《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Flags Are Built Through the Efforts of the Cannon Fodder (8)



Good morning…

Air—Leila here…

So painful…

Haaa~ the things Leila does for raising flags~ sigh~

Leila feels so tired… So painful…

Ah, of course it would be painful. Most humans would die if they fell off a cliff, after all. But, ah, Leila is not a normal human, haha~


Even laughing in Leila’s mind is painful…

Hm… Well… Let’s just rest for now~

Good night~


Scanning for injuries. Initiating emergency auto-repair. Auto-repair failed. Host body not equipped with auto-repair function. Warning: Please increase host’s vitality to heal host body. Time remaining before death: One day, three hours, five minutes, and forty seconds. Thirty-nine, thirty-eight, thirty-seven…


So this isn’t the time to be sleeping, hey?!

Aw, dammit. Isn’t this too soon~

Well, it doesn’t matter though. Since Leila already planted the ‘capture target with a tragic backstory’ flag~ he he~

Well, good night!

“Shit, her pulse is weakening. Druuk, we have to get to the healer quick!”

“Ah? We’ll aggravate her wounds if we go too fast? Tsk! But she will die if we’re too slow!”


Leila didn’t realise she was in the presence of other people. Hm, most of Leila’s senses and perceptions are a train wreck, no wonder~

Well, it seems like this person wants to help Leila? Waaaa~ how noble~


Leila slowly opened her eyes. Due to her grave injuries she found it rather hard to open them.

Her blurry gaze met with her saviour’s serious look.

Oh… A dog? Eh, wait, no. It’s a beastman~ Waaaa~ how rare~

The beastman had a pair of kemonomimi on his head which was the same shade of grey as the rest of his hair. His hair was rather messy and dishevelled; quite possibly because of the hectic situation they were in.

Meeting Leila’s gaze, the beastman’s eyes widened slightly, and his ears twitched in surprise.


Ahaha~ so adorable, his ears twitched~

Leila’s lips formed a smile as she stared at his ears.

Looks soft… want to touch… mofumofu…


Seeing the rather defenceless and naïve smile on Leila’s face, the beastman felt his heart skip a beat. Such a pure smile…

Somehow, he felt glad that he decided to save the girl back then.

The beastman gently tightened his hold on the girl. “Hold on just for a bit longer; the healer can definitely help you.”


Whatever you say~

Seems like Leila still has more chances to build tragic past flags? Yaaaaa~y.

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