《True Monsters》True Monsters Book 2 – Act 2 Vault Hunting – Chapter 26 – Sorcerous Surprise 3


The group of adventures were quite happy, there was reward money in their pockets more equipment and better equipment was on the horizon. Day by day they grew stronger one way or another. Alice was pleased she was gaining power at an unprecedented rate. If she could find a suitable target and break through, then she could start to climb higher.

She remembered Martin talking about the next step he had gained the crusader job one of the jobs used to create the vampire hunter job. She would either gain the druid job or the pain caster job. She would have to attune her magic to either wild magic or nature magic, rather than the less chaotic regulated world of tower magic.

Pain casters used magic that often was powerful but had a nasty habit of striking back at its caster. The magic could kill a weak magic user. Being a level 100 mage would negate a lot of the penalties of using wild magic as her body and mind were significantly tougher. There were very few practitioners of the pain casters magic as it hurt a lot. She looked at her arm the faint healed scars, if it happened it would not be so much of a problem if she trained a little. The prospect of becoming a druid was a little infuriating. She considered it to be less powerful magic, but it would still add to her arsenal. She would see what would come first.

David thought about his position, he was gaining coin to finance new upgrades new enchantments. He had a solid team with him. They might want to think about employing a sneaky stealthy individual with them to round out the team. When it came taking on Bismark, eventually, it would be a good idea to have five of them rather than four. Getting some sort of scouting done was proving to be very useful, if one of them could pick up that skill set it would be good. Otherwise they needed to find someone like ghost, but who was not tied down to a different patron.

Vivian ran various scenarios through her head as she sharpened up her arrow heads and bent various feathers flights and arrow shafts back into shape. She carried a lot of arrows quivers on her right and left hip arrows either side of her backpack. She had heard of custom enchantments for what were called bags of holding, bottomless quivers in effect they could hold about 100 to 200 arrows depending on their cost. They would not affect the weight but the bulk they would do wonders for making it manageable she was strong enough to carry the weight.

She remembered a tale about one archer who was an exalted master and a mercenary. They would carry a pole eight feet long over one shoulder from it they suspended three barrels on one side and three barrels on the other. They would fill them with arrows carrying around 600 total. They were formidable fighting atop a wall or behind the ranks, they could lose so many shots without stopping to collect their arrows.

Martin woke to feel the difference, his body was a bit stronger he could hit that bit harder. Over time as he gained levels, he would gain more and more strength until he was the equal of David and Vivian. Of course, they would likely to begin growing in other ways by then. The thought of four exalted masters working together would give most monsters a shiver. But the thought of four who broke past that barrier? Suddenly the elder vampires didn't seem quite as scary. But it also probably got the attention of far bigger and nastier monsters.


The bishop sat in his office papers stacked fairly neatly, he nodded, “my children it is good to see you”, they formally greeted him. Martin asked, “why did you summon us”? “I was granted a vision when you broke through the level 100 barrier, as far as I am aware it has not happened for a very long time for a human to reach that level”.

“Humans in general have relied on group tactics rather than individual champions strength, in most of our large battles and endeavours. We still greatly respect exalted masters, but they lead army's, they are not an army by themselves”. “The last champion we had like that was a monk who was also a cleric, he challenged an elder vampire by himself and fell”.

“There are history's that few people know about, perhaps a fifty or so. The leaders of the nine cardinal city's the high-ranking members in each part of the triune as far as I am aware”. Vivian was intrigued, “and what does this history say? “The vampires despise the completion of anything that can approach their level. In ancient times all humans that wielded that sort of power were hunted down and killed. Four masters working together will make them more hesitant”.

The bishops face looked grave, “But if you score enough victories, it also might cause them to put their differences aside. The three vampire factions working together would not be a favourable outcome. So, it is best that you keep quite that you even know about the ability to reach past the level 100 barrier.

