《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 4 Good ford - Chapter 39 – Razors Edge.


Martin woke up pretty early, he had a long day ahead of him much to do. He removed tools and slowly started to work away, cutting leather and preparing strapping. He worked away in a quiet corner of the room using candle light. Then the first light from the rising sun. Marin dismantled the two pistols very carefully. The lion hearts hammer was of a more antiquated design, it was easier to dismantle adjust then reassemble. The four barrelled pistol was really at the very edge of what he could do. All those levels in his pistol skill helped, he was no stranger to locks and the occasional gear of a clock but the mechanism was complex. He oiled and checked every part of it until it was as good as the day that the pistols were made.

It was later on when Alice knocked on the door, she left a tray filled with scrambled eggs and porridge. He thanked her then continued to work away at his job. He had to get his pistols ready. He found that despite his abilities, he had run out of time. They had business to attend to, there were jobs that they had to do and places he needed to be. He had only half finished the sheath for the four barrelled gun. He would have to improvise a coat pocket as a holster for the moment. But he did complete the holster for the lion hears hammer pistol. He put on the rest of his equipment and moved out to join the group.

They met the merchant guild master Gavin in confidence, under the pretence that they would get some extra equipment. In reality they were investigating a lead, a long time in the making. The party looked around the room that held the special inventory waiting, Gavin seemed hesitant to start. Vivian spoke up, “Ok Gavin what did you find about that blood thrall Adrian, which idiot recommended him”? Gavin groaned, there was the source of his hesitation, “I wrote the letter of recommendation myself, but that was only after he was recommended to me from North Port. I saw him work he was competent and his work history seemed good. I have checked, North Port have no record of him, I was tricked”. The group fell silent a dead end.

Gavin looked about, “there was one thing though, one reference in the merchants guild archive that was not false. He was sponsored from a noble house”. David perked up “which one”? The merchant continued unfolding a piece of paper, “the house of Cain, the seal is legitimate. The scribe that wrote this still works for them. The letter was not signed by any member, just there steward but with the references it had to be from an alchemist or chemist. I believe there is an alchemist in the family but I don't have a name”.

Martin read through the letter, “thank you, someone supplied the vampires with a large explosive at Vine garden, it could be the same person”. David looked around the room at the high end armour, He wondered out loud, “what would be the cost of a full suite of mithral plate be”? Gavin looked David over and consulted a catalogue of armour. “Well 1600 silver for a low end model and maybe 2000 silver for something reinforced heavily, with a bit of octium banding to help resist magic. It would also take a month to make”. David sighed, “Lexicons bounty would have paid for that”.

Bishop Alexis met them ten minutes later in his chambers. “Did you learn anything from Gavin”? Vivian nodded, “the spy in vine garden was sponsored by house Cain to enter the merchant’s guild. An alchemist in that house is possible involved, or a chemist or apothecary if there is one about”.


The bishop seemed to be a little less worried, his posture changed as if the news brought him some clarity on the situation. He looked at the group, “I believe I have Cameron's spy's, at least a good idea of who they are. What you need to understand it that house Cain and house Whiplash are working together in this. They have been allies for generations, going back to the time the baron's first started to build their power base. The leader of house whiplash became a baron and the leader of house Cain was his right hand man. Some of their descendants are now looking to take back a degree of that power.”

Martin asked, “How do you know this?” he looked around at the group his posture slid forwards, “in truth I suspect most of this. How I believe it happened, the assassination of the last duke and the bishop, or suspected assassination were to prepare for a plot a long game. If there was an assassin all those years back, and I do believe there was. He had knowledge of house whiplashes assets, the same man was seen suspiciously close to my predecessors passing. He was seen at house whiplash’s property days before meeting someone”.

“We are likely to see the end game of this plot, it is likely a small plot. Involving one or two members of each family. It would need to be someone ambitious and reasonably competent, they would not tell too many family and retainers. Or we would already know about it, secrets are best kept between one person two at the most”.

