《True Monsters》True Monsters Book 2 – Act 1 Northport – Chapter 6 – After the Battle


Alice woke up with a start, she didn't like having to sleep at all. To lose control of her body to be so vulnerable, it was terrifying to experience having her body rendered inanimate. It was a slowly rising panic she didn't want to face. But yet she had to out of necessity, perhaps she could look into some alchemists concoctions to keep off the onset of sleep, not just to hold it at bay but to remove the need. Reading helped, her mind was so much wider. Able to handle the knowledge, to handle the information than she had seen.

With wisdom enough to reflect and understand the building blocks that made up magic. It was a truly beautiful thing, something that the dam vampire had tried to take from her. She would gain strength enough to pay that vampire back. She became stronger with each level, with each spell. It would only be a matter of time before she could get her revenge. Even if they only ended up with her killing a lot of Bismark's minions, it would be enough to hurt him.

No that was wrong it would be a start! A place to build up from, they called her malice and well that would be her unofficial name from now on. She might as well embrace it. To destroy Bismark's lieutenants, his contacts his creatures everyone he called friend lover or allies. To take all he was away from him, that would be one of her long term goals. It was a pleasure to think again, she had read in her books about legionary spells. A grade of spell above the master level spells, some mages that spent a life time practising could gain them.

They were an inner mages council secret, restricting the exact information. If she could locate a powerful one it might give her the edge against something like Bismark. To be able to hit him with a magic strong enough to cut through his supernatural defences.

Martin woke up and felt relief, he didn't have to suppress the lycanthropic essence inside of him. He was free of that particular burden. He didn't have to suffer the purge soul blessing, attacking part of himself. He felt a little hollow as if something was gone but soon he would be a grand master and he could almost feel the strength he had lost from the removal of the werewolf returned to him.

It hit him a sense of guilt, not the guilt that he craved the power the werewolf as a hunter. Almost anything that could be used against the vampires was fair game. It was the guilt that he was actually happy for a moment. How did he have any right to be happy when all he knew were dead? If he killed a vampire for every family member colleague and neighbour that he knew, perhaps then he deserved some measure of peace.

David examined his new hand, it was a lot closer the nerves seemed to be firing correctly. The feel was almost like it used to be. It didn't quite feel like it belonged deep down it was not his original hand. The injury the memory of having his hand twisted off by that cursed vampire. He needed to be a bit of a tougher nut to crack. Mithril at the minimum but preferably octium or even adamantite armour. It would give him what he needed to keep the dam vampire at bay.

Vivian looked at her face in the mirror, it was an ugly scar it was still relatively fresh. Even with the eye patch and the artificial eye. Especially with the artificial eye, it was very noticeable on its own. She could cover it up, she could save up money for an alchemist to heal it. With whatever expensive variant of a healing potion removed scar tissue. She could own it, a scar like that helped to build a reputation. They would say she was tough she had survived she had endured. She was sure that the bishop could restore her other eye.


She remembered that Alice or another mage had to recharge it every week or so. She didn't want to rely on something like that. She didn't want to have to depend on another, so a second golem eye was out of the question. But as an archer she could not deny the benefit of having this eye, a mind-set much like the vampire hunters. Heck maybe she could get a better one from an adamantine golem somewhere down the line.

The breakfast was more of the same bread and fish. A fishing village like this every other meal was fish or shell fish. The muscles and cockles were a bit of variety, they made a fairly good stew all things considered. Very large quantities of food disappeared between the high level adventures as they took in the calories necessary to fuel their bodies. The witch finder and the four masters washed there food down with ale. Even Alice was affected very little by the run of the mill drink the enchantments on her equipment helped.

A fisherman looked at them with resentment at the local bar. “They each eat as much as five or six people, we are tight feeding the freed slaves refugees and the extra guards as well”. The bar matron looked at him, “best keep your mouth shut did you see how many of those things they killed. Plus they pay for everything they eat, we get something from them”.

People watched the spectacle of the heroes of the hour. Then got back on with whatever necessity they were doing. On one table people played cards, another was dice there was a target boards and a few people were practising with throwing knives. On another table a few men were arm wrestling each other over a few coin and the next round.

Nicole looked at the group raising her tankard. “I am sure that we would have been swarmed with those things if you didn't get hear in time. This village would be gone so would the other two. The vampires would have an army of over a thousand constructs to march on north port. It would have been problematic to deal with. The archanist in vine garden tried a similar strategy didn't they”? Vivian confirmed “oh yes”, the witch finder continued, “The Empress of shadows has been there patron for a few centuries. She seems to like using these archanist constructs, I suppose that they are far tougher than the regular fodder the vampires have for their rank and file troops”.

