《True Monsters》True Monsters Book 2 – Act 2 Vault Hunting – Chapter 22 – Blue Fin


They woke up with many questions, answers would take a little longer. Over breakfast they had a quick low-key discussion. David looked around the table, “did we help much yesterday? The city guards could have taken that bunch out”. Alice nodded waving her spoon about, “the sorcerers are the biggest …threat. An extra day for them to charge a ritual and …prepare is a lot more trouble for us, we should have spent some time chasing them rather than street rats”.

Martin grabbed a third bowl, “the sorcerers are a big problem, but we stopped the queen of rats from gaining a foot hold in this city. We cut her spies off it means something”. Vivian's golem eye swivelled round the table, “if the guards had tackled them, they would have suffered losses, and you don't know what that person could do later”.

Several more bowels full of food disappeared at the breakfast table. David was losing less at the gambling table. Ten or fifteen bronze penny's a night it was small change to them anyway. He was not getting any better, but he was focusing on something else.

David now looked back at the instructors and drill sergeants that had filled his youth with a degree of understanding. He was tutoring the local militia levies and guards; he would prepare them as best he could. This morning it was on tribal monsters, the blood alchemists’ creations. He went over how they have fought rat men and lamia snake men before, the tactics that they had used.

He was not alone he got Martin along to talk about vampires. Martin went through practical fighting against the vampires. How to identify the weaker vampires that could be tackled by groups of city guards or shield walls of militia and how to identify the stronger vampires that required a sound strategic withdrawal. He went on about holy water stakes simple things. Things that didn't do much like garlic and mirrors, what creatures are beyond them. How to avoid and spot the taint that the vampires carry, how to deal with it in food water on contact.

Vivian and Alice drilled a little, first Vivian on attack with Alice trying to shield a target dummy from Vivian's arrows. Then Vivian on defence trying to intercept Alice's spells with her arrows before they could hit a target dummy. They were staying close to the duchess, anticipating waiting for her to reveal what the hell was going on with a vault stuffed with barrels of drugs.

Finally, a servant arrived and ushered them up to the Duchess private chambers. A short formal greeting and they sat down, a bottle of wine on the table. She looked around the room, “can you discern anything”? prays magic and various devices revealed no ease dropper.

“I need to take you into my confidence to reveal one of our trump cards. You know the long ocean is full of kraken leviathan giant crabs and lesser sea monsters. Well we are able to make the western colonies or the elven lands easily”. David was curious, “how is that trip easy”? “We do have a deal with a leviathan, as we do with green belly. We made a deal with a leviathan blue fin, nearly a thousand years ago”.

She continued, “He or she I am not sure is over 250 yards long, smaller than green belly but strong enough to keep anything away from our convoys. We need to be able to feed, let’s say him a barrel of blue moon dust every few days to keep him happy, when he is active. I will give some explanation on blue fins biology, he is now dependent on the drugs. He gets upset if he does not get them. We have a plentiful supply for two trips a year. Now we are looking at eight trips a year, we need to increase the supply”.


David wondered, “what does he eat”? “Blanket weed juvenile kraken, giant crabs and he soaks up background mana like a dragon. Any creature that gets to that size has a degree of that ability”. Vivian wondered, “green belly and blue fin don't compete do they”? “they stay out of each other’s way we feed them on different things. We post a few warships with the convoys for small problems and we have a peaceful crossing of the ocean”.

“The dwarves raise rust krakens inside monster tamer families for the same reason. Though those armoured molluscs don't get any larger than 100 feet long and stay in the eastern ocean. I have never heard of them persuading a rust kraken to follow them past the tip of the southern lands. The dwarves are far less adventurous after that, and the buccaneers are regrettably far more adventures.

The duchess looked around the room, “someone seems to know we need blue moon by the barrel full. I don't think that they know what it is for, but they know we need it. I don't know if it’s the hidden hand the sorcerers. The two of them working together but someone is endangering our supply. The cathedral is very secure, so they are targeting the Ingredients for blue moon”.

