《True Monsters》True Monsters Book 2 – Act 3 Vault Door – Chapter 37 – The Monk


When they had gotten back to North port, they found that the deputy sheriff had put the giant bats heads on spikes. They were mounted near the gate house by the side of the road and on the walls. They looked eerie twisted as they had in life, but it was still a fitting end the servants of the vampires, left outside the walls their entry barred, the line drawn and held against them.

A casual chat with the deputy sheriff revealed that the wyvern was sleeping away peacefully in the duchess stable. It was a good thing that North port had a large harvest of fish to feed such a beast. Other parts of the northern realm people had to go hungry to provide for such beasts. The nobles would own them the people would feed them, yet they could well prove their worth in the defence of one settlement or another.

The rider Lady Kamen was resting in one of the rooms that they had been thrown out of. After David's little outburst they were denied that luxury. Unless they definitively took the duchess side, a large comfortable bed was not quite worth the bishop’s displeasure. At least there was a large purse for destroying that number of thrall bats around 400 silver was calculated when it was all tallied. Bismark would not try that again the thrall bats were quite useless against Alice's supreme spell.

David had one thing to console himself with against losing their comfortable accommodation, today he could pick up his mithril armour. Today he was going to get quite an upgrade. The shine from the armour stand made him grin. The radiance of mithril was certainly a great selling point against the relatively dull grey armour he wore, but 3000 silver was a massive expense.

David was assured by the craftsman that the armour would have a rating of around 600 total in terms of its defensive attribute. He had no way to test that claim but mithril was far more durable than Damascus steel. He looked over the inside of the armour checking the new work. The reinforcement with octium banding not only made the mithril stronger but it conducted magic away effectively giving him a low level 30-point magical resistance.

Martin confirmed that the workmanship was sound, but it was far across the limit of Martins knowledge of metallurgy. He could only compare it to the working of high-end steel. Alice used her analyse magic ability to confirm across the set of armour, it would hold up to magical effects that would otherwise be quite effective against him.

Alice proved her worth in silver looking over the enchanting, a mage with her ability was exceedingly rare. The greaves each had 30 points of fire resistance between them totalling 60 points. A stray fire ball or fire bite spell was far less likely to cook him in his armour. He had to admit part of his fear of fighting the giant man-bat was a well-meaning fireball from Alice going astray. Akin to batting a fly that lands on a friend’s shoulder with a swing from a war-hammer.

The spells embedded in the mithril added more health to David's body not just for a short time like Alice's spells could. It was a constant effect enchantment adding 40 points allowing him to weather a few more blows to keep going that little bit longer. Alice checked through the other enchantments piece by piece. 10 points of endurance enchanted with both pauldrons giving him a much better sprint in the heavy plate.

Ten points of agility with the pair of boots. Well the plate that fitted over his boots, it made him sure footed easily able to compensate for the weight of the armour. The helmet added to his wisdom and intelligence when he put it on it seemed to be easier to adjust to think. He wondered how many lords’ merchants and nobles sat there with such enchantments out thinking and out manoeuvring those that could not afford them.


The gauntlets made an elegant pair the left sure grip, he would never lose his shield. He had something similar on the handle of his blade. And a leather loop as a backup. The right gauntlet true strike. The chance of a blow being deflected or parried was reduced but not eliminated, magic was a helping hand not his main weapon.

The armour took a polish very well, it was mithril sometimes called the starlight metal. It was made in an older style a little more decoration than function with fluting and embossing that would not be seen on more modern utilitarian armour. Century by century armour had been made less ostentatious more functional. But high-end armour like this lasted a long time. Most of the octium and adamantium armour still about was from before three centuries, from before the vampires rise to power and providence.

The armour was fitted on David piece by piece, straps adjusted the position and pin moved here and there. Then it was time for the next piece and so on, until he was covered. He moved about a few other adjustments were made and then they held up the mirror.

The plates had been made to overlap to offer protection from one piece to the next, every strap joint and hinge protected by another plate. With his layers of chain mail his padded spider silk gambeson and his massive tower shield he looked like a walking shining fortress. One not paying attention could almost mistake him for a high-end golem with his helmet down. He jogged up and down the armoury workshop. Up and down the stairs ladders the courtyard outside. He was not exhausted despite the extra weight, the extra enchantments seemed to have made up for it.

He duelled Martin and Vivian sword and mace in a practice match before in his Damascus plate he had felt confident. Now in this armour he felt even more so his strength had grown his confidence had grown. He was still equipped more like a grand master than an exalted master, but time and bounties would earn him the favours he needed to raise his equipment and his game to the highest levels. He could appreciate the psychological benefit from the armour people would look at him see the mithril and realise what they were facing. He was a much harder nut to crack and he knew it, he was not so stupid to pick a fight with Bismark. But he would see his revenge one step closer to fruition.

