their eyes reddened.

“Eni, all this time, I thought you were the devil, but you’re actually a saint…!”

“Eni, you didn’t have to be so generous~”

“Eni, I’ll follow you forever!”

Of course, while they were singing praises to Enigma, their eyes never left the series of digits in their bank accounts.


Though the atmosphere was no longer tense, Enigma could not forget about Mystery’s message.

While the rest were still enjoying their joyous occasion, Enigma quietly slipped away. He climbed up the roof of the warehouse.

The warehouse was one of the rare few buildings that had less than ten floors. It was easy for anyone to climb up to the roof, but there was really nothing special about the place.

The area was not good, and tall skyscrapers obstructed the view from all sides. And as a result of industrialisation, not many stars could be seen, either.

But, it was the kind of place that gave one peace and quiet.

Enigma sat alone.

He replayed Mystery’s message over and over again, as if branding the image of the girl in his mind.

“Mysty, wait for me…!” Enigma muttered. In his head, plans were already forming. He pondered about what he should do.

In any case, with the help of his friends, he could definitely try to get Mystery back.

Enigma replayed the video one last time.

“Pandora, Pandora…”

The name sounded so familiar, he thought. ‘Where have I heard it?’


He recalled Amara’s words. Could it be that the ‘Pandora’ that Mystery mentioned be Pandora Corp? It was plausible. After all, a big company like Pandora definitely had some backhanded dealings in the past. Human experiments could be one of them.

But why Mystery, in particular…?


Deep down, he knew why.

They were special, Mystery always said.

She used to teach him a few tricks when he was younger. She’d taught him how to levitate and how to make things move with but a thought, but that was about it. Since she had constantly warned him to keep his gift a secret, he had never told anyone or used it consciously.


He was not like Amara, who used her powers as she liked.

Since Mystery had told him so, he never dared to show his powers in public. He had also watched one-too-many dramas to know that it was dangerous for him and his surroundings to use his powers so freely.

Enigma sighed for the n-th time. The more he sought for answers, the more confused he became.

Who came for them that night? Who were they hiding from? Why did Mystery send him away?

“Enigma, it’s time to call it a night!” Amara’s head popped out from one of the windows below the roof. She beckoned him to come inside, slightly shivering from the cold wind.

Enigma snapped out from his thoughts and climbed down, following her inside.

“The others were discussing about getting a new lair. What do you think we should get? Dean says he wants to go check out some new tools and upgrade his old ones soon. He’s so happy that he doesn’t need to go to secondhand stores anymore, but I say he should save some money for the future, but he doesn’t listen—“ Amara kept talking as they retired to their cots.

There was no separate bedrooms in the warehouse, so the seven people simply shared their sleeping space. Since the place was unheated, they could only huddle together at night to keep warm.

“Let’s make today the last day we sleep in this gods-forsaken building…”


“Tomorrow, let’s eat at that high-class restaurant down Luxury Street…”

“Then, we should get some nicer clothes first…”


The group chattered as they drifted to sleep.

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