She sipped her wine, “I suppose you don't know that much about the ingredients, but one of the main one's is a hallucinogenic blue mushrooms. They are a mutated variant on the ones used for dyeing fabric. They give the final product its distinct blue colour. A very large shipment was stolen, we need to get it back. We treated them like the mushrooms used in dye production, but someone worked out our ruse and they are gone. Stolen from inside the city during the celebration of the vampires defeat”.

Vivian wondered, “Have you ever heard a story about some sort of hidden vault under this city. Or in the local area. Something back from the time the elves were active, before the golem revolt or the vampire civil war”. The duchess had a response as if she was reading from a script, it was probably a question every visitor of note asked her. “The elves had four cites, but we believe they had outposts. As they became more reliant on golems more decadent, they slowly shut down these outposts. Something like that might be what you have heard rumours of, one of these hidey holes. The elves cleared most of them out, but if you find some elven coins, they can be valuable, especially to elven collectors”.

The duchess got up and walked over to her desk, “one of the other ingredients is a strong chemical base solution, we also need it in large quantiles. The stuff is called the catalyst its usually produced locally. An alchemist in the trade guild has problems providing it. They are being very vague with their reports. I imagine something has happened I want you to deal with it”. David looked around the group, “we need to put a few orders in with the trade guild any way and check up on a commission”.

The duchess raised a finger, “there is one more thing. A large shipment of crystallized mana was stolen, it was shipped in from old root ten boxes of the stuff, I need you to get it back. Officially it’s for the completion of repairs to the judgement. Unofficially it is one of the secret ingredients in the production of blue moon dust. The deputy sheriff is investigating the situation”.

Alice looked sagely, “it would be very useful for enchanter …lots of uses. It’s a slow process and the reason why we don't have massive quantities of magic items to …equip our forces with. It could also be used to power one big spell …if it was prepared properly. It might be the sorcerers who stole that, one their rituals takes a lot of mana”.


Vivian wanted to assemble all the facts, “what about other ingredients”? “They are not required in such quantiles, there is something extracted from blue beetles and other ingredients minerals plants. But we have a few farms now that raise the beetles and the plants we need. Those have not been targeted thankfully”.

David was his usual self, “what is the reward”? The duchess would not hear a word about sorcerers “I imagine all this will be traced back to the hidden hand. I am willing to offer 500 silver for the recovery of these items, if it turns out that something stronger is lurking about. Bring back proof and we can make an arrangement”. The group politely left for their current task.

A quick journey across the city and they were at the barracks speaking to the deputy sheriff. Vivian began, “There was a large shipment to the mages guild, it was stolen can you give us more information we have be charged with its recovery”. “It was part of a big trade caravan from the south. We had three mercenary free company's and militia working together to bring it over, nothing was going to attack that”.

He moved closer to them, “we might have an informant in our ranks, the targeting was precise when the shipment was split apart. When the guards were halfway through the night shift waiting for a pickup to take it from the warehouse. Something happened it was sudden, and the lot was gone”. Vivian wondered, “were there any deaths”? “No deaths but certainly a few people were ill afterwards, they had not eaten or drunk anything. There was no sign of a poisoned dart, we looked”.

Vivian's golem eye focused in on the deputy sheriff, “we have other means at our disposal that you don't”. He shrugged, “I had an apothecary look over the crime scene and a hunter with a St Michaels hound tried to find any traces of a sent. There was nothing five guards were knocked out with some chemical we can’t identify; you can examine them yourselves”.

Five rather fatigued looking men sat around a table. They were slowly writing up a report whatever had been used on them had dulled their senses. They could barely focus, the look in their eyes was off like a man who had been on duty for days without a break. Martin held his holy symbol up to one guard “purify” there was a brief flash and the man was suddenly a lot more awake, blinking his eyes focused.