With a little reluctance David surrendered his old armour to the deal. He had no place to store it, there room and board was quite tight now. It was not like he could pass it onto Vivian. The bulk of the armour was not designed for an archer or her different build. Finding something suited to her abilities as an archer would be easier than adapting his old armour. That would be one thing to tackle in the future.

The Merchants guild was glad to get paid the balance of their commission. The local master hunter Francis had held their funds in trust. At that moment he handed the considerable sum over. David signed off on his contract. The merchants signed their side stating the contract fulfilled and a copy was placed in the guild records. Francis had been entrusted to hold onto the funds a man of good standing. He saw such deals pass through with one hunter or a crusader commissioning some weapon or armour to combat a specific adversary. “Some I have known didn't last long enough to pick up that which they had commissioned, I wish you good hunting”. Martin took the opportunity to stock up on gunpowder components mithril bullets and thermite.


David began to think clearly his enchantments helping him to use what he knew. While he had a lot of armour there were still gaps that a very resourceful opponent could penetrate. Admittedly they would then have to penetrate two more layers of defence to reach his flesh, but anything was possible. His steel could be upgraded to a mithril chain mail. His padded armour could not really be upgraded for something better. But he could have it enchanted, after all it was a strong material. Alice's enchanted robes were made from the same stuff and they had several useful enchantments on them.

That reminded him he would be in a better position if he kept himself stocked up. The battle with the giant vampire man bat had used up a healing potion and some holy water. He should replace both to keep himself as prepared as he could be. A brief trip to the cathedral a donation to a worthy cause and he had his holy water. A few silver to save a life and he had his healing potion. Nowhere near as effective as Martins blessings or Alice's healing spells, it still had the marvellous ability of working when neater of them were anywhere about.

David did get looks from many an admirer or bored sailor. He was not as interesting as the elves and the odd dwarves that made it this far. He was still extremely shiny and walked with all the panache of a general on parade. Mithril was rare only masters and grandmasters usually had mithril equipment and he had a full set, his companions were not exactly hard to miss as well.

The trade talks were due to complete any day now. That would mean that the security would finally dissipate, and the world could move on. They would get new assignments and the chance to keep improving their equipment to the heights of true exalted masters. David's dreams of wealth and glory were interrupted as a militia volunteer with a message, she pulled them over to meet the Captain of the docks.

David was up front, “You needed us for something urgently”? “Yes, we think it’s a gang that escaped the duchess purge”. “They can’t be a challenge”. The most challenge he has had today was to try and show off his mithril armour to as many as possible. “Yes, something going on in an old boat house that used to be an apothecary lab”. “I don't see the hidden hand returning after what we did to them”. “Perhaps some associates came back to find a stash of drugs or equipment”. They headed out to the site near the boat house, there was a trail of blood a few specks of golden hair and a few grey white feathers.

Vivian looked about something large had been dragged, “stay back unless it’s some of them trying to escape”. The guards surrounded the boat house. Alice layered on defensive spells then blasted one door open with her kinetic strike spell. Martin added a few defensive blessings and followed the impatient David into the large storeroom. Someone had dug up the floor looking for something they had not found anything.

There was one section of the wall that was hollow perhaps previously a stash for some drug or coin, it was empty now broken open. There were nine people in hooded cloaks in the room one was very tall half of them were continuing to dig while the other five were looking over a map of some sort checking the orientation. There was some large creature dragged and deposited in a corner with a second bundle of grey cloth next to it. Vivian shouted from the back, “Surrender from whatever you’re doing, you’re not the hidden hand you don't need to die”.

There was a deep base voice from a man that dwarfed the rest. He threw back his cloak and dropped it to the floor. His companions did the same he held mace and axe ready to strike, “Those two told me to surrender look what we did to them. The hand is gone we are taking over now”. Martin stepped closer, “your Hellions are you not”?

“How the fuck do you know, yes we joined them a little while ago after they found a nice little opportunity for us hear”. They had found a more aggressive Hellion gang, or should that be group they were scavengers picking over the remains of the hidden hand’s operations, looking for scraps, some old associate had probably sold the Hellions that map.

Their leader was an arrogant man, the stains of red and blue around his nostrils indicated a dust head, a head that was empty filled with delusions of power and dreams of success. They face a man who had amassed the briefest of strength. He was over seven feet tall probably the result of the consumption of several growth potions.