The witch finder looked about the table, “I was gifted a few things to help me with my mission. I am sure that the leaders of North port will dispense a suitable reward. But consider this my thanks and the thanks of the church”. She reached into her jacket and counted out four large gold coins each one would be worth 100 silver coins. David's hand reached out to them he turned to Vivian and handed them over to her. “Thanks Nicole that will go towards some custom made equipment”.

Nicole handed five unusual bullets to Martin. “My preferred ammunition against spell casters especially good against lich’s and vampires. Octium bullets coated in blessed silver, really screws with a magic caster”. “Cheers the next vampire elite we face is going to get a nasty surprise”.

She handed a small bag to Vivian, “Five adamantite armour cutter arrow heads, and perfect for heavily armoured targets. One of the local scouts or foresters could probably fletch them for you today”. “Thanks this is really good adamantite is pretty rare mostly reserved for grand masters and exalted masters”. The witch finder pulled a bundle of silk from her jacket and handed it to Alice. “This is some sort of trinket taken from a rouge mage, it is clean magic can you use it”?


Alice examined it, the broach was three sided swirls of silver gold and copper intermingling to form a triangular patter. After the span of a few heart beats Alice nodded, “it’s a broach … of spell boosting … any offensive spell I casts … acts as if the caster is … 5 levels higher …adding a bit more punch …to my magic. I have seen ...something similar that was created for a ...psionic in the same way”.

They raised there tankards then drained them. The group split up, Alice wanted to practice her boosted spells and see the difference. Vivian left to find a forester to fletch her arrows for her, with her new adamantine arrow heads. David went to find a quiet spot to practice his sword techniques, he still had a bit of ground to recover after his right hand was healed. It would be many hours of practice before he was certain he could close that gap.

The witch finder turned to Martin, “come my friend and fellow servant of the church, let us talk”. She got another round of ale, “as you have probably guessed I was sent out to investigate signs of an archanist. Reports started to come to the patriarch’s ear. Sightings of their machines purchases of materials used to make their machines, some thefts and disappearances. I found signs of the professor, he is unique. We believe that he is the first and only archanist to reach level 100, an exalted master part of the court of the Empress of Shadows”.

“I cannot emphasise how devastating it would have been if he had converted several villages into constructs then met up with the local vampire’s forces. He has a deep seated pride in his machines. He could have run to begin with when the tide of this battle went against him. But his pride forced him to not back down. Now he has lost most of his toys, he will be in the Empress's bad books for a few decades. That is until he rebuilds his forces, I am not sure we will see him again, unless we find some sort of back up lab”. Martin continued to listen

Alice spoke with the local mage Mary, there was a quiet spot a little way out of town. After a few trial runs Alice was able to confirm the increase her offensive spells. She returned with the mage there discussion went to the more morbid. Mary had seen less combat than her colleague, “Alice I have been fighting against those archanist constructs for three days straight. I have seen them up close, but I am not really sure if they were necromancy or a sort of golem”.

Alice thought about it, “I have seen … five different variations of necromancy … in my time as an adventurer ... the traditional sort with a spirit trapped in a focus …. bound to a mortals remains. A lich's necromancy where a phylactery … is carefully constructed to hold the soul. I have seen the archanist method … of forcing a spirit back ...with a mockery of unlife. I have seen a corrupted nature spirit …. a spriggan do much the same thing ... replacing bits of a dead body with living plants … to achieve the same”.

“The most frightening and quickest … was a vampire's ability he just … willed it and the bodies rose up. No preparation no ritual no focus … just his will. I think he was using slivers … of his will to control them … fragments of his soul … for want of a better word. An infinitesimal part of his consciousness … to power them. When we destroyed the physical remains … it would have travelled back to the vampire. I have even seen a necromancer … pull the soul back to give an undead thought. Though I think that only works … if the soul is bound to the body … they once owned in life”. That was more information than Mary ever wanted to know, “so definitely necromancy”? “A polished … refined version of it yes”.

They talked a little while longer. Alice was starting to feel better her thoughts more cohesive. She was finding it easier to talk to one mage, in a one on one situation. Her confidence was growing. Thoughts ran threw her head a witch finder could negate magic fairly easily. There were certainly other ways of negating mana, Alice wanted a backup of some sort. She saw a local pedlar going through his stock, she found a small curved dagger as back up weapon. It cost her 30 bronze pennies, it would work quite well. One of the others could show her how to use it.