Alice held a handout to one of the guards and the seemed to sense the faint trail of magic. She gave the deputy sheriff a look of pity, “it’s not a chemical …it’s an infernal spell”. The guard coughed, “a spell”? They moved to the scene of the crime. Alice held her hands out moving to an ally around the corner from the warehouse. “I can sense the magic used, something …was summoned with a weak version of a summoning spell. So, it was a temporarily contracted demon, it …was probably a succubus who used a weak mind control spell. Not flashy not easy to notice, they …put the guards to sleep not exactly what they train them to deal with right”. The deputy sheriff nodded, “Yes quite right demons are not our forte”.

David gestured forwards, “well we did say we would target the sorcerers. It looks like we have a nice solid lead”. Alice held her hand out and slowly walked along the street. “I can sense …a very vague trail they made it along this street in the middle of the night. I suppose the warehouses are busy all hours so no one would …have paid it any attention”. Vivian's automata eye focused in on something, “what's that in the gutter”? Alice plucked a small crystal out of the side of the road, “well spotted Vivian I guess they …wanted to check they had gotten all the right boxes, when they were far enough away from the warehouse to feel they were safe”.

Alice pointed in a vague direction, “the trail gets cold they didn't use magic again. It can't be that far until we reach …were they were going”. They spread out with the city guards. A woman who was half asleep with a child in her hands spoke to a guard and gestured up a side street. The guard rushed over to Vivian, “Mam there is a report of large man in a hood carrying boxes, a couple of other people in robes pushing a cart with more boxes our best lead”. Martin reflected on what he knew, “it could have been a summoned demon doing a little labour, not their favourite thing but they will carry something valuable”.

As they moved along that path they came to a small hovel of a house with a boarded-up workshop on the side. David pretty much ripped a hole in the wall with his shield smashing into it. They burst in weapons drawn. The place was empty a low burning fire, some alcohol a few scribbled notes. Alice held her hands out and concentrated. “They were hear some sort of …sending spell, they waited contacted another and moved off”. The deputy sheriff looked crestfallen, “so they came here to store the mana crystals, then they picked them up and headed somewhere else”.

Martin looked at the notes shrugged and looked at Vivian, “We just have this sheet of paper, Alice does this mean anything to you”? She scrutinised the paper, “it’s a form of algebra used to calculate rituals, I recognise some …of this its infernal magic. It’s also spacial magic. The only sort that works any more, its working with a lot of mana. They have to add it to the ritual …slowly, or it will overload, it will empower whatever they summon”.

Martin checked his holy symbol, “what is it?” Alice did a little mental arithmetic, “it’s going to be an overlord …I think something above level 100. With this much mana thrown into the mix it would be at level 200 I think, and this symbol it means twenty”.

She thought for a second, “probably a summoning empowered by twenty lives, those people that disappeared from the farm through a portal. They ended up in the city …it was very. close I am surprised the guild didn't detect it, it ... must have been done very quickly”. David was confused, “why not do that inside the city rather than outside the walls”? “The mages guild has …a few instruments that would pick it up, so they did it inside the city”. Vivian pulled her bow ready.

Alice worked a few more things out, “with the power of 20 lives sacrificed it would be very difficult to exorcise this demon overlord. The magic shield on the city walls would be quite good against a …demon overlord. They would have to exert a lot of power to get through it. We would have time to prepare, this way they catch us by surprise, or they are …trying to”.

Vivian scanned oven the paper the room for any sign or clue her eye blurring. Martin held his holy symbol out trying to sense something. Vivian thought it out, “we trace the clues a bunch of sorcerers have the mana crystals to power ritual to summon an overlord that is very very bad. can you pinpoint the ritual from these notes”? David was trying to help by dismantling the building to look for any hidden compartments. It was noisy not helpful, Vivian stopped him so Alice could think.