It made him strong and tough but also clumsy. He wore steel and iron armour, but his arms were bare chitinous plates covering his forearms with claws holding steel weapon at the ready. The cape he had discarded was lined with silk. There was a collection of daggers around his waist.

There were eight more Hellions with him, two that stood near the back had bows one long one short. They had perception enhancements in the form of new eyes or eyes enhanced with some beast’s ability's, one red eyes another purple. Two other Hellions were armed with steel javelins one arm there throwing arm highly developed dwarfing the other limb. Perhaps some sort of enhancement just to that limb. There were two heavy fighters one with bone plate armour the second with scales, they had wooden shields and maces. With the other two front line fighters one looked serpentine with fingers ending in poisonous fang like blades and the last sporting two extra golem arms with four daggers.

The leader put one mace down he took a big inhale of red sand, his voice exuded an arrogance so strong it was almost palpable. Like a strong rot that's odour claimed an area through its pungent stench. A sugary vapour circulating throughout the air the smell of his drug of choice. He marched up to Martin “you know who I am, you know who I fucking am”? “Pillar of fire, no and I don't care”. The fool had inadvertently taken on an opponent he could not hope to match. Now he was reduced to a pile of burnt and charred remains. There was a split second when the rest of them could have survived. When they didn't necessarily have to share their leaders’ fate.

One fool threw a javelin at David and the rest of the party swung into action. Alice wiped out the two heavily armoured opponents with her mana lance spell. They didn't last a second against it despite all their impressive looking armour. Vivian targeted and put down the two archers at the back with barely a flinch of her eye and a rapid flick of her fingers an enchanted mithril arrow shot thought the eye of both opponent archers. One didn't draw the second had enough presence to send an arrow landing at Martins feet before they collapsed from there wound.

David closed in on the two with javelins his shield hit the first hard enough to crush bone and kill them out right. The second turned to run and was cut down. The two close fighters tried to get Martin. The one with poisonous talons was a bad choice as he was quite immune, and he slew them with a single cut. The second managed to block a few strikes before his buckler crashed into their face and his steel sword cut their neck halfway from there head.

the level up hit the group. the fools and their lives had been rapidly parted. The meagre gains were reaped by everyone apart from Alice, she still had to find a worthy opponent to break through.

David reached level 3 with his parry skill and his man at arms level. Vivian hit level 6 of her new job while her crippling shot reached the same level. Martin reached level 16 his cleaving strike skill now at level 6. They were ready and able to handle much tougher opponents if the vampires had one last roll of the dice.

Vivian scooped up a piece of paper. They gathered round, “look at this, the idiots believed that there was a hidden stash hear in this place”. David ran his hand over the parchment, “The map must be decades old the hidden hand would not leave stuff lying about for that amount of time right”. His encounter with a fake treasure map had made him a bit wearier or he could have been running off on a similar fool’s errand. Alice eyed it up, “It was probably genuine at some point, but if they did have a stash one of their associates would have raided it, not just sold the map to someone else”. They nodded in agreement that makes sense, whoever had sold them the map was probably long gone.

Vivian called in their back up, “captain”. A few moments later he walked in flanked by a couple of guards. He looked around at the casual carnage, “yes what happened to them”? Vivian held out the paper, she gave a short sharp look at Martin, he had stepped over the line of professionalism as far as she was concerned, but she would tell him to cool off later. Now she explained away the mess, “they were a bunch of drugged up thugs. They tried to attack us. They were fucking stupid; I mean look David's in full mithril plate”.

The guard captain nodded, “perhaps we should record a verdict of suicide considering”. Vivian passed him the paper, “they seem to have a map for a stash, see if you find anything this maps probably old”. The guard captain rolled the Hellion leader over, “Big guy is this the gang leader”. She nodded, “Even with the size and the augmentations I can’t guarantee I can identify him. I think you might miss out on any reward if one was posted but I will try to see”.

David glared at Martin from behind and tutted, Martin turned and nodded “fair point”. He turned back to the guard captain, “try to get their likeness get the deputy sheriff to check the records, then take there remains to the cathedral, not likely but you don't want him running around as a zombie”.

Martin examined the bundle of bloodied cloth fur and feathers. There was a man in a monk’s brown robes. They were torn and he was beaten badly, he seemed to have suffered a significant blow to the back of his head. The bundle of fur and feathers appeared to be still alive poisoned into immobility and badly wounded.

The creature was a demi griffin a creature created before the full griffin, an experiment that went along the right lines. They were half lion half eagle with a feathery head and front claws with a lions back. They made very good mounts, creatures created to be steeds long before wyvern's and other such beasts were successfully bred.

