《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (1)


As man’s research for genetic improvements broke through new heights, humans with mutated genes that allowed them to wield powers beyond that of the understanding of science began to appear.

That world was as such.

In the beginning, those who had awakened their powers were not many, and they were rather rare. Most that had awakened would choose to hide themselves; terrified of what would happen if they were found.

In order to make the world a better place for these people to live, Enigma wanted to intervene.


He did not have the ability to complete his goal.

But he knew of a person who could help him.

The goddess, Airi.

They were old friends, him and her.

People that originated from the same Sin tended to flock together, and he was no different. Though when he started serving his sentence she was already nearly finished. But she was kind enough to give him tips to survive the arduous and tragic lifetimes.

That was why he thought that she could help him.

“Why do you desire to save this world?” She had asked him.

“Because it is my homeland,” he simply replied. “I still remember the glittering azure sea near my hometown. Those green plains and beautiful forestations preserved by the authorities. They were small, yes, but truly beautiful. And the endless, towering buildings that lit up at night. Ah, so nostalgic,” he told her.

“Tell me, dear junior. You are such a simple person, so why are you here?” She tilted her head in a puzzled manner. She did not understand how he became a criminal.

“I was once a man of science,” he smiled, as if reminiscing. “And men of science tend to go above and beyond in order to prove their theories.”


“Ah.” Even without him explaining she could already imagine what went awry. Human experiments, biochemical weapon, or perhaps trying to create something he was incapable of controlling. There were many ways in which one could go wrong.

“You are now a free man, yet you want to return… to where it all began?”

He chuckled at her incredulous expression, “ah, I am not like you, Airi. I am not strong enough to sever my karmic bonds and ascend to new heights. I do not desire power. I do not want eternal life. I simply… want to live a fulfilling life.”

“But you now know that once you die, you will reincarnate and live again.”

“Yes, but now that I have finished serving my time, I will reincarnate and not remember my past lives anymore. It will be as if I became a completely different person. Free from the sins I have commited in my first lifetime.”

“…” She shook her head, sighing. Talking to him was like talking to a wall. “Never mind, then. Do as you want. Whether you want to re-enter the cycle or transcend is none of my business.”

“So will you help me?”

“I suppose I could. Consider it as a farewell gift, from yours truly.”

“Hm. Thank you.”

“Haa…” She sighed. “Thankfully, the world you came from is not a neutral one, and the Domain Lords are the hands-off type as well. The restrictions will certainly be looser.”

The man smiled deeply at the girl’s words and shook his head, chuckling to himself.

“This lifetime will be your last one as ‘Enigma’. I will make sure to make it a fulfilling one, just for you.”

Enigma smiled before closing his eyes, “I’ll leave it to you, Airi. Thank you, for everything.”

His figure began to blur. Soon, his body faded and all that was left of him was a small, white orb that shone intensely. If one looked closely, the faint outlines of a foetus could be seen.

The girl picked up the orb, holding it close to her chest as if she was holding onto a precious treasure. She then departed, jumping straight into a portal that had opened in front of her feet.

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