She pulled up her mask, “they have to make some allowance for the effect of the cathedral on magic and the power in the shield …wall. I think I can narrow it down a bit, but not that much it still gives us a shot”. She lowered her mask and started to walk in a vague line towards the docks. Martin tuned around, “deputy get someone to the cathedral. Prepare the countermeasures tell the bishop we might need to drop the big one at any moment, eyes on all points”.

They followed Alice's painfully slow process for five minutes. Until she came to an area and slowed then stopped. She could see the wall and the cathedral orientating herself around the direction of the docks. She was sure that she would eventually get close enough to the ritual site to feel the mana. Perhaps if they grabbed more of the local mages to help her, they could find it quickly.

Martin noticed out of the corner of his eye a man with a very long impractical cloak he was hiding something. Martin got a flash of the man's red robe, a sorcerer’s robe. Martin moved forwards the man realised he was being tracked. A spell of infernal energy shot towards Martin, who blocked it with his holy symbol. A second spell harmlessly hit Alice who had used bonus vitality to fortify herself against the damage. David blocked a spell with his shield the fire bite harmlessly sizzled against it. Vivian shot him in the knee before he had finished the fourth incantation.

Martin held the man by the throat, “you will talk and quickly”. The man made to cast another spell Martin cracked him over the head with his holy symbol. “talk now”, The man spat at Martin. Martin had one of his octium blades Martin dragged him into a side alley he started cutting and the man started talking. Two of the city guards locked him in mana draining shackles and held him limply, Martin wiped the knife on a cloth.

“It’s good we found the straggler, they have been hired, there purpose to attack and weaken the city. They summon a big demon right in the middle of the place, he pointed out the ritual site before he fainted”.

They were using a building that was being renovated. The roof was off it was covered in scaffolding. The basement was large, the newly laid floor covered in dark sigils. They were more careful as they entered. Expecting some counter measures, they didn't charge in. They opened the doors and moved forwards dozens of torches flickered, there were Twenty humans in cages as sacrifice, all of them were covered in ink and comatosed. There was a demonic gateway prepared they were going to add the crystallised mana to it that was sitting in chests to the side. It looked like the ritual was almost ready there were a dozen sorcerers and twice that number of summoned demon soldiers guarding them. They were prepared, judging from the size of horns all strong summoned demons.

Alice looked at the gate, “hit it with octium and it will stop the …spell dead”. The sorcerers turned to the noise. Before the ritual could proceed the demonic gateway shut down hit by five octium arrows and a further four throwing knives. The magical metal screwed the spell up and it evaporated. The demons moved to protect the casters, or the ritual would never be completed.

Alice cast her defensive spells then started to hurl desiccate spells at the demons. Two of them were instantly out of the fight the liquid wrung out of there insides. Martin had his holy symbol “pillar of ice, greater pillar of fire”. The pillar of ice hurt the demons, the demons might not have taken much damage from fire. But it was enough to disrupt their defensive formation as the tornado of fire shot threw their ranks pushing them away.

Vivian started to release her enchanted adamantine arrows. The demons were not used to such a strong attack there demonic and infernal armaments couldn't resist. Soon half a dozen of them were gone. David charged into the thickest concentration of demons his blade flashing, every attack a power attack. He pushed the fight forwards keeping as many eyes on him, so Vivian and Alice and Martin could pick them off easily.

Martin shot down two more of the sorcerers the rest abandoned trying to restart the ritual and summoned a portal to retreat through. Martin activated his holy blessings Killing a few of the soldier demons. Through the crowd a familiar face appeared David's demonic nemesis came for David. He grinned armed with an infernal blade. Next to him was a female demon of similar proportions with a war hammer, his sister sassed them both. “you were beaten by this pathetic mortal little brother”? “You bring shame on me, still you are hardly a powerful demon yourself what can I expect from you”.