The beast seemed stable, so they set to work on his rider first. Martin checked the man over for wounds nothing seemed to be broken he stitched a few of the worst cuts closed pulling a few fragments out of a wound. Martin held out his holy symbol “divine favour, purify divine favour” Alice cast her cure poison spell on him, it was better to be sure. The monk opened his eyes his hands went to his side. Strapped to him was his holy symbol and a leather pouch. The leather pouch looked like someone had tried to open it, but there was some sort of reinforcing blessing that held it shut.

He breathed a sigh of relief, “My name is brother Percy, I thank you for your timely intervention coming to my aid these foot pads ambushed me, while I challenged one. They were fast though obviously no match for you who are my new friends’ names”. “My names Martin this is Alice David and Vivian, we are the four masters what happened”. “I am part of the security patrol to the east of the harbour city. My mount fell into a poisoned snare trap, when I got down to help. I was distracted then I was attacked. My order are agents of the church working for an emissary of the patriarch, we have been patrolling the area it has been too quiet.

“Please attend to my mount” Alice nodded ready to use her healing spells; Martin made a few checks over the monk’s demi-griffin mount. He pulled a few crude spines from it side they were laced with some spoiled alchemical brew. He stitched up a wound on the side and pulled a chunk of what looked like stone out of the beast’s paw. Alice used her healing spells on the creature twice its wounds mostly closed. Its body up from its left leg and neck seemed to have been straightened out by the spell. The beast had been roughly dragged to this location, perhaps they had intended to ransom it or sell it on the black market, a powerful mount could be quite an asset.

The monk was given a few rations by one of the city guards, “I heard a rumour about a group of veterans that matched your description working in the far north near vine garden. You have more equipment and more wounds, so I assume those tales were from some time ago”. Vivian wondered, “how did you hear about us”?

“Three months ago, a group from my order the blessed riders were sent to this area, we have been monitoring the roads ever since. We picked up a few thralls a few constructs but not much from this direction”.

Vivian was mildly curious, “What does your order do otherwise”? “We are tamers and monks we keep our mounts our companions, we try to keep a balance between the holy and the natural”. “when not fighting we try to keep the welfare of the country animals few help them, a healthy donkey or plough horse can be the difference between a family surviving or starving”.

“We actually cover quite a large area demi griffs can move very fast even if they eat a lot. But going back to your question how I knew about you. I met an interesting fellow, A pilgrim on the way to the farthest point of our patrol. His name was John Dunn he had just come from the second shrine of the seven points pilgrimage. He was heading to the third shrine at Minska, with this cold weather he is incredibly lucky to be making the pilgrimage on his own and still be alive”.

David nodded, “I shared a drink with him over two months ago, it’s amazing how time marches on. It’s good to hear he is still going strong. He is insane to walk the roads like that, yet I suppose most things would not bother to notice one pilgrim on the road”. Percy nodded, “A fair point a large beast like my thunder beak draws much more attention, John spoke of the heroes of broken gorge. How they killed the great wolf of the forest, and its mate and all its pack”. David grinned “one day we might end up in the central plains, only to find he got there first”.

Martin used his healing blessing divine favour and purify a few times on thunder beak. Its last wounds healed anything else forced form its system the beast rose up to stand. It nuzzled and chirped in a way you would expect from a much smaller bird to the monk, its tail shot up in the air waving about. One of the guards passed a few of the dead gang’s rations to the beast which squawked in appreciation and devoured them in two large gulps. Then it tried to beg for more, it made a sad little mewing noise when it realised that there was no more to come.

It affectionately nuzzled Martin in thanks, he petted it back barely taking note of its massive beak. It was a sizeable beast but not that strong for a demi griffin yet. Considering the way, it had been taken out in such a swift ambush, Martin book of monsters indicated that such creatures should have prenominal strength agility and endurance. Martin started to scratch the beast it rolled over as he rubbed its belly, the demi griffin started to make affectionate noses halfway between a cat and a horn.

The monk made a series of gesture and the pouch around his waist popped open. He reached inside and removed a reliquary of some sort. It had an inherent blessing inside the consecrated object. The monk found a small space prayed then picked up the reliquary he concentrated whispered a few lines of prayer and the blessing of projection sprang to life, the faint image of presumably the abbot of his order appeared.

“Brother Percy it gladdens my heart to see you, you were due to report yesterday is something wrong”, “Abbot Denix I was ambushed by brigands, thankfully they have been dealt with by North ports garrison forces. My mount and I have been healed”. “Is there anything else to report”? “No nothing, actually I would report that we usually see some sign that the enemy is watching us, a thrall bat or two the shade of a wolf but now nothing they are too quiet”.

