《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Flags Are Built Through the Efforts of the Cannon Fodder (11)


“Mimi, I need your help!”

The grey-haired wolf beastman barged into the healer’s clinic just as he arrived at his village.

“Woah, what happe—is that a human?!” The female beastman shrieked. Her complexion paled at the sight of the bloodied girl in the man’s arm.

“Now’s not the time for that,” the man urged the woman to get her medical supplies as he placed the girl on the only cot in the clinic. “She’s lost a lot of blood and is barely conscious as it is. Please, you’re the only one who can save her!”

“Sieg, you know the consequences of helping a human, right?! Why are you going so far for this… this… person?!”

Sieg, who seemed startled by her question, froze. “I… I don’t know.” He glanced at the girl, “I just had a feeling that I needed to help her, so I did.”

“She’s just a little human girl, what harm can she do to us? She looked so helpless then that I just… couldn’t leave her there to die.”

Mimi sighed at her childhood friend’s words. She had not thought that he, who was usually so stoic, would actually do something like this.

Their race had been suppressed by the humans for so long, yet he was this willing to save a human girl that he had just found somewhere. If the elders found out, not only him, but she would also be punished.

“Please, Mimi.” The man looked at her with a firm gaze, almost begging.

Mimi, unable to withstand his gaze, finally conceded. “Fine. If the elders ask, I’ll say that you threatened me.” She pouted, her cheeks puffing. “Seriously, why go through so much for this human? It’s not like you fell in love with her or something.”



“…No way?!”

Sieg glared at the woman defensively, “I didn’t!”

“You better not. You’re not even of the same species, so don’t go fooling around with a human, you hear?!” Mimi crossed her arm on her chest, taking an ‘I’m warning you!’ stance.

“I know.” Sieg replied, glowering at the woman. “Just, save her. Please.”

Dismissing her childhood friend from her clinic, she quickly got to work.

Just from visually appraising her battered body, Mimi could already tell that the girl was barely clinging on to life. Nevertheless, the girl was still a patient that had been entrusted to her; even if she was a human, her healer’s pride would not allow a patient to die under her care.

Day turned into night, and night turned into morning.

It took a whole sleepless night for Mimi the Healer to pull Leila out of her critical condition.

Finally, after having dealt with the more serious injuries, Mimi finally stopped to rest.

Frankly, although the beastmen were lacking in terms of medical expertise due to the lack of people who could wield magic, Mimi was widely known as an amazing healer capable of fixing wounds and curing various illness. Other than reattaching limbs, she could basically heal anything with the combined use of her talent and various personally brewed medicinal concoction.

This was why she was the first person Sieg came to.

While Mimi was busy patching up the girl, Sieg was left alone outside the clinic, pacing back and forth.

He did not know why he felt so concerned over the human girl.

“You’re still here…?” Mimi opened the windows, intending to get some fresh air to ventilate her small clinic, but who knew that Sieg was still waiting at the same spot where she had left him the day prior. “Well, your little human girl is stable now, so come in, if you want.”


Sieg ignored the tired figure of his friend and directly entered the clinic. For some reason, he felt that he could only quell his restlessness once he laid his eyes on the girl and confirm her condition.

Seeing that the girl had been properly bandaged up and in deep sleep, Sieg dropped his tensed shoulders, looking visibly relieved.

“She won’t be waking up any time soon, so it’s better if you rest.” Mimi advised.

Sieg was one of their village’s hunters, and he was supposed to go for a hunt later, she vaguely recalled. Tiredness will lead to carelessness, and she no longer had any energy to care for another patient, so she hoped that the idiot would go rest even for just a short while.

“Thank you, Mimi.”

“Thank yourself!” Mimi’s lips curled. “I’ve never pegged you as the kind type. Did you eat something weird yesterday?”

As expected of childhood friends. Even if they were worried about each other, or even when they are grateful to each other, they would never show it normally, instead choosing to hurl abuses to hide their embarrassment.

Leila, who was sleeping but somewhat conscious: Eh~ Mimi is so cute~ Look at her tail swishing around~ so cuuuute~

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