He looked around the room. “Potentially I have to worry about the duke now, unless Gavin lied. But I don't think so, it does not fit what I know of him. Speak to your mentors they have likely been approached, to see if they would support a new leader in the city. There are bound to be several things they would have noticed, I want you to act quickly”. Vivian nodded, “we will follow up these leads and report back”.

They went to the mages guild, Alice sat down with her mentor lady Imoline she felt a little nervous but it would pass. “Lady Imoline there have been a few things going on in the city, have any of the noble come to you. We think that there is something going on, to change the political landscape of this city, is there anyone particularly active recently raising support”.

She thought for a fraction of a second, “Now you mention it Alice, Lord Sidney whiplash the duke’s older brother discussed a number of things with me. How he could help accelerate the construction of the ward stone defences for the outer wall. He was also looking for magical items that could help him in a one on one fight. Unfortunately I don't have anything a non-mage could use. He was looking into commissioning something as a secondary plan. He did enquire about additional magical security, an identification grimoire at each gate and that internal checkpoints might be a good idea. But we don't have enough grimoire’s and even if we did, they could be misinterpreted by the gate guards”.

“Did any of the other nobles visit you, for any similar ideas or even to recruit you to championing a cause”? She sat for a few more moment s thinking. “Yes Sir Percival Cain the nephew of the current lord Cain. He did come over spoke about the superiority of the noble classes and the good of the city. He did go round about a central idea of the Duke running the local triune, not the bishop. You know he was going to be the sheriff at one point. But they passed him over for Melcher the bounty hunter, he is much more skilled and experienced”.


“He is not so politically connected, but there you go, it was decided to recruit Melcher. Sir Percival is good friends with Lord Sidney. I bet they have some grand scheme to boost themselves up, that is going to end up blowing up in their faces. I suppose literally, Percival is a battle alchemist after all.” the group believed that they had perhaps found there man, when it came to producing a large explosive an alchemist and a battle alchemist would both do the job.

While she was at the mages chapter house Alice decided to sells her old staff. There was an enchanter who ran a little shop. She was busy crystallising her mana to use in the enchanting of a magical item of some sort. There was a faint hint of hesitation in Alice’s voice, which her fellow mage latched onto. “What can you give me for this mages staff”? the enchanter held out a hand for the staff. She looked over it, “ten silver is all it is worth to us”. Alice looked surprised, “but I paid around 20 silver for it”.

The enchanter looked back at her dismissively, “you probably paid fifteen, I can still offer you 10 silver”. Alice looked her up and down, “you just said it was worth ten”. The enchanter had seen a few mages left to their own devices before. “I bet you part exchanged your apprentice’s staff right”? Alice didn't get much out of her mouth, “Er”. She turned a little red, and gritted her teeth. The enchanter continued, “You don't have your apprentice’s staff, or a note that you handed it in. This one is ten silver then”. Alice nodded an idea sprung up in her mind, “don't forget the recite for me handing my apprentice staff and robe back”. The enchanter paused for a second noticed the look in the corner of Alice’s eye. She nodded taking the staff and handed ten silver and two slips of paper back.

The group headed off to the crusaders barracks, they met the man in charge sir Reginald. Martin spoke to him, “we have herd some rumours about house Cain and house whiplash has anything been going on that your aware of? Someone trying to show off, especially with an alchemist or battle alchemist”. Sir Reginald twirled his moustache, “there was a sir Percival, yes he is a battle alchemist, he was after taking a pop at the wererats. But his resolve wavered when he counted up their numbers, he was trying to make a combat break through”.

Martin was curious, “What weapon does he use”? Sir Reginald answered quickly “a pair of gear wheel repeating crossbow pistols”. Martin had some idea about them, “not much power or range to that weapon”. The crusader dismissed the comment, “he uses quick acting poisons, they are a bit unstable but they do the job on most local creatures”.