The bishop looked into the eyes of a zealot, “I understand we hide our strength so that we can continue to build it up, to the point where we can take on the more potent vampires”. “yes, I suppose that could happen”. Vivian wondered, “do you know of any other advantages one can gain from reaching above level 100”? “It is new territory for me, I do not but the merchant’s guild has archaeologists that have studied the time before the vampires came to power. They could tell you of such information in the capital, amongst the sealed archives. As an emissary of the triune not just an agent, you would be given access”.

Vivian looked thoughtfully around the group, “if our strength continues to grow how do we hide it, surely people will notice as we keep wining again and again”? The bishop considered the matter “how many people know what an exalted master is capable of, not many you don't need to claim a strength greater than an exalted master you just keep growing stronger and few will be able to sense the difference. Outside of a priest’s discern ability or an exotic skill, as agents of the triune you have the right to refuse such appraisals”.

Alice was the first to speak, “as long as I am an exalted master then I can do what I want to do. I can accomplish my goals; it helps me to be more than just that, but it is not crucial”. David mulled it over, “I thought that it would be a fine way to make my name, my reputation when I saw Martin go over that barrier. We are a society that judges each other by the strength of the individual in their chosen profession. But I have as much coin in my pocket being level 100 as being level 200, my name has as much glory behind it”.

Martin spoke again, “the abilities of a high-level vampire hunter are not widely known, they were a surprise to me. As I gain further abilities then people are highly unlikely to notice the difference, the deception can be maintained, the average person knows not how far a vampire is above them why should they notice this”? Vivian looked about the room regarding the rest of the group’s enthusiasm. “You see my eye my face? Bismark took that from me, he hurt what I hold dear”.


She glanced at David, “my friends my family I can see a road to take him on. There will be a point a turning point where it is obvious, we are not normal, our combination of talents already hits very hard. It is inevitable that we will be found out. But I plan to do a lot of damage before that happens, when they do realise what they truly face it will be too late. As Martin is fond of saying we can be the true monsters, we can make them fear us”.

The bishop nodded, “fine sentiments it would indeed be a day for celebration, if you could remove Bismark and a few of his ilk. We live in interesting times new allies’ new possibility; we can start the process of gaining our country back. Not just cowering behind walls while the vampires run around. But I implore you to keep the fact Martin is crusader now a secret. You already paint a target on your backs, you may need to move far from North-port after the trade talks are completed”.

They said their goodbyes and started to leave. The bishop stopped for a moment as if something further was revealed to him, “If you do find all four keys they would be best kept in the church's possession. Safe out of the hands of people who would open the vault and find something truly dangerous that they could not control”.

Outside the cathedral ghost was waiting, “I was told when the bishop healed you up you agreed to remove the lich. The fucking vampire prince and the sorcerers, you’re getting very close to doing that, of course there is good coin to be had on exterminating all of the sorcerers”. Vivian looked ghost up and down, “have they found the main sorcerer’s stronghold? I was sure that the ledger from that hamlet and the rest would do the trick”?

Ghost held out a folded map, “the scribes worked out a rough area to search form the ledger and some other correspondence. But we have to thank the local chapter of the mages tower, there is a veteran mage skilled at scrying. They got past the sorcerer’s wards not easy. Apparently, the spell feedback half killed them and knocked them out. The duchess rewarded them with over 200 silver”. She held up the map again a degree of excitement showing on her face. With a little dramatic flair, she unfolded it. “We found the sorcerers main base, from using possessions of the lead sorcerer we pinpointed where he had called home”.

Her grin increased, “after some more information from that traitor guard, we were able to narrow down a safe route to approach the place, he might have trouble chewing his food. There are no more fall backs no more escapes, the only way they get out of this is a one-way trip to hell, this circle off sorcerers will be broken”. There was a glint in Alice's eye, “don't forget that we capture apprentice alive. They might be just apprentices and novices, but they can be useful, we can gain from them insight into other groups of sorcerers they maintain links with. We are bound to get some piece of information or another”.