David kicked a demon hard enough to send them flying at his nemesis. The two demonic siblings attacked him. David blocked her hammer strike with his shield, then parried her bothers sword blow. The magic ring he had recently acquired was really helping him keep up with the usually quicker demons. They did a bit of damage to him with the strength of their blows, but he could do far worse due to their lack of armour. Both of the demons were highly skilled, but they found that their allies were disappearing quickly to arrows pistol shots and holy smites, dropped on them with extreme prejudice.

The two demonic siblings were the last ones left they looked to David then to Vivian charging for her. David blocked them keeping Vivian safe, a hammer blow landed right on David's helmet he was sent flying his vision suddenly filled with blood. They were skilled a fraction of a second letting your guard down and the demons would capitalise on it. The brother charged forwards sinking his blade between a gap in David's armour into his chainmail and further. David's sword blurred and the demon was cut in half before he could pull his blade back out.

The infernal blade faded away as its master dissolved. The demonic sister was not finished and lunged for Vivian aiming to do the most pain to David. He tackled her as she was hit by an acid strike spell and a smite. Vivian brought her mace down on the demon’s skull.

Martin checked David's wounds removing a few splinters of metal. His chainmail would need some repair. Alice cast her healing spell and he was back up again. Most of the sorcerers escaped through the demon door. However, they had lost three of their number and all the components of their ritual. Vivian pulled David to his feet and hugged him.

The level up hit their eyes glowed, Alice reached level 87 she wanted a bit more versatility in her defence she picked up the spell mage armour. Which created a translucent set of armour from her mana, it stacked well with her physical shield spell and bonus vitality. David reached level 83 gaining the third level of his battle brother skill. Vivian reached level 86 her knock down skill rose to level 5, giving her a good chance of putting an opponent on the ground with each arrow she shot.

Martin reached level 100 it was a strange sensation a true mastery as he could legitimately be called an exalted master. His vitality ability moved from rank 2 to rank 3 effectively multiplying his base hit points by four. He now had over 4300 hit points and over 550 focus. The effect on his cells his flesh was disconcerting and alien, as he continued to be less human. He got two more uses of his divine favour healing blessing. But there were two more blessings final judgement a blessing that dealt 2500 points of holy damage. And ward of faith and flame, anything within two yards around him would be hit with fire and holy damage at 35 points per second, it would eat through low level enemies easily.

That was not the biggest gift he received, another notice filled his mind’s eye, “you have attained level 100 in your chosen path supreme skill unlocked. Use once per week blessing. death grip of ire consumes 25 focus, produces 1000 sonic damage 1000 poison damage 1000 corrosion damage 1000 physical damage 1000 holy damage a touch-based ability”.

He thought about the other supreme skills that he had seen. The lich's ability to summon a platoon of skeleton knights. The vampire’s ability to rapidly heal and to switch places with one of their minions, or the archanists ability to dramatically reinforce their creations. Martin had to wonder if a person’s desire and personality shaped their supreme skill. His zealotry had given him an offensive ability that was not small. The time it took to recharge was significant a week before he could use it a second time. It was interesting, he was sure he could compare skills with the others.

Martin looked round the group, “we did it, beat them again. Next time we aim for the sorcerers not their tough minions”. Alice looked about “if I got it right are … you there”? Martin nodded, “oh yes level 100, technically with my crafting levels level 111”. Vivian wondered, “how does it feel”? “Like I am complete, like I have a few extra weapons in my arsenal”. David shook his hand squeezing it a bit too much, “congratulations to the newest minted exalted master. It won’t be very long before we can up”. Martin nodded, “it will be good to compare” Vivian noted his words, “were you granted something else”? Martin nodded, “oh yes, I think it’s very much dependant on the person”.

Vivian shouted over to the deputy sheriff, “it’s safe the demons are banished, the plug has been pulled on the ritual”. More guards started to turn up. They found a key for the cages on one of the dead sorcerers and started to free the prisoners. Alice and Martin focused on removing the magic and reversing the corruption of the farmers.

