《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (10)


After coming to this world and wholeheartedly devoting herself to raising Enigma, Mystery had developed a new hobby: making money.

She observed the rising digits on the monitor with a sense of satisfaction.

Lately, she had been investing in a lot of productions such as movies and dramas, as well as the stocks of production companies and talent agencies. As the pay day rolled around the corner, she would sit by the monitors, watching as the money flowed in digitally. There was just something about looking at the numbers going up that could make on feel a sense of fulfilment. No wonder there was so many people that she knew and didn’t know that liked to hoard treasures and money.

This feeling, was just too addicting!

Enigma watched as Mystery smiled foolishly while staring at her wall-sized monitor. A lot of data that he could not understand was listed on it, and there was a series of numbers on the right side which kept being refreshed. Every time it refreshed, the numbers would go up.

“Mysty, what’s so fun about watching that? Come and watch a movie with me instead.” He pouted, sulking.

“Mm. I’ll go in just a bit.” Mystery did not take her eyes off the monitor as she said so, her fingers tapping on the keyboard as she replied some messages.

The money has been deposited, as promised. $12mil, no more, no less.

M: OK.

Congratulations, Miss M. The movie was a big success! Here’s a little bonus for our biggest sponsor~ heartheartheart.gif – The message was followed by a deposit of a six figured number.

M: Thanks.

Dear Miss M, have you received the payment? Please contact us if there is a sum missing.

M: Yes, OK.

Miss M, due to the success of our recent production, we would like to extend our gratitude to you. We could not have reached this point without your support. Would you be interested in investing on more of our works? Here I have included a few scripts which we plan to produce in the future. [attachment] [attachment] [attachment]. If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Sincerest thanks, Zenfire Media.

M: OK.


What? This goddess needs to keep her air of mystery, okay? It’s not good if she was found out, after all. And it wasn’t like she needed to mingle with the humans, so there was no need to be so amiable, haha~

Actually, the target of her investments usually would have something to do with Enigma’s interests. Currently, Enigma really liked to watch movies, so she invested heavily in the industry. Whatever that he wanted to watch but did not exist, then she would just pay others to make it.


After replying her the messages, she logged out from her bank account and pulled out a streaming site.

“What do you want to watch, Eni?” She patted the seat next to her, motioning Enigma to make himself comfortable.

The two spent the entire day watching movies.

That night.

“Target spotted.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. White hair and gold eyes, looks around fifteen years of age, lives with a boy with gold eyes and black hair.” A man murmured into the communicator, he made his drone float near the slightly tinted windows of the penthouse. Other than the slight buzzing the drone produced, it was practically invisible in the dark night.

“Get the girl. If you’re lucky, take the boy too. He’s quite precious, you see. As a specimen, that is.” The man on the other side of the communicator chuckled.

“Got it, boss.” The man nodded towards the driver. Receiving his cue, the driver landed the military-grade stealth-type aerocar onto the porch quietly, barely making any noise.

Following them from behind, three other similar aerocars landed on the floor below them which was a parking lot.

There was four people in each car, making up for a total of sixteen personnel. The first four in the first aerocar broke into the house through the porch entrance. On the other hand, the remaining twelve sneaked into the building, intending to enter through the other entrance.

The intruders’ arrival caused the alarm to go off, startling Enigma and Mystery from their sleep.

Mystery got up, glancing around for a way out. They were inside the innermost room in the house, and there was only one door available. She turned to look behind her, seeing the tinted glass wall. A drone hovered outside, a red light blinking on it.

A crashing sound could be heard from the outside as the intruders ransacked their apartment.

“Mystery?” Enigma rubbed his eyes sleepily. “What’s going on?”

Mystery smiled down on him. “Nothing. Hey, Eni, do you want to go out for a walk?”

“A walk? Right now?” The boy looked at her incredulously. Seeing the smile on her face, he could not help but feel a sliver of doubt. Suddenly, a loud sound could be heard as the intruders try to break down the door which had been automatically locked.

“Mysty?!” He looked at the older girl with a panicked gaze.

“Hold on tight!” Mystery pulled Eni into her arms, hugging him tightly. Forming a light barrier around themselves, Leila headed straight-on towards the glass wall.

Hearing the sound of glass breaking, the intruders immediate got into action. “They’re running away!”

The intruders returned to their aerocars, ready to chase their targets.


Enigma screamed as they descended in the air. He closed his eyes tightly in fear, but unlike his expectations, he did not feel any impact.