They made a shot trip to the town guard house to see the deputy sheriff. To pick up five sets of mana draining shackles for sorcerers’ apprentices. If they found any when they raided the sorcerers main base, which was probably a guarantee.

The deputy sheriff fetched the restraints from his stores, he paused his face freezing then slowly he allowed his anger to take his reason. “What the hell were you fucking thinking yesterday. That was not some vampire some criminal he was a guard, he was one of my men. There is due process the rule of the triune's law and you were cutting him up in front of me”! He was enraged that they had been so aggressive to one of his men as if him and his institution was irrelevant. “It is my responsibility; you need to do things properly you can’t cut corners”.

David and Alice stepped out of the way between Martin and the deputy sheriff. The deputy sheriff realised exactly what he was doing. He could be reduced to patrolling the docks, heck he could end up scrubbing a leviathan. He paused really thinking before him was the wrath of the creator god incarnate, if he died hear opposing him was its damnation? Ghost stepped in, “shut the fuck up before he gets angry, if he was wrong if he grabbed the wrong man that would be different. I would be talking to the trade commissioner and the bishop myself. But he was right, the sorcerers could have gotten away or carried out some portion of the plan, while we were looking form them”.

The deputy sheriff felt his life flash before his eyes. Martin was standing beside him and he had barely seen him move. “The vampire master the Midnight King commissioned the sorcerers to cripple this city. That man was working for the sorcerers, when he was meant to be working for you. He took a sacred trust to defend his fellow citizens and he did the opposite. He betrayed them he betrayed you, your rage should eclipse my own, If he was some petty moron who took a bribe on a small matter I would agree with you, but he literally opened the gate and let demons into this fucking city, I should be holding you back from taking his miserable wretched life”. The deputy sheriff had to agree with that, he had not quite realised how high the stakes were.

Outside the guard’s barracks there was a knight standing there, he was dressed in a mix of formal wear and high-end steel armour he bowed formally. “The duchess invites you to her study, there is a matter of urgent importance”. They followed the knight it was quite obvious that the duchess wanted something, she had shown them such pageantry and pomp when she wanted them to tackle the hidden hand crime syndicate. Now she was going to ask them to do something equally dangerous.

There were some bards playing wood wind and stringed instruments. The duchess waited while the band did its best. A butler with a tray of fine wine presented them each with a glass, there was an informal chat and with a wave of her had the duchess sent the bards and other servants away.

There was an exchange of formal greetings, the duchess turned to ghost. “My dear why don't you wait outside I have a small matter to discuss”. Ghost stood up politely nodding, “they are already agents of the bishop of Good-ford a master and three grand masters. I don't think you will be able to recruit them, but don't let me try to stop you”.

When the duchess was sure that ghost had gone away and they were alone she turned to them. “I implore you to give me the keys that you have found. Keys to a vault I own, they are the property of the royal faction, they are the responsibility of the house of teach”. Vivian looked around her companions, “I understand you would like the return of such property if we had it, however we have no evidence that the keys belonged to you. If we had them and we are agents of anther jurisdiction we could return such an item to the bishop of Good-ford and he would decide what to do with them”.

The duchess felt her nose put out of joint but realised that she was probably bidding against the two other local triune representatives. “I can offer more than just spiritual rewards and my purse is as deep as any merchant, didn't I help you Alice get that enchanted plaque you now wear?” Alice looked over at Vivian who answered the duchess. “Theoretically if such keys existed there would be four of them and we certainly don't have four of them. It is perhaps best to leave this debate to a later date when the sorcerers and the hidden hand are no longer a threat to this city”.

The duchess paused, she let a brief sentence hang on her lips “what if I called the guards”? Vivian looked at her, “they would remember who and what we have killed, and they would turn around, I do not think the four of us ghost included would be in time to stop the zealot if he felt betrayed”. A look at the duchess revealed it to be an empty threat. Perhaps when the sorcerers and the hidden hand were gone, she might have a different opinion, but that would be a conversation far in the future.

