《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》The Abandoned Hero is Overpowered! (30)


Reminder: the climax is nearing. Prepare to disengage from field activities.

Reminder: the climax is nearing. Prepare to disengage from field activities.

Reminder: the climax is nearing. Prepare to disengage from field activities.

“A~ah. So noisy.”

Shiro tilts her head upwards, rolling her eyes. A rare look of annoyance surfaced on her face.

Reminder: the climax is nearing. Prepare to disengage from field activities.

Reminder: the climax is nearing. Prepare to disengage from field activities.

I get it, so shut up.

Reminder: do not interfere with the climax.

“I got it already, geez!”



Geez~ I thought they’d never end~

Hive minds sure are annoying sometimes, don’t you think?

What? The reminders wouldn’t have come if I worked hard in the first place?

Hey, hey, hey. Aren’t I working hard enough? Do you know how hard it is to grow a Fairy-type body? They need so much energy but I can’t even ‘eat’ in the usual way because Ryouta’s such a righteous little bitch. He’d probably cry if Shiro went back to our usual ways.

Shiro’s young so her maturity is low, too.


In the beginning, this world’s so unstable because one of the Domain Lords decided to skip work, didn’t they?

Just because I’m a goddess of Karma doesn’t mean I need to personally take care of every single little thing. Sigh.

Well, whatever.

We’re here, anyways.

The final battle.

The last boss.

Whatever you want to call it.



You’re wondering why Shiro isn’t being so childish anymore?

Well, that’s because…

I’m bored.

Ryouta was so annoying to work with. Like, he thinks with his knee or something~ I really hate his type~ Doing whatever you want, saying no to this and that just because they’re ‘bad’~ Doing whatever you want and doing whatever you want and doing whatever you want~


Ah, just kidding.

It’s just that Ryouta was such a boring normie. Didn’t expect that kind of person to be the reincarnation of a great hero, y’know?

Feels like I made a mistake in my choice, so it’s getting on my nerve.


Let’s just get this over with.

“Don’t you agree, demon lordie?”

“Agree with what?! And who are you?! Don’t call me ‘demon lordie’!”

Ah, I got tsukkomi’ed. Are you a normie too, demon lord?


Shiro got off the huge throne she was sitting on, facing the little demon who thought of himself as the demon lord.

“Well, this is protocol, so I need to say this to you.” Shiro leisurely walked towards the guarded demon lord.

The demon lord readies his weapon, ready to strike at the unknown entity. Though the girl looked simple and harmless, he could tell that she was not how she appeared.

“Child of the Bezeleh Clan, do you agree to partake in the fight as [Svhoh’s Successor]?”


A shiver ran down the demon lord’s spine. How did she know his identity?!

“Who are you?!”

“Doesn’t matter. All you need to answer is yes or no.”


He recalled that the previous god that ruled the continent that he made into his base was someone with such a name.

“Answer me first; who are you?!”

Shiro tilted her head, brows furrowing in annoyance. “Tsk. Fine. Since you came from the Down Under, then you should be familiar with [Judgement].”

The demon lord, hearing the term, almost dropped his weapon.


Why was [Judgement] here?!

His hearts began to beat harder as he felt the sense of danger oozing from the girl becoming thicker.

“You can call me Twelfth.” The girl’s eye narrowed, smiling chillingly.


The twelfth angel of judgement, goddess of karma, protector of balance… so on and forth.

Although he was unfamiliar with the members of [Judgement], the twelfth angel was one that not only him, but most of the residents in Hell knew.

Although she was the weakest, no one would dare to cross her.

This was because… too many people owed her a favour!!!

Just one word from her could awaken hundreds, even thousands of hidden experts and monstrous people to do her bidding.

“What is the Twelfth doing here, in the mortal realm?!” He almost screamed. As far as he knew, [Judgement] was not allowed to cross to the mortal plane. This was why he dared to cause so much trouble in this world.

Shiro, who heard his question, curled her lips into a sneer. “Just a small fry, and yet you want me to tell you about such a thing? Do I look easy to you? Huh?”

“…” Demon lord took a step back, a faint trace of fear crossing his face. His knees buckled from her threatening tone. It was lucky that none of his subordinates were in the throne room, else he’d lose face.

“How you managed to survive before getting out of Hell with that puny strength of yours is beyond me, but that doesn’t matter. Your appearance is a favourable thing. Now, do you agree or not?”


Unexpectedly, the demon lord was given a chance to legally settle down in this world.

“I agree.”

Shiro nodded in satisfaction, withdrawing all the pressure she was burdening the demon lord with. “Good. Your opponent will be coming in a bit, so good luck~”


When the girl finally went away, the demon lord finally relaxed. He heaved a sigh in relief. It was a good thing that such a colossal organization like [Judgement] wasn’t planning on hounding him. While his strength was enough to obliterate cities in the mortal realms, in front of [Judgement] he was practically an ant. Even the weakest member could pulverise him in mere seconds.

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