One by one they started to come out of there comatosed sate. A priest and a few mages turned up to dismantle the rest of the spell’s incantations etc. The bodies of the two dead sorcerers were checked for clues then handed over to the cathedral for last rights and cremation, there spirits and souls would be sent to their final place which would be a little hot.

A few militia volunteers got some blankets and food for the farmers. They would be observed by the church and questioned by the hunters. They might have herd something useful even in the state that they were in. Any lead could help track down the remaining ten sorcerers. Alice imagined that they had used most of their mana to start the ritual and to summon their demonic guards. They probably didn't have much mana, so they had chosen to run rather than to fight the group. It would be like an archer with an empty quiver trying to fight them. They returned the mana crystals to the merchant’s guild a few more pieces and they could claim the bounty from the duchess.

They were finally greeted by a courier from the merchant who had promised them a reward earlier. Once the man confirmed their identities, he handed over a magical belt. Vivian read the letter “he actually came through a belt of five favours and letter of authentication 50 point of resistance to electric acid fire sonic ice damage”.

She handed it to Alice who concentrated for a second “definitely correct it’s a very … useful enchanted item”. He grinned, “considering we almost got crushed by a 60 foot wide crab I think that this is a fair reward”, David put on the belt, he passed his own greater belt of three favours to Alice who equipped it and passed her own belt of three favour onto Vivian. Each of them had received a bit of an upgrade to their defences.

They went to the merchant’s guild about commissioning new equipment, Alice talked to an armourer. For sentimental reasons she liked her leather bracers and greaves, they could add mithril splints to them with a damage impact reduction enchantment. Her light steel helmet would not stop a serious blow, so she considered a mithril cap to go with her mithril mask. With a boost to natural armour.

She would upgrade her steel ring-mail vest to a mithril ring-male vest and have a 25-point resistance to necromancy and infernal magic added. basically, a ruinous defence charm she might be able to get it pushed up to 50 points of each if she spent a little more money. Not being affected by the magic of hell or the grave would probably be a very good investment.

Vivian talked to a master blacksmith over her bow, getting a new mithril adamantium alloy string and keeping her current steel octium one as a backup. Also, the bow was made to be adjustable as her strength increased. She was worried about using her power shots, the strain it might put on the bow. She was looking at getting it reinforced with a pair of octium springs reinforced with durability to boost the power of her bow further. She had almost broken her previous bow as she put more and more strength into her arms, she definitely didn't want to lose this one.

She also spoke to an alchemist getting some arrows. She could attach glass vials filled with various concoctions. A black inky smoking gas called a fog arrow that would disorientate people, a strong poisonous yellow gas known as a mustard arrow and a blue hazy sedative called the arrow of Morpheus. She would need a sturdy case added to her gear, so she didn't break them early.

David chatted with an armourer about mithril plate to replace his Damascus. There was a noble from the teach family. A distant relative of the duchess who was investing in shipping. She had two boats under construction and was willing to sell off some of the family artefacts to speed up the process. So that she would have boats on the trade convoys across the long sea as soon as possible. David was looking at an expense of 3000 silver to get the armour, have it altered to fit him reinforced with octium banding to give it a 30-point magical resistance.

Then to have it enchanted with additional fire resistance, and health 30-40 points, also 10 points of endurance. The bonus vitality would be spread out over several areas. Some intelligence and wisdom added to the helmet to give him a clearer head in battle. All the measurements were taken David had to speak to the rest of the group as it was a lot more than his share that would need to be invested in it the armourer. They rechecked his measurements allowing for the extra layers of padding and mail.

Martin went to see Clarice for a progress report on the artefact. She slowly raised a silk cloth each part of the device was laid out on a table, “now Martin look at the calculation you will have to pay an additional 100 silver for parts for Tesla's hand”. She pointed with her screwdriver, “some octium wiring to replace this copper mithril alloy. It won’t need replacing again. Hear there was a bronze mechanism might have been adapted form a pocket watch. I plan to replace it with mithril parts, a few other things but the most expensive item is a very rare ultramite trigger spring, so you don't break it”.

