《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Flags Are Built Through the Efforts of the Cannon Fodder (23)


That morning when Leila woke up, she had a very strange, jittery feeling. As if something bad was about to happen.

This feeling…

No matter how you look at it, it’s that, isn’t it?

A death flag.

Ahahahahaha~ Oh well.


Since the whole family shared one huge bed together, it was easy for her to check up on her children.

The twins were sleeping peacefully, one curled up in a foetal position and the other sprawled out as if the whole bed belonged to him.

Being the diligent housewife that she was, Leila was often the first to wake up, and today was no different. The moment she got out of bed, as usual, Sieg stirred awake.

“It’s morning?” He asked sleepily.


“I’ll go get some water from the well.” Sieg pulled on a shirt, then stretched his body before picking up the large wooden buckets used to hold water for the family’s daily use. Since there was now four people in the family, he would need to make two trips every day to get sufficient water for everyone’s use.

“Nn. Then, I’ll make some breakfast.” Leila placed a chaste kiss on Sieg’s cheek before heading to the kitchen, ready to begin her daily chores.

When the sun rose up and the birds begin to chirp noisily outside the window, the twins finally woke up. Leila pushed the windows open, allowing the whole house to breathe in the crisp morning air.

The whole family dined together, basking in the atmosphere of the quiet and peaceful morning.

Meanwhile, on another part of the forest, five cloaked people were walking through the forest. One of them led the way, occasionally patting the trunk of a tree as they advanced deeper into the forest.

“How much farther are we?”


“Patience. I left a few markers around here, but some of them were foils just in case I was being tracked. I need to look at them closely.”

Some of the others frowned. Although they were used to travelling long hours, they had been stuck in the forest for more than five hours. They had set out very early in the morning, expecting to reach the targeted destination before dawn, and yet here they were, stumbling around searching for Roger’s tracks.

“Isn’t this the same place we passed through two hours ago?” The only female in the group, Lina, huffed as her brows drew together.

“It’s not! See, the bird over there is a different kind from the one before.” Roger replied defensively, pointing at a high branch of a towering tree where a bird was perched on.


Forget it, it’s their fault for trusting the idiot with no sense of direction to lead the way.

“We’re close; trust me.” He insisted.

After insisting that they were close for another dozen times, the words were finally fulfilled. The five took cover among the many trees and foliage, concealing their presence. From afar, they could see the small but harmonious Greywolf Village.

Every once in a while, a beastman would come out, looking around the area, then left after seeing that no threats could be found. The beastmen seemed to patrolling the area as they were all armed with a weapon each.

“Patrol, huh? Looks like you left a pretty big mark when you left.” The scar-faced bounty hunter remarked sarcastically. Even among the bounty hunters, Roger did not have a good reputation. This was mostly because Roger was more like a sneaky thief that liked to take advantage of opportunities.

“Shut up.” Roger glared at the man.


“This isn’t good. We’ll have to lure out the target.” One of the cloaked figures said.

Roger nodded in response. “For now, we’ll just observe the situation. That human woman I was talking about seems to periodically go out to pick herbs, so we’ll just have to strike when the time comes.”

“Agreed.” The rest did not have any complains. Staking out was part of the job, so they were used to it. Perhaps, the only complaint they have was about the unconventional sleeping area. Because they were in hiding, they could only grit their teeth and find some sturdy branch to sleep on, since wild animals and monsters tend to roam around on the ground, especially at night.

Thus, just as expected, the five stalked Leila and her family for three days straight, deliberately waiting for their chance.

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