《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (11)


Planet MR-222.

It was one of the newly colonised planet in the interstellar system.

It was a backwater planet with a temperature that was low all year-round.

One day, an interstellar escape pod arrived at the only spaceport in the planet.

A young boy was curled up inside it, frost gathered on his skin. He had been induced into cryogenic sleep for the long journey.

When Enigma woke up, he could not recognise his surroundings at all.

“Mysty?” He poked his head out of the automatically opened hatch and looked around the vast, empty field. There was nothing around him.

A cloud of dust could be seen from afar, closing in on his location.

He stumbled out of the pod in a disoriented manner.

Soon, a few armoured vehicles stopped near him. The people got out, and once they realised that the unidentified ‘threat’ was actually just a little boy, they lowered down their weapons. However, in accordance with their safety protocol, these soldiers still did not lower their guards even if he was a young boy; he might have been sent by a terrorist group, after all. The newly arrived men stood at a distance, just in case he was carrying a bomb.

“What’s the matter, little boy? Are you lost? Where’s your family?” A female soldier stepped forward, softening her tone so that the boy would not be frightened.

Enigma ignored the soldier, instead looking around in a panic. He stepped backwards, causing him to accidentally trip on the pod. He fell down on his butt.

Enigma looked up at the sky, then looked back at the group of soldiers. Then, he drew his face closer to his knees, breaking out in loud sobs.

“Mysty~! Where are you—“

The soldiers, seeing the crying boy, panicked.

They were experts in diffusing threats and finding illegal items in the baggage, but soothing a child? All of them were utterly clueless on that matter.


One of them cursed, “Fuck, what do we do now?”

“S-should we bring him back to the station? Captain?”

“I-I don’t know. Let’s just take him to Concierge. They should know what to do…”

“Hey, kid, can you get up? We’ll take you to a nice, warm and comfy place…” One of them tried to coax Enigma to get up, but the boy refused to budge.

After a few more unsuccessful tries, the captain decided to simply drag him with them. They were wasting daylight, and the nights on MR-222 were much, much colder than day. He did not want to end up as an ice statue. He was also worried about the kid; he was wearing such thin clothing. The boy might even fall ill because of the temperature if they left him there any longer.

Enigma cried and struggled in futile. The captain was much too strong for his weak child body to beat.

Sitting on a sofa in a circular, heated room whilst being covered by layers of blankets, with people walking past him, was how Enigma spent his first night in a new planet.




“The only reason you managed to catch me was because I allowed you to. Now, gentlemen, mind showing me the way?” Mystery tilted her head, smiling prettily. She raised both of her hands, as if she was surrendering herself.

The masked mercenaries in front of her hesitated. Even though she looked quite harmless, their guts were screaming at them to run away from her, as far as they could. She felt utterly and inconceivably dangerous.

Seeing that the people did not lower down their weapons, Mystery pouted. “See, that’s no way to treat a lady.” With a wave of her hand, she sent the guns flying out of their hands.


With their weapons knocked away, they took a step back, cautiously eyeing the unarmed girl who had powers that they thought only existed in fiction.

“No wonder those people spent so much to get the girl back,” the leader muttered to himself.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard. The people from the back began parting up, making a path for the newly arrived person.

Seeing the familiar face, Mystery smiled deeply, “Fancy meeting you here, Joseph.”

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