《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Flags Are Built Through the Efforts of the Cannon Fodder (19)


Two people were sitting at the small dining table, facing each other.

One held a laidback smile, while the other looked anxious.

“What is it, Sieg?” The girl smilingly asked. She was beginning to grow fond of the way his ears fidgeted nervously in contrast to his serious look.

“Leila…” the man started. Right now, he was not the cold-hearted village hunter but rather a love-sick village boy.

“Hm?” Leila tilted her head, controlling her ever-growing smile. She felt like bursting into laughter but immediately forced it down. She did not want to ruin the mood that Sieg had painstakingly created, after all.



“Wil you marry m—“

Before he could finish asking, Leila quickly answered, grinning.



Leila laughed freely at the flabbergasted look on Sieg’s face. “…Really?” he asked, uncertain.


“Really?” He asked again, more confidently.

“Yes.” Leila replied with more conviction.

Sieg looked at her with a rare happy expression. A feeling of sweetness flooded his heart. But, before he could enjoy the feeling, he narrowed his eyes. “Wait. Leila, you answered too quickly. Could it be…?”

“Yes. I knew.”

“Ho—when—how?!” Could it be that Mimi told her?!

“I figured it out after seeing Sieg practicing with Druuk a while back~” Leila laughed teasingly, with an expression that said, ‘Sieg is so cute~’

“So you’ve been… playing dumb, all this time?”

“Nn! I didn’t want to ruin Sieg’s moment~”

“…” Sieg looked at her helplessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Suddenly, he found out that Leila also had such a mischievous side to her.

“Then, it’s decided~ I will be Sieg’s wife, officially~”

“Mm. I’ll go tell the chief later.” He glanced at the bubbly girl, “I’m sure you’re unfamiliar with the beastmens’ marriage customs, so I’ll ask some of the village women to help you prepare.”



That very evening, news broke out that one of the village hunters is marrying the Saint. Within two weeks, Leila had finally become Sieg’s wife. Yaaa~y.

Although they faced refusal from some of the villagers due to the fact that Leila was not only a human, but also the Saint that everybody in the village looked up to, the two still continued on with the marriage. Sieg received multiple death threats afterwards, but because the two were enjoying their sweet honeymoon phase, he barely paid attention to it.

Now, fast forward to five years later.

Sieg and Leila is enjoying their happy married life, together with two little buns, Loki and Riel~ Like a miracle, the twin children were born.

Snow-white hair that resembled their mother, but beastman features that resembled their father. They were the only white wolves in the Greywolf Village.

“Loki~ Riel~ it’s time to go~” Leila’s melodious voice called out from behind the frolicking twin.

They were having so much fun playing at the flower field that they felt disappointed when they have to leave.

“Mommy~ Can’t we stay for a little while longer~?” Loki whined cutely.

“Mommy, please~?” Riel parroted.

Seeing the highly adorable pairs of big and watery eyes, Leila could not help but hesitate. She struggled for a while before finally refusing their request. “We can’t. Your daddy will worry if we’re gone for too long. Next time, okay~”

Leila had promised Sieg to return as soon as she found all of the herbs that Mimi told her to gather, so she did not want to dally. As much as it pained her to see their saddened faces, she could not afford to spoil them since it was getting dark.

Leila bent down to scoop her daughter into her arms. Though the two was sullen, they still complied obediently. Loki reached out for her hand voluntarily, holding hands as they made their way back to the village.


“Poof, poof~” Loki hummed as he bounced. Along with his words, his beastman features ‘poof-ed’ into human features, then back to beastman features.

Looking at her son’s antics, Leila smiled. “You’ll get hungry quickly if you keep doing that, Loki~”

Loki looked up abruptly, “Ah, I forgot.” His face turned into panic. They were still a few ways away from the village, and to a child such as himself, the distance was as if it would take forever to get back. He was afraid of growing hungry in the middle of the journey, seeing as they had already finished up the rations that Leila had brought with her earlier.

Leila laughed at the boy’s simple and naïve countenance.

“Then, let’s head home quickly, okay?”

“”Yes~”” The two children replied simultaneously.

Loki then immediately dashed forward, changing into the form of a wolf.

“Ah, Loki, be careful!” Just as she yelled, the little boy was sent sprawling after accidentally tripping on a pebble.

“Ah!” the boy shouted, crashing into the ground head-first.

“Geez~ Loki, didn’t I tell you to look when you run?” She scolded, setting down Riel to help Loki up.

“Mommy...” Loki’s lips trembled as he looked at his mother with a wronged expression. He held out his arms and knees, slightly bleeding from the scratches after his fall.

Leila placed her palm on the boy’s cheek, but before she could evoke her healing abilities, Riel called out, “Mommy, mommy, can I do it this time?” Her childish voice sounded eager as her eyes sparkled.

“Sure~” Leila acquiesced, instructing the little girl. “Riel, put your hands on Loki, then think, ‘pain, pain, go away~’, got it?”

“Mn! I know!” Riel excitedly hugged her twin, closing her eyes and furrowing her brows in concentration. Soon, a bright light covered the two, and when it disappeared, Loki’s scratches were nowhere in sight. Loki lept up excitedly, acting as if he had never gotten hurt.

After the little incident, the trio continued their way home, with the twins happily skipping as they held hands.

Leila watched the two with a soft expression, smiling contently.

Ah~ so peaceful, so nice~

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