《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (13)


“No address, no guardians, no contact information, unidentified fingerprints… Just where did this kid come from?” The social worker in charge of Enigma’s case whispered loudly to the person next to him.

“Why ask me? I have no idea.” The man wearing a military uniform shrugged. “Why can’t you just put him in an orphanage or something?”

“Of course, I can do that. But do you think that kid will be happy? He must be missing his family very much.” The social worker shook his head, eyes narrowing at the other man. “I’ll go ask him a few questions first.”

The soldier motioned to the man, as if saying, ‘go ahead’.

The social worker walked up to Enigma. He was bundled up in clean, dry clothes that the Concierge had given him.

“How are you holding up, little boy?”


“What’s your name?”


“How old are you?”


“Which planet are you from? I’ll help send you back.” Even though the man received no response, he still continued to persist.

Enigma finally reacted. He flinched, his eyes reddening. “… … on… ow…”

“Yes? What is it?” Seeing that his words had at last elicited a response, the man leaned closer.

“Do…n’t… know!” Enigma burst into tears. “I don’t know!”

Enigma had never cared about where he was. As long as he was with Mystery, he was fine. He never took notice of where he came from or where he lived. All he knew was that the place was warm. They lived pretty high up so they also received a lot of sunshine.

Enigma hugged Mystery’s bracelet closer to himself.

“Little boy, don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe, okay? We’ll work hard to find your home.” The man patted Enigma’s little back, consoling him.


“Do you have any family? Tell me their names and I’ll run a search, okay?”

Enigma nodded slowly, stifling his sobs. He had never cried so much in his life. His eyes was hurting like it never did before.

“Mysty…” Enigma cried harder as he thought of the older girl’s ever-smiling face. “She…! She’s in danger…! The bad people! The bad people took her away—!”

“Mysty? Who’s that? Bad people? Can you tell me more about this?” The man’s back straightened as his eyes sharpened. As he thought, the boy was definitely running away from something, or someone.

“Mysty, family… The bad people… they suddenly came… they chased us… then, Mysty took me to that place with that thing, and then… and then… they got her…!”

The man found it a bit difficult to understand what the little boy was saying, but he had gotten the gist of it. “I see. Don’t worry, little boy. I’ll find Mysty for you.” The man smiled reassuringly, patting the boy’s head.

Enigma brushed away the man’s hand with a glare, “don’t… don’t call me ‘little boy’! I’m, my name, is Enigma!”

Seeing that the little boy had calmed down somewhat, the man breathed a small sigh of relief. “Yes, yes. It’s my bad, Enigma.”

He stood up straight, then held out his hand to Enigma, “come with me, Enigma. I’ll take you to a safe place. Get some rest, and I’ll find you when I find out more about your situation, okay?”

“…Nn.” Enigma hesitated, but ultimately took his hand. He wanted to return to Mystery’s side as soon as possible and the man seemed to be his only hope.




Mystery felt as if she was floating on air. Within a corner of her consciousness, she could see Eni being taken away to an orphanage, a clean and nice-looking man holding his hands.


Mystery breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like her efforts were not in vain. He was safe.

She closes her eyes, and when she opened them up again, what greeted her was Joseph’s intoxicated face.

“Mystery… you’re awake.” He smiled, contentedly lying beside her. Mystery realised that she was lying on a bed. A thick, circular cuff chained both of her wrists to the bed.

“What is this?” She frowned, tugging her arms. Surprisingly, her body felt weak and the cuffs seemed to be… draining her strength?

“I didn’t want to do this to you, Mystery, but you left me no choice.” Joseph says, his eyes downcast. “I couldn’t take any chances. After all, being hostile is one thing, but you slipping off from me again would be bad, wouldn’t it?” He asked rhetorically, caressing the girl’s soft skin.

He stared at the girl’s exquisite little face with darkened eyes. “I told my father to give me some time with you before I turn you in… what a pity. I didn’t want to let you go, but alas. The big man has spoken.” A sadness filled his heart as he thought of Mystery’s fate.

Without waiting for her reply, Joseph leaned into her, stealing a gentle kiss.

He had wanted to taste her lips for the longest time, and it was only now that he had gotten the chance.

Mystery tugged her wrists harder as she tried to get the man off of her.

The man complied helplessly. It was clear that the girl did not want to be with him.

“Don’t worry. I’ll save you…” He hugged her close, breathing in her scent for one last time before somebody knocked on his door.

His brows scrunched. “So the time has come,” he shook his head.

“I’m sorry, Mystery. I promise I’ll take you away once they’re done.” He kissed her one last time, then injected her again with the sleeping agent that the company was researching.


Mystery fell unconscious.

And she continued to remain unconscious for a very, very long time.

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