Mystery hugged him tightly, pushing his head into her bosom so that he would not be hurt by the strong wind.

Just as they were about to crash on the ground, Mystery lightly stepped on the ground with the tip of her toes, launching themselves forward into a different direction, as if they were as light as a feather.

“Mmmmmyssstyyyyy~!” Enigma shrieked. Tears and snot ran down his face.

From afar, a few almost invisible aerocars closed in behind them.

“Use tranq shots!” Ordered the leader.

The pursuers took out their tranquiliser guns, aiming it towards Mystery who was practically flying in the air.

She evaded gracefully, as if she had eyes on her back. Being very familiar with the area, she jumped around and took twisting and confusing turns, misleading the pursuers.

With a short amount of time left before the pursuers located them again, she headed to a familiar direction.

Fang’s Pawn Shop!

“Hey, whoa!” Fang Xiu was startled as the front of his store was destroyed.

Mystery crashed into his store unceremoniously, not caring the fact that he was dealing with a customer.

“Fang Fang~ I need your help~” Mystery unhesitatingly jumped behind the counter, dashing into the door behind it.

“Hey!” Seeing her actions, Fang Xiu could not help but change his attitude.

For customers, the area in the back of his store was a no man’s land. It was his private area.

“I owe you one~” Mystery did not care about his anger. Her top priority was to keep Enigma safe.

As if she was familiar with the place, she rummaged around the bare wall, looking for the hidden switch.

“How do you even know about this?!” Fang Xiu cried behind her.

Mystery ignored the man. Finally, she found the switch. She expertly keyed in the four-digit passcode for the switch. With a beeping sound, the switch blinked green, showing that the passcode was correct.

“How?!” Fang Xiu’s flabbergasted voice rang once more.

Haha, little Fang, you should know that the spirit that often linger around your shop is quite the tattle-tale~

A hidden door was unlocked, revealing its content.

It was an interstellar escape pod!

As expected of a retired vet~ He managed to get his hands on such a high-tech equipment and was still allowed to keep it. The escape pod provided barely enough space for an adult man; if Fang Xiu ever intended to use it, it would have been a very tight squeeze. She knew it was something that someone sold to him for a bit of cash, which was why it was not tailored to suit his size. Luckily, it had plenty of space given Enigma's small frame.

Before Fang Xiu could stop Mystery from abusing his private properties, their pursuers had finally caught up to them.

Fang Xiu’s storefront was now completely ruined.

“Aaaaargh!” He ruffled his hair in anger and frustration. He had almost gotten a done deal on someone’s priceless family heirloom, but now, thanks to Mystery, his customer ran away and his shop was in shambles.

The arrival of the unknown pursuers was very timely. Now, the ex-military man had some targets to vent his anger on.

With a flurry of curses, he took out the hidden particle gun under the counter, charging it up. He accurately shot the intruders, taking them down one by one in mere seconds.

“Watch out for him! Request for back-up!”

“How! Dare! You! Destroy! My! Baby!” At this point, Fang Xiu had already jumped over his counter, and instead of shooting them with his gun, he was using it as a blunt weapon instead. He bashed the enemies left and right, acting like a mad bull.

Mystery, feeling apologetic, quietly took out one of her many artefacts, placing it down on a safe place along with a money card for reimbursing the damages.

However, soon enough, more personnel came as reinforcements, flooding the shop.

Since the place that Fang’s Pawn Shop was located in was not a good one, none of the residents came out to check up on them or call the police. They had heard this kind of commotion one-too-many times due to the fact that gangs often ran amok in the area.

Even as he was stampeded by the enemies, Fang Xiu still refused to back down. It took eleven tranquiliser shots to get the man to fall.

Sensing that Fang Xiu had been knocked unconscious, Mystery immediately closed the pod’s hatch, kissing the crown of Enigma’s head, “You’ll be fine,” she says. She took off her bracelet, putting it on his wrist. “Stay safe.”

As the enemies broke into Fang Xiu’s private quarters, they could see Mystery trying to get the pod to work. She selected the designated destination and activated it.

Mystery powered up the pod with her divine sense, ensuring that his journey would be safe.

The pod's hatch closed completely. White smoke that felt cold to the touch began filling the interior of the small pod. “Mysty!” Enigma cried, small fists thumping on the unbreakable pod.

His final seconds on the planet was burned with the image of Mystery being surrounded by masked men pointing their weapons at her.

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