《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (8)


After the boy left in a panic, the two were left perturbed.

“Ah, I knew this day would come…” Fergus mourned, already thinking about how he was going to lose his job.

“Hehe,” the girl simply replied.

Fergus looked at her, looking as if he was about to cry. “Hey! If I’m compromised, you are, too!”

The girl stuck her tongue out to him, “No, I won’t!”

She picked up Enigma, holding him close to her chest.

Even with her true powers suppressed, listening in on Joseph’s conversation was easy enough. Thanks to the struggle that Joseph is putting in, he bought some time for them. Even if it was just a few minutes, for her, it was more than enough.

“Fer, don’t panic! I’ll hide with Enigma, then you…” she paused, staring at the desk that Fergus usually used.

“Hey, remember that paper you were working on about my genes in your pastime?”


“Use that to cover up about Enigma. Say what you have to say, just make sure that nothing explicit about me and Enigma makes it out.”

“! I got it!”

Mystery smiled, just as she always did, towards the nervous-wreck-of-a-man, making Fergus feel slightly more comforted.

“Good luck~”

Her soft voice tinkled as she disappeared behind some bulky equipment.

Before he could ruminate on what he should do, the door opened, and the scary Mr. Pandora entered.

“So it was Mystery’s idea…” Joseph sighed, glad that the girl made it out safely. The girl had superpowers after all, so she could easily run away if she wanted. But if she was found out… his father would probably make her into a lab rat.

Joseph trembled. He needed to do everything that he can to avoid that from happening.

“Oh yeah. Mystery, you can come out now!”


The two waited for a long while, but there was still no sign of the girl.


The two looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of the young girl. “Mystery?!”

Alarm bells were ringing in Joseph’s mind. It couldn’t be that she got caught?!

“Mystery, where are you?!” The boy ran around the lab, searching every nook and cranny for the girl.

“It’s not just Mystery, Enigma’s also gone.” Fergus informed gravely.

“Is it because my father’s appearance scared her away?” Joseph paced back and forth worriedly. In the past ten months that they have been together, Mystery had never left the floor after he had wrested its control. At least, not that he knew of.

The floor was equipped with its own kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping quarters specialised for those working long hours, so Mystery did not need to go outside at all. The wi-fi connection was top-notch, so she wouldn’t even get bored.

“Young master, look!” Fergus pointed towards the vents. Without their notice, the vent cover had already been taken off and placed aside.

“Did she escape from there?”

“It’s possible. Mystery is small enough to fit into it, I think.”

Joseph’s face displayed a distressed expression, clearly worried about the white-haired mysterious girl.

“We need to find her, quickly!”


On that day, Mystery completely disappeared from their lives, never to be found again for a very long time.

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