She scowled as Martin checked over her notes. “I am sorry about this, I am not questioning your professionalism, but our quarter master asked me to review the parts you would be using”. He was not an expert, but he had enough knowledge of such things to go over the parts list, to make sure he was not getting ripped off as per Vivian's suggestion. They shook hands and he got Vivian to pay for the parts.

They had looked at a lot of equipment a lot of upgrades they decided to sleep on it before committing to anything. Vivian estimated that it would be most of their savings not that their savings would do them any good if they were dead. Agents adventures emissaries were expected to invest in there equipment, or hire extra bodies to fill out a group. They didn't need extra people at the moment. David's tower shield would arrive tomorrow, they could use it as a barometer of the quality of workmanship from the local guild. Then they would probably place their orders.

Alice went to see the local chapter of the mages tower, she met with the chapter master Anne Thornton. They acknowledged each other with a respectfully bow making sure that they bowed at the same time. In terms of raw power Alice was the stronger and as an agent more senior. Even if she was an agent of a different city. But she would not disrespect a chapter master in their own home.

“Alice it is good to see you, you seem fully healed you have avoided this chapter house for weeks. I was expecting you to be raiding our library and enchanting shops as soon as you were back on your feet”. “I have been very busy the …archanist then the lich then the vampires, I still need to show the sorcerers that our magic is the …stronger. I have broken through past the grand master’s level”. “you have worked very hard”. Alice looked nervous for a second, “in truth you saw me when …I was at my weakest I was embarrassed to come back, my voice is still affected”.

Anna reassured her “Mages that spend their entire lives in the tower still have spells backfire enchantments go wrong. I was turned bright orange for two weeks when I was an apprentice and I tried out an incantation when inebriated, injuries happen especially to a field mage”. “I wanted to thank you for what you did for Vivian …she is keeping the golem eye; it enhances her skill set”. “From the sound of things, she was needed to defend North port I am glad to do my part”.

“The main reason I came to speaks to you was about acquiring …stronger magic. I have been reading books on magical theory about seventh tier versions of spells. Have you ever heard of them, there is a very powerful …ancient vampire Bismark, I want to push my magic up to the point where it could touch a vampire over level 400”.

Anna checked around the room, “I have heard the theory, as I understand let’s take for example a fire ball spell at master level. Its 30 points of fire damage plus 12 times caster level what we would call a 5th tier spell. A mythic version of the fire ball spell would theoretically be 35 points of fire damage plus 14 times casters level. The theoretical legendary version would be 40 points of fire damage plus 16 times caster level your hypothetical 7th tier version of the spell”.

“So, at a rough guide a legendary spell is about a third again stronger than a master spell”. Alice was quiet she breathed out, “not exactly legendary …but I guess it still hits a lot harder for the same mana cost right”. Anna tried to encourage her, “don't get me wrong, it’s still an exceptional boost to one’s power”.

Her voice was hesitant, “but only exalted masters can learn the knowledge its only kept at the mages tower only accessible to the inner council or by direct request of the king. This knowledge is very rare I can only point you towards the capital”. Alice showed a flash of irritation “if or when I get to be an exalted master and a vote on such things. I would …see this knowledge released more widely to chapter masters and to grand masters”. Anna nodded in agreement, “sometimes I think we need to review this place. But I am not a grand master, so I have no vote”, there was a slight twinge of envy directed at Alice for the power she had gained.

Alice had a staff wrapped in a white cloth she put it down on the table and unwrapped it. “I took a staff from a defeated vampire wizard … it is stronger than my old staff”. “You want to sell it, or do you want me to keep it in trust”? “I want you to select an up and coming mage …apprentice, someone who could benefit from a good item. I will gift them this something better …than what I got when they sent me out there”. The two of them went over a list of mages assigned to the harbour city, one from the crew of the judgement stood out.