The duchess nodded, “an impasse for now, there is no point on bidding on an incomplete set anyway, I leave you to your duties”. Ghost met them outside she looked tired “I hoped to leave this until after we were finished with the sorcerers, but I suppose I must”. She took them to the merchant’s guild to see the trade commissioner. The merchant was far more interested in keeping the status quo. A scribe advocate started to go on with the legal precedent of ownership. Even Alice was not following it. The trade commissioner stopped them mid-sentence. “The keys are best forgotten, split back up two with the merchant’s guild one with the church one with royals, it keeps a sort of balance in the spirit of the triune. It is hypothetically best no one from house teach tires to unlock some ancient glory. They think will elevate them but could just as easily doom us all”.

Vivian looked the trade commissioner up and down, “a very reasonable and persuasive argument if we ever do collect four keys then we will give you due consideration”. The trade commissioner nodded, “when these talks are concluded I will control the trade across the long sea around to the central plains and beyond. I can be a very good friend; I could set you up as your own mercenary company I could guarantee a charter. Magic is expensive I have links in the tower that can help, you want to hunt vampires I can dig up every secret, have an army at your back remember that”.

Martin moved around the merchant’s guild; he had a plan. He purchased a broad solid steel sword and a small steel buckler a little dented he paid 30 silver for both of them. A little chat with a smith and he cut a holy symbol form bronze. A few rivets and he put the holy symbol on the buckler, he had a scabbard with the blade attached to his chest piece on the left side. It made him feel complete a comfortable weight. The buckler hooked onto the back of his great coat, just above the small of his back.

It gave him a little joy to use his crafting talents to make something himself. He went to the cathedral, the rest of the group waited outside, he met the bishop. “As a crusader this felt right not to use a holy symbol but a symbol on my shield, I don't have words for it. It is unusual but it feels right”. “I understand my son it is amazing how strong traditions can be, but we need to be subtle I am sure you can take that to heart”. The bishop made a complex set of rehearsed gestures while praying over the shield, words of a consecration blessing. The holy symbol on the shield glowed, he felt the weight of the sword he had the bare minimum he needed to move forwards.

As he stepped out of the cathedral the hidden hand attacked the group. They were focused on him there were twelve of them. Each carrying a pack of some sort, the first had a torch he lit a fuse and charged forwards. David intercepted him with his shield there was an almighty explosion. Seconds later David stood up he had safely escaped the suicide run. Ducking behind his shield planting it into the ground, its shape had distributed the force away from him.

Alice noted three of the hidden hand heading for her. She cast her bonus vitality spell and her illusionary allies spell. The three members of the hidden hand detonated but Alice was already far away, her illusionary body doubles simply faded away. Ghost picked of two of them at range with thrown knives, as they died, they detonated. Martin used his guardian angel blessing and weathered two more explosions. David sent two of the hidden hand flying where they detonated far away from him. Vivian effectively caught the last two with mithril arrows before they could get in range.

The hidden hand had attacked in broad daylight, the situation that the four masters had generally feared. Because they would not be expecting it. They could not completely prepare for it. Yet still they stood. The hidden hand were desperately running through one tactic after another. They were getting more desperate and reckless as time went on. They might eventually concede their losses and give up their operations in North-port. They had failed again a mixture of preparation and simple differences in power levels, they were unable to succeed.

The level up hit and their eyes glowed, Alice reached level 93 her latest spell was a bit of a rare one but at her level she had access to some substantial surprises she gained the invisibility spell. At lower levels it was next to useless for a magic caster as it would fade very quickly. With the strength of her magic she could make the weakest version last for just over a minute and a half giving the chance to upgrade it, she would be able to maintain it for quite a bit longer. It would give her an excellent option though it could be pierced in a number of ways. From a spell to a handful of dust if one knew where to throw it, it would allow the party several more options.

