《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Flags Are Built Through the Efforts of the Cannon Fodder (4)


A little boy was crying in the garden.

“What do we do? The little birdie isn’t moving!”

The little girl next to him kneeled down and carefully picked up the bird. She brought it close to her face.

Ignoring the scent of blood wafting from the bird’s wound, she stared at its chest, loosening her tensed shoulders as she noticed that it was still breathing, albeit only slightly.

“Stop crying, Julius,” she admonished the identical boy next to her, “let’s take it to older sister Leila!”

“Un!” The boy wiped away his tears, nodding.

Further into the garden, a set of glossy, white table and chairs can be seen.

A young lady was seated in one of the chairs, her hair matching the colour of the furniture. In one hand, she held an opened book, and in the other she held a teacup.

A maid diligently waited upon her at the side, refilling her cup with still-steaming copper-red tea.

Seeing the scenery, it was indeed very picturesque; simply the definition of a noble young lady leisurely enjoying tea in the garden.

“Sister!” A young girl’s voice broke the tranquillity of the picturesque scene. However, neither the young lady nor the maid felt annoyed at being disturbed.

The young lady turned to look at the source of the voice, a light smile and gentle gaze ever-present.

The two children rushed to her side, the girl holding an injured bird in her arms. Her beautiful clothes were sullied by the bird’s blood and feathers, yet she paid it no mind.

The young boy trailed behind the girl, his hand grasping the girl’s skirt tightly.

“S-sister…! The little birdie was—Waaah—“

Once again, the little boy cried.

The older girl patted the boy’s head, “there, there, Julie. Here—I’ll make the little birdie feel better.”


The older girl took the small bird into her palms, lightly cupping it. A gentle, yellowish light began to emit from her palms, but as if they were used to it, neither the children nor the maid felt surprised.

Moments later, the light faded and the older girl opened her palms. The bird slowly shook its wing, and soon it raised its head. As if the injury it had received was an illusion the bird jumped around and finally flapped its wings once more, flying around joyfully.

It chirped, circling around the girl, as if in thanks.

Chuckling, the girl bade the bird farewell. The two children chorused after her, “be safe!” and “take care!”

Leila smiled, patting both of them on the head. Truly, they were gentle children.

“Since both of you are here, would you like to accompany older sister for a while?”

A smile bloomed widely on the two’s face. They immediately flocked her side, taking a seat each on her side.


The three of them leisurely enjoyed tea time together, until it was time for dinner.

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