《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Flags Are Built Through the Efforts of the Cannon Fodder (17)


Mimi was uncharacteristically sweeping the entrance of her clinic with a broom.

Though all she managed to clean was the small patch near her feet.

Leila had heard from Mimi herself that her husband was a merchant who was often away for months on end, and that her son had chosen to walk down the same path as his father, making her feel slightly resentful. But, seeing the eager look that Mimi could barely hide, it was clear that the woman missed her family very much.

Because of that, Leila made the decision to move out from Mimi’s clinic to let the woman be able to spend time freely with her family. This was because Mimi’s living quarters were connected to the clinic, and Leila being there was like being the third wheel to the family. Actually, only one part of the hut was used as her clinic while the rest consisted of her house.

“Mimi~ it’s so cold outside. Why don’t you wait inside?” Leila called out from inside the clinic. She was bundled up like a ball yet was still shivering. The stove was lit, making the interior of the clinic warm.

“Mm. Later.” Mimi distractedly answered, her head peering up towards the straight path in front of the clinic.

“!” Mimi’s ears perked up as her face lit up in excitement.

Loud footsteps could be heard from the road.


Mimi wilted in disappointment after realising that it was just Druuk and Sieg who were helping to clear out the snow in the village.

“Leila, are you ready?” Sieg’s cheeks were flushed, either due to the cold, or perhaps due to his anticipation.

Sieg had finished up with the snow-clearing so he came by to the clinic to pick up the human girl who would be living with him from now on. Or at least until Mimi’s husband and son goes out to trade again next season.


Although the village chief offered to build a new hut for the girl to stay in, Leila had refused him, saying that doing so would be a waste of time and resources. It was winter after all, so it was better for the beastmen to conserve their energy and wood to survive instead of using it on her.

Other villagers were originally against the idea of having Leila stay with Sieg, but since they could not win against the girl’s deadly smile, they had no choice but to let the girl have her way. Back when the villagers had been arguing about it, Leila had even prepared a multitude of excuses to back herself up.

Haha, actually, Leila really just wanted to romance the hunter, is all (lol).

Thus, it was decided that Leila would move into Sieg and Druuk’s house during the winter.

“Oh, you’re leaving already?” Mimi placed down her straw broom, looking highly reluctant to let the girl go.

Ever since Leila had been cured, her work in the clinic had become easier, what with the added help of the healing machine that was Leila.

“Mn. See you later, Mimi~” Leila climbed onto Druuk with Sieg’s help, bidding the other woman a temporary farewell. Even though she was moving houses, she was still going to visit the clinic every day, so she left in a rather carefree manner.

And so, that was the start of Leila’s and Sieg’s happy newlywed life~ te-he~

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