David reached level 89 his peak performance ability reached level 4. He got quite a reasonable bonus from entering a fight at full health. Vivian reached level 92 she was quite close to Alice, she gained the second rank of her stun skill it put the odds even further in her favour. Martin reached the third rank of his second job it was exhilarating to start climbing up again. He gained rank 3 of his sword parry skill he was looking forwards to reaching level 10 when he would unlock the new class features from the crusader job. To be able to use adrenalin attacks to gain new blessings. He was growing physically stronger to match his inhuman endurance, soon he would be able to hit quite hard not just be really good at taking a beating.

Ghost lead them to the coach station, and they picked up the same cart from yesterday. The same driver and crusader acting as a guard. There were provisions for the journey. The circle of sorcerers would close today, there last ranks removed one way of another. The sorcerers strong hold was far from North port a difficult journey. It would be a considerable difficulty to attack it in force, the sorcerers would only expect an attack in force. It was unlikely that five very powerful masters would show up on their doorstep at the same time.

There were several powerful demons on the front doorstep. They looked uneasy they looked like they could feel something was out there, a scent on the wind a foot fall they could not place. Martin appeared from nowhere his blade glowed “divine retribution” a demon had their throat opened up. Alice hit a second with an icy tomb spell freezing the demon in place. Ghost slit the throat of the stalker demon hiding in the shadows. Vivian was there and suddenly a demon was falling arrows embedded in his throat and chest. David was the last sweeping two hell hounds off the entrance to the sorcerer’s sanctum down into the ravine below and death or effectively banishment to the infernal plains, something considered quite worse than a simple death.

The sorcerers seemed to have found some sort of old fortification, a noble’s keep or guard house form long ago. It had been repaired renovated and stunk of the blood spilled to empower its foundations. Between Martin and Alice, the magic lock on the door failed, ghost picked the more conventional one.

They moved forwards into the last lair of the sorcerers, there were more traps on the ground. Casually Martin and Alice disarmed and destroyed them. There were two barriers made from red sorcerers magic, they were not as strong or as complex as the lich's defensive magic. Martin held his bucker and his hold symbol out the he activated his “ward of faith and flame”. He moved forwards and the barriers shattered one by one.

Deeper inside there was a courtyard 3 sorcerers stood at the ready. A last stand a dozen demons standing with them. Alice launched a duel cast fire ball the sorcerers shield spell was not enough. He collapsed backwards tried to rise blood flowing from his mouth, he moved to get up them fell backwards. The other two sorcerers tried in vain to last longer. Four octium throwing knives ripped through one sorcerer two arrows of similar construction ended the last.

David led the charge towards the remaining demons, the only spell caster had already been picked off by ghost a minute earlier. Martin summoned his pillar of ice blessing and swept it over the demons, it broke their ranks and froze them to the bone. Spells sword arrows and stealth the rest of the demons crumbled. Another lock another barrier and they were inside the heart of the scorer’s lair. Four kids so nervous their knees were knocking stood there behind upturned tables.

Alice stared at them her spell prepared, “do you wish to live … or to die? If you don't surrender now, we will kill you”. The four apprentices put down their wands and starves and lay on the floor. Vivian and David checked them over then slammed the mana draining shackles on the apprentices. The strongest one must have been just over level 12, in a few moments they were hit by mana fatigue and fell limply to the floor. Unable to resist barely conscious of their environment.

They moved past a few traps and a half dozen more demons. There was a central room a sorcerers alter filled with so much blood. The demonically twisted visage of the dead leader of the sorcerers appeared. “Congratulations you have found my lair, now reap a biter harvest my present to you from beyond the grave”.

He was pulled back to the infernal plain. The giant demon summoning trap sprang into action a gate way protected by a shield started to pour demons into the room. Vivian fired her arrows Martin unloaded his weapons including the hand of tesla, the horde kept coming they kept fighting. Martin triggered his blessings. They attacked the portal not the demons emerging form it.

