《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Flags Are Built Through the Efforts of the Cannon Fodder (25)


Leila watched the scene with a complex gaze.

She had seen Sieg go crazy when she died.

She was used to this kind of gruesome way of death, but seeing how affected Sieg was, she could not help but feel… strange.

She almost felt sorry for him to have to go through the ‘death of loved one’ flag.

Leila tilted her head, evaluating her feelings. Perhaps, it was because she had children with the man, which was why she felt that way.

Un, that’s probably it~

Anyways, now that Leila is dead, she’s free to roam around now~

Maybe it was about time to go back and check up on Leila’s family, yeah?


As if she was one with the wind, Leila soared through the sky.

Although the clouds could not affect her who was nothing but a spiritual body, she still closed her eyes when she passed through them.

Finally, she arrived at her destination.

It was surprisingly close.

She wondered why no one had found her even though Greywolf Village was quite close to the Rosenbell mansion.

Leila dropped down to the ground just as she reached the gate, floating gently.

Looking at the serious-looking guardsman at the gate, she smiled, feeling nostalgic.

She took a step forward into the mansion grounds.

As expected, her first step home was uneventful, if anything. Lightning did not flash, clouds did not gather, and no animal nor human was stirred by her presence. All was calm, as always.

Leila looked around the well-kept brick path and the gardens. Once upon a time, she would look through from the windows of the salon room, feeling restricted. Frederick would often go out, perhaps to train his swordsmanship or magic, and she could only stare from inside the house jealously. Back then, all little Leila wanted was to play in the labyrinth-like front gardens.


Leila smiled as she took small but purposeful steps towards the front entrance. She wanted to enjoy the peaceful scenery for as long she could.

Finally, when the sun began to go down, she finally reached the entrance. Although the trip would usually take less than ten minutes, thanks to her dallying it had taken her hours on end.

It was dinnertime.

She watched as a flurry of servants went back and forth in the house, some hurrying to eat their dinner and some carrying plates and food towards the dining room, ready to serve the household masters.

“Thank you, lord, for the plentiful feast. Let us dine,” says an aged Viscount Rosenbell who sat at the head of the table. His hands were clasped together in a praying motion, but his voice was neither too pious nor enthusiastic.

“Thank you, lord.” The rest parroted his words. After the brief prayer, the occupants of the dining table helped themselves to the food. After a long day of work, all they wanted to do was eat then go to bed.

On each side of the Viscount sat Madam Rosenbell and Frederick. Other than the three, a few others, young men judging by their looks, sat together with them. Leila could not recognise the unfamiliar faces.

Leila watched as the group ate in silence.

How boring, she thought.

They did not even make any small talk, and only ate. While it was understandable for Leila’s father, Marcus, whose words were as precious as gold, her mother the Madam was usually quite talkative. She used to love gossiping, but now the woman seemed to have changed.

Nina Rosenbell only kept to herself, looking down on her food as she ate. Though she was still as beautiful as Leila had remembered, the sophisticated and composed beauty had turned into a frail type of beauty. She appeared sickly with her thin and pale frame.


Every once in a while, the woman would hold up a handkerchief to her mouth, hiding her coughing. Finally, the silence was broken when the viscount placed down his utensils, “Nina, why don’t you retire first? I’ll have the servants prepare some chamomile tea and coughing medicine. Go rest.” Although his face was as stoic as ever and his voice cold, Nina who had been with him for a long time could detect the concern in his gaze.

“Mm. Then I will. Please excuse me,” she nodded, then excused herself. She smiled gently towards her husband before heading back to their shared bedroom.

She did not have much of an appetite, so she barely even touched her food. Marcus, noticing that, also instructed the servants to bring some easily digestible food for the lady.

“Father, may I be excused as well?” Frederick who had been silent the whole time, finally spoke up. He pushed away his empty plate, signalling that he was done with his dinner. Viscount Rosenbell had no intention of holding back the boy, so he acquiesced.

The other three that shared the table also got up, excusing themselves as well, as if they could not handle the tension inside the dining room.

Interested in knowing their identities, Leila kept close to them.

Just as they were a few steps away from the dining room, the three took a huge breath of relief. “That was so scary!” One of them said.

“As expected of the Ice Viscount; just being close to him made me break out in cold sweat.”

“I wonder how you managed to live with him for the past, what, twenty-three years?” asked one of them towards Frederick.

Frederick turned back, looking at the last person with a cocked eyebrow. “You’re one to talk. Haven’t you lived with the King himself for twenty-three years? If I’m not mistaken, the king can be more intense than my father.”

The man shot a bitter look towards Frederick, “I was lucky since royal father is quite the family man. In front of us, he does not exhibit his kingly aura.”

“Hmm, how unexpected,” remarked another.

The four walked together and chatted about miscellaneous things as they headed towards their rooms. After they separated, Leila chose to follow Frederick.

From their earlier conversation, she had gleamed quite a few facts. The four was clearly very close friends, seeing as they had no qualms about hiding secrets and talked freely among each other.

First and foremost, their identities turned out to be very special. One was the royal army’s general’s son, the other was a Duke’s son, and the last one was the crown prince himself.

Frederick, upon reaching his room, did not do anything other than retire to bed.

Leila felt like a creep as she watched him sleep.

Frederick’s look had changed, albeit slightly. He no longer had any of his boyish feature, having completely matured into an adult. His eyes were sharper and colder, resembling their father’s. He was taller, and although his body was hidden beneath his clothes, she had seen his lean muscles when he was changing into his night clothes.

L-Leila is not a pervert, okay?! She just happened to see it, okay?!

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