A very nervous looking ginger haired mage with large spectacles stood in front of the chapter master and the grand master known as malice. The gleaming mithril mask the armour over her body the curved dagger it was intimidating. Admittedly the scarf and mittens took away a little from the fearsome reputation. But field mages had to be practical or you lost fingers and toes to frost bite out in the wider world.

Helen Taylor didn't know what to say, she curtsied in their general direction the chapter master presented an impressive looking staff to her. Alice spoke, “Helen your assessors speak highly of you, the chapter master of good ford …lady Imoline passed this staff to me. It was from her adventuring days I would like you to have it. I have recently acquired …something better, I understand your an accomplished apprentice, due to start field work soon. I wish that someone would have given me a helping hand earlier on. In that spirit …I pass this onto you”.

She was speechless as she felt the power of the staff in comparison to her existing one, the apprentice staff was a stick. “Thank you grand master Coster”. Alice started to leave after a hug, “don't forget to hand in your apprentice staff … and get a ticket for it” Helen nodded as Alice left.

Martin met her outside, “did you find what you wanted, and did you pass your old staff onto another mage”? “You hunters are almost obsessive about passing …on equipment, I can see the appeal of giving another a leg up so to speak. It helps to create a camaraderie in your order. That seems to be sorely lacking between the upper levels of the mages tower and the lower levels. As for the information I want it is in the capital, I will have permission …when I reach an exalted master’s status”.

“Just to bring you up to speed, A guard briefly mentions the sorcerer we captured has confessed that there is a traitor in the guard, but he does not know who. Their leader kept it a secret from the new recruits. He is being shipped off to the gallows jail city tomorrow life without parole. It’s probably less merciful than executing him. We saw the bishop he thanked us for stopping the sorcerers, he urged us to eliminate their full number. He spoken with the other triune representatives; we will get a suitable reward for pulling the plug on that ritual”.

Alice nodded, “Our timing was very good, if we had …arrived later the ritual would have been in full swing and the demon would have been summoned. If we attacked earlier the sorcerers would not have dumped most of their mana into the ritual …and we would have to face twelve sorcerers at full strength not an ideal situation”.

They met in Vivian's room she had a bottle of spirits with Alice's enchanted crystal floating in it boosting the brews potency, a nice bottle of wine and a wheel of cheese. David looked over at Martin “you have a supreme skill right you hit one hundred”. Martin looked about the group, “yes I have a supreme skill a divine blessing, death grip of ire 5000 points of damage in a single strike”. Vivian looked him up and down, “that's amazing nothing will be able to stop you if you can get close”.

Martin sighed, “hold your horses it has limitations, I can only use it once per week”. Alice patted him on the shoulder, “it’s still able to destroy one siege … ghoul or golem with a single strike no preparation it’s a big boon”. “I think the supreme skill one gets is very much dependent on one's personality, it will be good to compare with yours once you get them”. Vivian grinned “depending on what we get we might go and find Bismark, your grip of ire would be something he could feel”.

David held his arm awkwardly, “lets drink to Martin to becoming an exalted master. To reaching the top to gaining a supreme skill, to getting powerful enough to kill Bismark and collecting the gold on his head. Anyone want to bet which one of us will hit level 100 next”? Alice joked “I wouldn't bet on yourself David”. Vivian gobbled up a wedge of cheese, “was there any other perk or achievement you gained from reaching level 100”.

Martin meditated for a second examining his ability's, “no not that I can sense the final class level of a vampire hunter made me even tougher with more vitality but nothing in addition to that”. They talked over equipment upgrades strategy. They wanted to resolve their business at North port then get powerful enough to take on Bismark and kill him. Or if they could not personally gain that much power kill as many of his servants including lexicon as they could.

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