David found a fenced off area to the side of the sheriff’s office. She used it to drill the guards and the militia. He put down his shied and started to practice with his sword. His regenerated limb was feeling better, but not quite like his own arm. When Alice had a bad injury to her leg, they had to break and rest it. She described much the same feeling after the healing spell went wrong. It was his arm but it was not at the same time.

He delivered cuts and thrusts to imaginary opponents. Any training dummy would be obliterated in a single cut, unless it was as solid as a fortress door. He would need to drill for a bit. David was enjoying himself, a couple of the militia joined him. They had short blades spears poor quality weapons. But many of the lessons of foot work and striking while guarding your self could apply.

Some hunters joined him training with staves and clubs. In time his training kicked in and he started to point out to people there shortcomings. How they could improve them, how people could fight with their limitations with each other compensating. A few of the guards joined them and a few levies. The squires and deputy hunters as well as a few junior mercenaries. They came along, back from removing the last few wandering constructs about the region, one or two lone walkers and brass hounds.

David broke them up into pairs practising against each other with lengths of wood and what shields they could find. He had them drill then made suggestions and corrections, he remembered some of the tips Melcher the sheriff of Good-Ford had showed him. A few dirty tricks faints the group was getting quite large. He grinned it was good people were listening to him. He broke the group up into pairs, but had them practice watching each other’s backs.

Then he assembled them into squads of four people using small unit tactics against one another. He quickly went through the basic drills from the glass bay mercenary company. He shouted encouragement and scored which were the best. In the end he put together quite a competent training drill. With the local militia split in two fighting a mock exercise with two shield walls clashing. Everyone trying to counter and block everyone else both sides fighting as reasonably cohesive units. David realised that he was actually quite good at it, but then one of the main strengths of the mercenary class was the comprehensive trailing perk. So he should be capable of doing this.

Vivian approach the sheriff as a scout she had an excellent aim, “I saw you fight when we held the wall. Your shooting is very fast very precise, can you give me a few pointers”? The sheriff gestured, “Hold up an arrow other way up”, Vivian complied “what do you see”? She made her best guess, “The fletching, so I need to make sure my arrows are properly fletched”? “That is true but no, you see you have different fletching on different arrows. It comes from having a varied arsenal, each one is affected by the wind slightly differently and the weights are slightly different. You need to practice to make sure that you know the weight of each of them. Also holing the fletching up can give you a good idea of wind speed and direction allowing you to compensate”.

Vivian was slowly getting ready as the sheriff had suggested. She was using her old and new quiver now she had so many arrows of so many different types. She spent all day seeing how the minute changes in the arrows altered their flights. The greater drag from her bleed arrows the greater weight of the adamantite arrows. The regular fletching of goose or duck feathers against the griffon feathers she had on a few of her better arrows. She got that little bit better with her bow, more precision, the next lesson would be to use it against a moving target.

Martin continued to speak to the witch finder, “as we will likely be working out of the area for a little time what threats to North port do you know about”? Nicole had a good think “there is a good sized circle of sorcerers, they seem to be working for the vampires. They seem to have some way into the city that we have not found. A magic gateway an old tunnel dug under the wall some guard hypnotized, I don't know but they are a threat inside and out”.

“There is a large undead lich fortress I believe it’s buried in an old mine. So it’s hard to attack this lich has been quiet, but that just means they are gathering there strength. There are three vampire lairs locally, the local elder is a lieutenant of Bismark's. This pretentious little vampire calls himself the prince, somewhere between level 100 and 200. The elder is constantly moving between lairs, he is hard to pin down he has one supreme skill but it’s unknown what exactly it is”.

David had been training for hours, his sword techniques were almost back on point. It was amazing to think how such a short time ago he was fighting practice dummies as a recruit in the glass bay mercenary company. He had been so proud to get to level six, that was only what about two months ago. Now he had gone through so much he was ten times that level.

Vivian was there too she had done the extra training to get her physique up. Rather than focusing on her martial skills, it had still paid off in the end she could keep up with him endurance wise. He had a little way to go to match her raw strength. There was a tremor on his grip a shake, David was glad of the enchantments on his blade. The sure grip meant he would not lose his blade so easily. But the tremor still made him weary, it would be a few days or a few weeks before he would trust his new hand.

