《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》The Abandoned Hero is Overpowered! (36)


Ryouta stood in front of the castle with resolution. With him was the royal guard’s captain, the guild master, the one-handed Hal, and the two Heroes, Nanba Anna and Saotome Ryuuji.

They have finally arrived at the castle.

“We’re finally here, huh? The final stage,” Anna chuckled dryly. The endgame was so close now—just beyond the threshold, inside the castle, the last boss awaits their arrival.

“Are you guys ready?” Hal said. “Let’s all come back alive, okay?” He laughed.

The guild master sent a sideling glance towards him, “don’t jinx it,” he says, a small smile cracking on his face.

“Enough chit-chat. Let’s just go.” Ryuuji said rather impatiently. The first thing he wanted to do was save the [Priestess from Another World], Umebara Kyoko.

With the passing of their one and only healer in camp, so many of the wounded were unable to make it through. Not even the health potions could save them. Therefore, they sorely needed the Priestess who were capable of mass healing to come back.

With his prompting, the party exchanged nods and finally took a step forward.

Shiro suddenly materialised.

She trailed behind them leisurely. Her carefree attitude was starkly different compared to the party’s seriousness.

But of course, other than the spectating gods, no one could see her. Not even the spirits that usually clamoured around her.

“Hm~ Hm~ Hm-hm-hm~”

Shiro hummed lightly.

“Woah~” She reflexively evaded as a demon ambushed the party from behind. Although she had no physical body, her mind still moved instinctively to avoid it.

“Ah, this is bad. The side effects of having a mortal body is showing up again~”

She stepped to the side, now watching the party from afar.

She watched as they swept through the castle, indiscriminately killing any and all demons that came their way. With the powerhouses that is Ryouta and the Heroes, they did not have to worry about losing to those small fries at all.


“This is the dungeons.” Ryuuji gestured to a steel door. “I’ve heard from the spies that risked their lives to enter this place that Kyoko and the Princess is being held in the dungeons. We need to save them.”

“There’s bound to be demons guarding them… proceed with caution.”



The door to the dungeons suddenly opened loudly.

“DO YoU THinK wE WoulDN’t FiGURed oUT yOur stUPid PLAnSSsSS?!” The demon drawled, its voice gravelly.

“But tOo BaAAAaD!” The demon’s mouth curved into a horrifying smile, “YoU’RE TooOOo LAtE~”

The demon picked up a decapitated head from the ground, smugly shoving it towards the party.

It was the Princess’ head.

Her expression was stuck mid-scream, eyes wide, as if she was in extreme fear at the time of her death.

“You—!!!” Ryuuji erupted. The Princess had been one of the girls that had liked him. Although he did not fully reciprocate her feelings, they had had a few tryst before and he was quite fond of her. Thus, seeing the sickening scene sent him into a rage.

“I’ll avenge you, Princess!” Ryuuji declared before he lunged towards the ugly demon.

The demon proved to be a rather competent fighter. However, as expected of the Hero, he was able to beat the demon after exchanging a few moves.

“Princess…” Anna sobbed. She had known the princess since she first came to this world. They had been comrades as well as rivals in love. Although she was usually seen bickering with the princess, it did not mean that Anna would be happy if she died. Rather, despite their differences, Anna thought of the princess as a capable teammate and good friend.

She picked up the head, wrapping it with the cloth ripped from her cape.


Seeing that Ryuuji had finished his fight, the members spread out, inspecting each dungeon cell in search of the other missing girl—Umebara Kyoko.

“She’s not here,” Hal remarked. “Maybe they brought her to a different room.”

“Yeah, probably. Let’s split up. I’ll head this way,” the guild master pointed to one end of the hallway.

“I’ll go with you.” Anna says. She was more familiar with the place the guild master had pointed at—the room she had used when she was staying at the castle previously had been in the same direction.

“Then we’ll head straight.” Ryuuji nodded towards the huge doors that led to the ballroom.

The party split into two—Ryuuji, Hal and Ryouta continued forward, while the guild master, captain, and Anna branched off.

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