《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (15)


Enigma did not notice their reaction. Instead, he fully concentrated on the box in his hands. He slowly opened it, revealing its content.

A bracelet, much like the one he and everyone else was wearing, rested inside the box. The only difference was that the bracelet was a custom-made one with a sleek design. The letter ‘M’ was engraved on it. The bracelet was slender; as if it was meant for a lady.

Yes, it was the exact same bracelet that Mystery had given Enigma before they separated. Unfortunately, Enigma had lost it a few years afterwards; some boy in the same orphanage had been jealous of him, and stole the bracelet when he was not looking. He had searched for it high and low, and even got into multiple fights with the boy, but the boy somehow forgot where he hid it. Until now, the bracelet remained unfound.

Enigma ran his thumb on the engraved initial. “Mysty…” he muttered quietly.

Longing filled his gaze. He brought the bracelet close to his face, resting his forehead on it. “Mysty…” Sadness filled his heart. So many years had gone by, and her scent had already disappeared from the impersonal piece of technology.

“It was dead when we found it, but I already fixed it. Some data might be missing, though. It’s something personal for you, so I didn’t dare to check the contents.” One of the guys explained, Dean, explained.

“Thanks.” Enigma pressed on the flat surface of the bracelet.

The activation process was simpler than the bracelet he had on. All he needed was scan his thumbprint on it. Luckily, Mystery had already inputted his thumbprint in the bracelet, so he was able to access it easily.

He browsed through the bracelet’s content.

Enigma froze.

He had somehow stumbled on a file titled ‘Eni’s 18th birthday’.


His fingers trembled.

He tapped on the file icon, revealing two other files inside. One was a video.

Shakily, he tapped on the video file.

A hologram popped out from the bracelet, making him jump.

“Play video.” He says, commanding the voice-activation system with a hoarse voice.

The video started to play.

The camera focused on a smiling Mystery.

“Hello, Enigma.” Mystery’s sweet and melodious voice sounded. Enigma’s legs almost buckled from the nostalgia. He had forgotten how much he missed her until then.

Even though they had many questions about the spectacle, the six people near him kept their quiet. They knew this was a personal moment for Enigma.

“Mysty…” He choked.

“Eni, how are you? Are you well? Are you happy?” Mystery’s gaze softened. “By now, I assume that I’ve already left your side. Am I right?” She smiled up to the camera.

“!” He shuddered. Was Mystery planning on leaving him all along? Bitterness filled his heart at the thought.

“Eni… listen. Do you remember what I’ve always told you?” Mystery’s gazed turned serious.


“Eni. You’re a very special boy, you know that?” Mystery sighed helplessly. “Since you’re probably an adult now, then there’s no need for me to hide anything. Eni, do you remember that story I told you? The story about the special boy with the gift of sharing.” Mystery smiled, as if it was just yesterday that she had told the story to him. Which was probably true, since the video was dated exactly the day after.

Enigma could not help but smile sadly at the memory. He had been so inquisitive back then, and Mystery probably gave up telling him the story halfway.

“That story, it was about you.” Mystery said. “Although I simplified and sugar-coated it quite a lot, it will one day come true.”


“What?” Enigma trembled. What did she mean? “Mysty… why?”

“Eni, remember the story.” Mystery stared straight into the camera, voice firm. “Hurry, before it’s too late. They’re already moving. Soon, they’ll find me.”

“Mysty! Who are ‘they’?! Who’s after you?!” Enigma cried at the two-dimensional footage.

“If… if I’m not with you, Eni… that means… Pandora has already found me.” The Mystery in the video casted her eyes downwards, concealing her sadness. “Save me, Eni.”

Mystery wiped away the tears that fell from her eyes, “Happy Eight...teenth birthday, Eni. I love you. Always.”

The video ended.

Silence consumed the room.

Enigma lowered his head, hiding his reddened face with his long bangs.

“…” The rest did not dare say anything. Enigma was showing so much emotion. It was more than they thought he was capable of showing.

“Ugh…!” Enigma fiercely rubbed his face. Mystery was in danger, and he might even be too late. This was not the time for him to wallow in sorrow.

He returned his focus to Mystery’s bracelet. There was another file he had yet to explore. It was labelled ‘present’.

He tapped on it.

Suddenly, a window popped out.

Transferring assets… Processing…

Transaction complete. Check balance?

Yes No

Enigma tapped on ‘Yes’.

Then, he was stunned.

The moment he had clicked on the file, a program was activated, allowing instantaneous transfers of all of Mystery’s assets to him. All the properties that she owned, all the businesses, and all her bank accounts… were now placed under his name!

He had hit the jackpot!

Enigma gaped.

He knew she was loaded, since, back then, his life had been pretty convenient. But, he didn’t know she was that rich.

He vaguely remembered all those years ago, when Mystery would just sit in front of her monitor and stare at it for hours on end…

A bittersweet feeling washed over him. Could it be that Mystery had done all of that, for him?

“Hey, Amara…” Enigma dazedly called out to the scar-ry girl.

“What is it?” Amara cautiously replied. Enigma seemed to be in a sensitive mood, so she did not dare to use her usual tone on him.

“I… I think I’ve found a solution for our problem.”


Enigma turned towards the crowd and rotated the holographic screen towards them.

The people squinted their eyes, trying to read it…


A hushed silence filled the warehouse once again.

Their eyes widened, and their mouths gaped. A fly might even fly into their their gaping mouths.

“…Am I hallucinating…?”

“Is this real…?”

Amara slapped the person next to her, Lukas, making him fall to the ground. “Ow! Hey, what was that for?!” He exclaimed.

“Oh, so it’s real…”

Then, everybody freaked out.

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