《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Flags Are Built Through the Efforts of the Cannon Fodder (13)


A group of tall and burly beastmen stood in front of the clinic, leading a riot against the village healer.

“That human must go!”

“She doesn’t belong here!”

“Why are you sheltering a human?! Have you forgotten what those wretched people did to us?!”

Mimi’s ears felt itchy.

She had heard the same thing over and over again for the past few days. Because of the rejection of the villagers, Mimi had barricaded herself inside her clinic, refusing to come out even when they threatened to break her door down.

The people leading the riot just happened to be the older generation of beastmen in the village, and in their time, the persecution against beastmen by the humans was the worst in history. Naturally, they could not stomach having one of their own sheltering a human.

Traitor, they called them.

Ignoring the rabble outside her hut, she brought over a jug of water, pouring some in a cup and passing it to the white-haired human girl.

Leila accepted the cup gratefully, drinking with relish. She held the cup with both hands and drank in small but fast sips.

Looking at the girl adorably drinking water, the label ‘despicable and hateful’ really could not be equated to her.

Mimi shook her head. The girl was so harmless and cute, how could those old geezers even think about kicking her out? She sighed.

The noise was getting on her nerves. Usually, her clinic would be quiet and tranquil; it was a place for people to recover, so many took care as to not make too much noise in fear of disturbing the patients, but these bunch of noisy people was just so tactless. Fortunately, the only patient she had in the clinic was Leila, and the girl was as tolerant as a saint.

Usually, Sieg would be around to chase away the rabble, but he had gone to hunt in preparation for the winter. Though he wanted to guard over the clinic, he could not skimp out on his duties.

Luckily, as the village’s only healer, no one dared to trespass Mimi’s clinic. It was clear on how much they depended on her services. They dared to bark but didn’t dare to bite.

Actually, if Sieg was around, these people were even more docile. Sieg, though awkward as he may be, had the reputation of being one of the village’s best warrior and hunter.


Finally, after rioting for so long yet receiving no response, the people began to grow tired and lose interest. Winter was fast approaching, so they didn't actually have that much time to spare.

However, before many of them dispersed, a group of people rushed towards them. It was the group of hunters that went out to hunt for winter provisions.

They had just come back, bloodied and battered.

“Mimi! It’s an emergency!” Sieg’s voice rang out. He rushed from behind the group on his trusted partner, Druuk the wyrm. Together with him was another beastman who was in the most critical condition out of those who were injured.

Mimi’s hut was not that big; at most, it could only hold three patients at a time. One of the cots was already occupied by a certain human girl, so only two was available. With that in mind, the group of hunters laid the injured members on the front of her clinic. They lined them in a single line, supporting those who could be supported.

The group had seven people altogether, and three of them were heavily injured. The rest of them were hurt, too, but their injuries were not life-threatening. Their treatments could wait.

Mimi hastily exited her hut, with a bunch of medicine and bandages in hand.

Those rioters who were just about to leave stopped dead in their tracks, face changing into seriousness. Without missing a beat, some of them left, most probably to get clean cloths and water from the well.

“Have the water heated up, then soak some of the cloths with warm water,” Mimi instructed just as she appeared from inside the hut.

Mimi examined the injuries with a solemn expression, her complexion getting darker and darker with every person observed.

“What happened?” While Mimi was busy stopping the blood of one of the hunters, one of the elders asked, staring straight at Sieg.

“We were attacked by a Grizzly. We managed to defeat it, but we were too close to a pack of monsters. They came at us the moment they smelled the blood.” Sieg explained, fists clenching. He blamed himself for not being more cautious.

“Ethan! Ethan!” A female beastman came running from afar. She was the wife of one of the injured hunters. Upon seeing the condition of her husband, she bursts into tears. “Oh, Ethan! No!”

“Mimi, you must save him!” The woman sobbed.


“I’ll try my best,” Mimi nodded gravely.

However, the beastman called Ethan just happened to be the one with the most sever wounds. He was practically on death’s door.

Leila, upon hearing the commotion, could not sit still either. She struggled to walk out of her bed, with the blanket draped over her body. Soon enough, her figure poked out from the clinic’s door.

Some of the previous rioters noticed her appearance, and stiffened. Some even had their mouths gaping open in shock.

Although they had heard of the matter of Mimi and Sieg harbouring a human and protecting her in the clinic, these people had never actually seen her in person.

The white-haired girl appeared like a glowing, frail beauty. She leaned against the door for a short while, appearing to be tired out.

What human? She’s clearly a fairy! Some of them dazedly thought.

While the beastmen were stunned by her, they were not stunned for long.

The situation was dire, and they could not afford to divert their attention to the girl. Soon enough, their eyes returned to the hunters.

Leila ran to Mimi’s side just as the she was thinking of Ethan’s imminent death. Leila was currently very weak, so her ‘running’ was just about as fast as a slow jog.

Mimi sighed in her heart. Ethan lost plenty of blood. One of his legs were gone and there was a visible wound on his shoulder, as though the flesh had been savagely bitten off by a monster.

Although she did not want to give up, her abilities were not enough to save him. Still, she tried her best.

Suddenly, a light began to glow from Leila who had unknowingly came beside her and was holding the dying man’s hand in her palms.

“! Leila!” Sieg rushed to her side. He had just noticed her presence. Worry flashed in his eyes. The girl was still recovering, and he had no idea what she was doing outside the clinic.


A hushed silence spread through the crowd.

They could feel a warmth enveloping them as the light grew brighter.

Leila’s eyes were closed in concentration. Her eyebrows were scrunched, as if she had encountered something difficult.

The light only lasted for a short moment. After a few minutes, it faded.

“W-what happened…?”

“What was that light?”

“—! Look!” Someone pointed towards Ethan.

His severed limb was there, as if it was never gone. The terrible wound on his shoulders had closed up, replaced by tender, new flesh.

His breathing was no longer ragged. A few breaths later, his eyes fluttered open in confusion. “Wh—“

The man looked around confusedly. The people crowding around him all had stunned looks. He turned to his side, meeting his gaze with his wife’s. “What… what happened to me?” The last bit of memory he had was being bitten by a B-classed monster, the Sprawling Tree Spider, and entering a world of pain.

Remembering that event, he shivered, unconsciously placing a hand on the area that had been bitten.


Surprisingly, he no longer felt any pain. He rubbed and poked the healed area with wide eyes, as if discovering a miracle.

“How do you feel?” Leila asked softly. Her ever-present smile greeted him. Her eyes were drooping as if she was about to fall asleep.

“…” The man opened and closed his mouth multiple times, speechlessly looking at the girl.

“Mn… I take it that you’re fine?” Leila chuckled, rubbing her eyes slightly.

She turned her head towards the next injured person, and once again showcased her innate ability—the Light that heals.

After finishing up with the third and final fatally injured hunter, Leila finally stopped.

She stared at her hands that was beginning to grow blurry, then looked around the place.

“Oh my~ It seems like this is my limit. Miss Mimi, I’ll… leave the rest… to y..ou…” Just as she finished her sentence, Leila collapsed.


Thankfully, Sieg who had been by her side supporting her body the whole time managed to pull her into his arms just as she lost her consciousness.


Mimi hurriedly conducted a check up on the girl. Realising that she had just fainted from over-exhaustion, she instructed Sieg to carry the girl back to bed.

“…The rest of you, come. I’ll tend to your injuries.” A complex expression flashed on Mimi’s face. She had many questions that she wanted to ask the girl, but seeing that Leila was not in the condition to answer them, she could only put away her curiosity to the back of her mind and focus on the present.

While there had only been three critical patients, there was still others that had less threatening injuries, after all.

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