Martin continued pressing on, “was there anything else”? Sir Reginald pulled a letter from a pile of papers. “The other notable one was Lord Sidney, the duke’s brother. He wanted to help his brother to ease the burden. That is what he told me, he wanted to coordinate work between the militia guard’s crusaders and hunters. So we were the most efficient like a hunting pack, he described it. He went on about how his brother needed help. Or more likely to make himself seem the better candidate for duke. He is a man that tries too hard. He over thinks even the smallest decision, paralysing himself in circular debate. That was why they chose his brother as duke, he is much more decisive”.

“His words were a little strange, he asked for my support when the time came. As I was from a minor noble house myself.” A scowl of anger played across Sir Reginald's face. he was obviously infuriated by the request, “I left that life behind when I became a crusader. I chose my god and my duty to my god over my duty to my family. I have served the same interest, doing what needs to be done protecting them from monsters rather than political upheaval”.

Martin wondered, “Have the nobles tried to gain a hold over the church?” Reginald sighed, “every so often, there are some younger son's and bastards from noble family's they push to join the church. However if one does not believe sincerely, then one cannot advance as a priest. They tend to find legitimate faith abandoning the political connection to their family or they will be stuck around level 10”.

Vivian asked a question, “What is the normal level for a priest? Do they have to go to a shrine as a test of faith to advance their job”? The crusader seemed almost whimsical “you know priests are unique as a job, they do not have to pass a test of faith to do some great work or help defeat some great foe. They just need to keep moving forwards and they can ignore the level 25, 50 and 75 caps the rest of us face. The majority of the exulted masters in this country are priests and bishops, which gives the church a lot of power. They have no great combat skills, but they can add powerful blessings to equipment. And as I hear it priests that reach that level get a powerful blessing that can either significantly buff allies or add to the defences of a city”.

They thanked Sir Reginald for his time, then headed off to see the sheriff Melcher. David looked at the sheriff “how is it going”? He answered back in a relaxed manner, “not too bad”. David got down to business, “we have heard rumours about a battle alchemist from one of the noble houses. Is there some trouble”. The sheriff didn’t look so relaxed, “sir Percival didn't seem bitter about me getting the sheriffs position. He didn't seem to be too worried about it”. David was a little more paranoid, “what happened to the last sheriff”?

Melcher had only read the report on the incident, “He attempted to get rid of the dragon at the tin quarry er mine. He had a cow stuffed with a barrel of gunpowder, not the worst plan. Poor fool blew himself up before he could get the dragon to bite down on it”. David just needed to push a little further, “Did sir Percival help in this project”? Melcher nodded, “I believe he did make the fuse for the device, he was a lot younger then”. The sheriff's voice was less confident now, as he thought about the implications.

“What about Lord Sidney?” David asked. “He is good friends with Sir Percival, He has big ideas. He talks on and on about them. One time a giant fish got into the docks, tried to eat a few dock hands. He came up with a really elaborate plan to box it off in a flooded dry dock, then drain it down and kill it nice and safe”. David could guess but he asked anyway, “what happened”? The sheriff almost laughed as he described it, “Jonathan from the emerald bows ended up waiting for it to get to a shallow part of the dock. Then he shot it in the head a few times, where it couldn't dive and get away, which took him about 20 minutes”.

Vivian nodded “we got something like that once, we used a wounded goat as bait. It had eaten two fishermen in the village, it ended up tasting quite good”. Melcher's eyes widened, “you ate it”? David answered, “It was quite a desperate situation, and we were short on food, that fish is still probably smoked in a few larders now”.

They thanked the sheriff and moved onto the next man. Jonathan who arranged the security for the caravans. They found the mercenary in the trade hall. “Hello Vivian nice to see you, ever reconsider my offer?” She was quite warm “good day Jonathan, I have thought about it but I am dealing with other matters at the moment, what can you tell me about sir Percival”.