The projection of the abbot nodded, “yes I have had similar reports return to your duty's”. The abbot ended the conversation. The monk got up. He looked around the room then picked up a discarded javelin from one of the gang members, “I lost my iron oak staff, it’s probably back on the road, I will have to look for it where I was ambushed then continue on”. They wished him well on his patrols, the monk headed off on his mount. The rest of them headed back to North port the excitement over.

David shrugged, “It’s good that we have someone patrolling the roads”. Vivian wondered, “he seems a bit green easily taken out by those Hellions”. Martin would support his own faithful, “they relied on a sneak attack in a head on fight a demi griff could have torn them apart. Heck even at low level that monk can channel ki to empower his strikes immensely. I am sure that his order train both up equally”. “Perhaps they should cover a smaller area but double up” Vivian ventured. Martin wondered, “if we ever end up in charge then we can set the orders”.

Back in town they got on with what they could some practice drilling the local militia and levies. Even with their relatively weak round shields the militia could form a scale box formation that was effective. Getting into formation quickly that was the key. When used correctly it would protect against both attacks from the front above and the sides, they were pressed in as tight as they could go but it would protect them from a charge or arrows.

If they ever had to face a larger creature then pikes would be the order of the day. Several sets were brought out from the city guard. The militia practised against a mock-up of a large beast. Made from stacked bales of hay on the back of a cart. They would be able to at least inflict heavy wounds on a siege beast, if they could fight it in the tight confines of a street.

The levies although the most basic of troops were still quite effective in their sheer numbers. Every citizen capable of picking up a stick to swing. Also, with their slings they could be quite devastating in ranks. Firing over a wall at attackers or smaller creatures such as giant bats or giant rats. They set up a wall and series of targets the Levi were quite good, when they had enough room to swing the slings otherwise the results were mixed.

For a bit of practice Vivian even convinced lady Kamen to use her wyvern to pull a target on a rope. The majestic wyvern had the rope in its claws with a round circle of wood trailing round behind it. Vivian was able to hit it eight times out of ten. One shot landing in a gutter she was not going to recover the second disappearing off into a field. They checked to make sure that the area was clear the fields harvested and now barren before she set about her practice.

Vivian was confident that in such a fight against a wyvern or small dragon, she could take down such a beast. The siege engine crews on the walls had similar practice with blunt bolts against wyvern riders with similar targets. Some food some drink and they returned to their room to find a surprise.

The door had a note wedged under it. Simply the number of another room. That room was open a single robed figure waited for them sitting on the bottom of a bunk bed. The individual was deliberately chosen small thin unassuming, non-threatening it appeared to be a single Hellion waiting for them, instantly their weapons were drawn ready.

She pushed back her hood revealing a slim woman. She was a Hellion with what looked like an altered nose perhaps some sort of tracking ability. She held up her hands showing she was unarmed, “please do not slay me, I only seek to parley to talk to you”. Vivian nodded not dropping her weapon “speak quickly”.

“I wish to rapidly correct some misconceptions”. Martin felt his trigger finger almost pull tight, he was awash in a genuine outrage, “that fool attacked us, attacked a triune scout. A member of the church, he laid ambush on the roads, was he working for the vampires”.

“He was an opportunist working for himself, he died for it, he broke our rules. He was new, he would have been stripped of his gifts and cast out if you hadn't killed him”.

“I am from the true Hellions we beg forgiveness for his transgressions, I would have offered his head as an apology, but you already burnt most of it away in a pillar of fire”. Vivian looked at her questioningly, “you would not mark some feud against us, come to slit our throats in the night”?

The Hellion messenger looked sincere, “do we seem that stupid”? David sheathed his sword. “That last one was. I would suggest not attacking us again. in fact, it is best you avoid us. Unless you find something that needs killing then we may do business”. “While you talk about doing business”, Martin looked at her gravely, “do not ask for the keys again that is the triune's business not yours”.

she nodded, “no offence was meant”. She waited for a tense heartbeat Martin put his weapon away and she left.

They relaxed for a bit. Alice practised her mana lance spell gaining a few brief surges in power eventually she would master it one day. David plays cards in his new helmet the extra enchantments the bonuses to wisdom and intelligence were something he could use. He still lost but it took far more time to lose all his coin, well the handful of bronze Vivian gave him. Martin had a few drinks and repaired his pistols Vivian did a little practice shooting then joined the rest of them in the tavern.

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