There reserves slowly depleted spells ammunition everything. The shield around the portal flickered then shattered leaving the portal open to direct attack. Martin expelled his blessings and the portal crumbled into nothing. David charged forwards and ripped the alter out from the ground using his prodigious strength to sunder it against the floor. Shattering it and dispelling whatever dregs of profane magic remained in the twisted stone.

There was a letter left by the sorcerer, a copy of a proposition. It had a juicy bit of information on the hidden hand. The gang had the other key, the last key. The sorcerers might have been trying to do a deal to show them where the other keys were. They were in the four master’s hands now. To the hidden hands note, there response was a rebuttal. They were a spent faction there would be no help for them, which was quite true considering the people reading the note.

The level up hit it was a strong one two levels a prize for killing all the demons that the portal had spawned. Alice reached level 95 she improved her invisibility spell to the greater version. She could now remain undetected for just over three minutes. David reached level 91 gaining the same class level Vivian earned and one level in the shining armour skill which improved his ability to move in armour. Vivian reached level 94 her stun skill increased to level 4 she would push it up even further as she climbed higher. Martin has equipment that boosted the rate at which he improved. He gained three levels rather than just two. Putting more points into sword parry raising it up to level 6 allowing him to use his sword effectively as a defence.

They set about going over the sorcerer’s base with a fine-toothed comb. It was much like a mages tower chapter house. There was a book that seemed to be printed on human skin it was lit on fire. Various texts scrolls and other magical objects followed suite. All paperwork was gathered up, anything enchanted was burnt anything else was gathered up for the church to go over. It might lead to an insight in fighting demons or some connection to another group. There was a very ornate dagger with a flame enchantment they let ghost take that. A badge of sonic defence the banshee’s reprieve was passed to David.

Some coin jewels and ingredients were collected, they would be sold to the merchant’s guild the apprentice sorcerers were stuffed in the carriage. The bodies of the dead sorcerers and the remains of any possessed demons that had once been human were loaded onto the coach. They gave the prisoners a little food and water, the sorcerers had kept it in the family so to speak. The apprentices were the children of sorcerers they had slain. The church would interrogate them then seal their powers one way or another.

They dropped off prisoners to the local crusader chapter and haggled over the provisions they had seized from the sorcerer’s lair with the local merchants. The bodies were delivered to the cathedral, they collected a reward from the bishop for getting rid of the sorcerers. They signed a few statements the bishop addressed them. “You have my gratitude that is all there is to it, I believe that all that threatened North port is dealt with”.

Ghost gave him a quizzical look and he shrugged. “However, my colleagues the duchess and the trade commissioner would see the hidden hand as a larger threat. Such elements are far harder to find and deal with, but it would benefit us all if they were dealt with”. There was nearly 700 silver after the reward cash, and everything sold was collated. The party pocketed 544 silver form the endeavour not their worst day they just had to deal with. The hidden hand and their business in North port would be completed, well after they had made a decision on the keys.

Ghost took them to a tavern they anticipated her leaving, she got a round. “Now that the immediate threats are over, I have other business to attend to. Inside the city we may pass each other a few times I wish you well, we have gathered a good amount of coin”. Ghost considered the insanity she had just faced. Who walked into a sorcerer’s lair like that without proper back up? The four masters were almost an army by themselves. She had seen them call the duchess's bluff from a keyhole. She had seen the local powers like the lich and the vampire elder broken. If she was ordered to take those keys, they could forget it, they could stuff those orders.

The party had a very good meal at the duchess residence they were her guests she was probably trying to make up for the threat earlier and several good bottles of wine and fine food helped a long way. All other obstacles swept aside they would begin to work in earnest on the hidden hand. It would be like trying to pin smoke down or looking through the beach for a particular pebble. That was a problem for another day. Vivian found a fifth set of magic shackles in her backpack, they would return them to the sheriff’s office tomorrow.

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