《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (2)


Airi opens her eyes.

Her portal had opened up at a quiet alleyway neighboured by abandoned buildings on both sides.

Her arrival was a quiet one, so not a single person noticed it.

Before coming here, she had already met up with the Domain Lord of the area.

It seemed like that person did not mind her presence, and even encouraged her to create as much ruckus as she wanted, since he wanted to see something interesting. His words received approval from the other Domain Lords, who had complained of why she did not meet with them as well.

Since the gods were lenient and the Laws were lax, she was free to move about as long as she did not break any of her [Restrictions]. That is, no killing any mortals, human or not.

Airi looked at the orb that was safely tucked in the chest area of her clothes.

For the time being, she needed to find somewhere to cultivate a body for Enigma’s little soul embryo.

“Hello,” she says to the empty air. “May I ask some questions?” There was always bound to be spirits lingering in every world. These spirits could not be seen by the naked eye, and sometimes would even slip out of the notice of those with more than one sight. However, just because one cannot see them, does not mean they are not around. These spirits tend to be the most knowledgeable about the world around them, and thus would probably possess the answers that she sought.

A faint shape could be discerned in the place where she had greeted, blinking into existence in one moment and fading away in the next. Each time it materialised its shape changes.

‘A high being such as yourself has come to this dreary and dingy place. What do you need to know, o great celestial?’ A voice whispered.


Airi smiled. Still so young and naïve, the spirit readily answered her calling. If she had been one who had ill intentions, this spirit would have been devoured ages ago.

“I must find a place to develop a physical body for this young one. Do you know a place?”

‘Ah… a soul without a body…? How is it not a dead spirit…?’

“Perhaps you can find the answer once you’ve ascended, little one.” Airi smiled at the spirit’s curiosity.

‘Little one…? Perhaps in your eyes I am truly young and ignorant, for I am nothing but a formless spirit…’ The voice muttered. In the world, it considered itself to be one of the most ancient entity, as it had been drifting around for many, many years; even before buildings were erected on this land, when it had been nothing but a field of grass. But it knew that in front of the holy presence it really was nothing but a little child.

‘Yes… a place where a body can be built… if it is a human body you seek, then there is that place.’ The spirit formed a deformed hand-like shape, then let it point towards a certain building. The building was like any other in the city; made of glass and steel, appearing nondescript save for the sign that differentiate it from its neighbours.

PANDORA CORP., the huge, digital signboard wrote.

“Hm? Pandora Corp? What is so special about them?”

‘I have heard in passing that they have the ability to cultivate humans with nothing but the tools in their laboratories.’ The voice retracted its hand-like tentacle into its formless body. ‘But of course, rumours tend to be exaggerated. Still, I believe that the truth is not too far from the rumours.’

“I see. Thank you, little one.” Airi produced a light within her palm and sent it towards the formless entity, as a gift for its cooperation.


‘…! I will eternally be grateful to you, o great one…’ Receiving the present, the spirit faded away completely, returning to wherever it came from.

Before Airi head towards her newfound destination, she suppressed her powers so that it would not stand out, directly cutting it down to three large levels below her actual cultivation. Then, she completely dispersed her presence.

Finished with her preparations, Airi directly jumped into the air, gliding atop buildings leisurely towards her target.

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