He bumped into Alice on the way back to their lodgings. She had a new addition to her arsenal a curved iron dagger, he got a wet stone and sharpened it up for her. Vivian showed her some basic fighting techniques with it and Martin added a blade coating which would make it quite poisonous. If it came to it she would know where to put the razor sharp poisoned blade in an enemy. She could play helpless if she ran out of mana, until something got too close then one surprise thrust.

Alice felt her mind sharper, the rest after the fight the rush of adrenalin the rush of mana surging through her veins and her nerves. Power beyond anything she ever thought of as an apprentice another 11 levels and she would be a grand master eligible to sit on the mages council. Another 25 levels after that and she would be an exalted master, one qualified to sit on the mages inner council. A council member meant even one as young as she was would have a view into the workings of the guild. To be an exalted master was to have a vote, one amongst half a dozen others that counted.

She remembered one sticking point with the mages tower and the royal council. The mages tower supposedly always ran at a loss. So that the crown was bailing them out year after year. So that the mages were always in debt to the crown, another method of control. If she could one day collect on one of the high level bounties she might be able to pay the debt back. Free them of the burden, hell if she got a competent merchant or scribe to go over the books. She might find some way of restructuring the debt or making the whole place more efficient.

The circle of druids down south, they were the only other large legitimate group of magic users. There were some others floating about licensed but they didn't have numbers or they were not legal organisations. She figured the mages and the druids should be working together. The druids seemed to be loosely aligned with the merchant’s guild, they helped to grow the crops and protect the harvest they should be allied with the mages.

To bring them in to the fold to be able to coordinate to work together. That would be a big advantage, many complaints that Mary had Alice was remembering in half whispered conversations behind closed doors. She could see a way to an independent mages tower or one aliened to a less exploitative sponsor. For now she would not rock the boat, she would play the loyal little mage until the time came. Perhaps if they one day became emissary of the patriarch or the high guild master of the merchants guild. Then she could make the political connections she needed in order to enact change.

Vivian considered her position in the glass bay mercenary company. It was not a small company it was led by a master and had a good number of veterans. It was nowhere near as big as the grey company but it gave them good employment chances and good connections. She wanted to use those connections, the mercenary job matrix only allowed her to train skills so far.

A sword master or a bow master could theoretically push their skill up to level 25. She didn't have that knowledge but the glass bay mercenary free company, they had such connections. To learn such skills to rise to such heights that was her goal, and she was sure that she could nudge David along the same path to raise his skill up to.

They had definitely earned there company a lot of money. But when they finally came back home they would be very big fish in a relatively small pond. They would both effectively out level and over power the free company's current leader. They could challenge him for leadership if they craved being trapped by a suffocating pile of paperwork. They could buy their contracts back from the company or they could get another company to purchase their contracts. Several would to get a master or two on the books, they were led by people who were primarily merchants.

She wanted better arrows ultramite adamantine stuff that would really hit hard. The next time she faced something like Bismark she would put his eyes out and skewer him right through the heart. Failure hurt a lot, having your eyes ripped out by a vampire hurt a lot more. She would have to do a lot to work past that. Putting the hurt on that vampire ancient would be a goal far off in the future. Taking on a creature like that was suicide without an army, it could be suicide with an army. She would grow older wiser, upgrade her equipment then she would have payback.

Martin looked at himself when he had been cursed with lycanthropy he had despised himself. He had felt an undiluted self-loathing, far greater than when he realised that hunters had been enhanced with something like blood alchemy. That as a vampire hunter unknowingly he had signed away a piece of his humanity to be able to compete against the vampires. A mind hardened that could resist any attack, a body proofed against most conventional poisons inhuman vitality.

He did despise losing what it meant to be human. He had believed that he had accepted giving up part of his human morality and being part of society. To be something outside that could make the hard choices to pursue the mission against being a man. To walk the path that needed to be walked. To do what needed to be done to be callous and dead inside because it was necessary.

He resented not knowing everything that he had signed up for. His self-loathing was also because of his family, he was living without them. Though it hurt he could still go on, he could still put one foot in front of another. He was not just going to die in some small fight as an act of resistance against the vampires. He was daring to dream of wiping them out of getting that power. They had worn down or tricked more powerful vampires and defeated them. It would be a lot of time but eventually could they take on something like Bismark, with four of them as exalted masters wielding supreme skills each could they destroy him?

He should not have survived, his self-loathing flashed up. By all rights he should be in an urn his effects handed to the next hunter but he was not. If he could channel it and push it forwards he would use it to motivate himself. To fight longer and harder to destroy those that had destroyed his world. He would piece by piece destroy the vampires, his three friends would be quite willing to help him in this endeavour.

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