Jonathan thought for a moment, perhaps subconsciously he put his hand on the hilt of his dagger. “Sir Percival, the local battle alchemist with the little crossbows. He has talked with me a few times about the ballista’s and bolt throwers. He was interested in the town’s defences. If he could make any modifications to his crossbow pistols. Or if he could size up any of the designs, you know battle alchemists they design a weapon, they build it test it then try to one up themselves”.

“He was going to be the sheriff at one point, the duke’s brother was pushing it hard. But then they found someone of a much higher level, a much better qualification. In confidence I do wonder about sir Percival, he spoke with me a few times about loyalty and rewards. If we ever hunted bounties, which we do. He seemed to suggest we might pick up a bounty that was illegal, we wouldn't and I kept civil. But I do wonder what he was suggesting, I do not accept any work like the thieves guild”. A line of anger crossed his face at the thought of sir Percival comparing his professional mercenary company to some honour less thieves and murderers.

It was getting interesting, Vivian moved the conversation to Percival's sponsor. “What can you say about Lord Sidney?” Jonathan didn't seem to take the man seriously. He had an almost mocking tone when he spoke about him. “I believe that he is trying to do a bit of business under the trade guilds nose. It’s probably some overly complicated business deal, which will just waste a lot of time cleaning it all up. When it comes to fruition or falls apart. He had a dozen or more men and a cart of materials delivered into the city a few days ago. Perhaps mercenaries to deal with a monster or extra security. He is the dukes brother so I didn't make too much of it. If he wants to hire freelancers it’s his risk, he probably has irregulars, they were probably cheap and no good”. They thanked Jonathan and left.

They returned to the bishop, Vivian spoke “two names came up several times sir Percival and Lord Sidney”. “Go on” the bishop seemed familiar with the individuals. Vivian continued, “Could Lord Sidney have the ambition to kill his father, or order it to be done? So that he could become the duke. He has the connections and motivation, could he now be looking towards his brother”. The bishop’s brows knotted, Vivian continued, “Percival wanted the job of sheriff, he could have caused the accident that killed the last one. He is an expert on fast acting poisons, which could be what happened to the last bishop” the bishop tapped his fingers on the desk lost in thought for the moment.

He looked at the group, “I have other agents, a scribe has decoded part of a letter we got from a thrall recently. The elite vampire known as Cameron the razor is a local problem. He is almost certainly trying to stir up house whiplash and Cain, the letter mentions two houses two conspirators. Some local minor lords need to be put in their place. I think you know who, my deacon can give you directions. You have a polite chat to them nothing rough yet, if they think that they have been found out they may betray each other. If they offer violence try to get them to surrender. If they don't get at least one of them alive. If the sheriff gets involved reveal that you are my agents, as long as we get one alive we can round up any associates with time.

The duke’s brother had rooms very close to the duke’s residence. He was also supposedly entertaining several guests at the same time. Or prospective employees depending on which servant they asked. Martin firmly pushed a servant aside, David and Vivian politely knocked the door to his inner chambers open, using a table as a battering ram. When they entered his rooms the lord was dressed in full steel armour. With a massive sword by his side, his helmet was on the table he seemed to be prepared for a fight. Eight men in dark leather armour stood around him, each had a loaded crossbow to hand. They seemed to blur as they scooped up their weapons. The crossbows were pointed at the group’s general direction in an instance. They seemed to be waiting for his orders.

Vivian had a pleasant tone, “Lord Sidney a pleasure to make your acquaintance, we are here to have a little chat with you”. He looked round the room gauging the opponents and his forces, “I was just organising a little hunt”. There was no outrage at the intrusion, there was no immediate shock his actions were suspicious. Vivian continued, “was it your brother you were hunting, I see the hidden hand they are assassins from an illegal guild, we are masters I suggest you surrender”. He looked over at Martin and Alice. “Surrender to the Zealot and Malice, no way I would rather slit my own throat than hand myself over to you. You might be masters but we outnumber you two to one.” while he talked the group prepared.

Martin grinned “last chance to surrender”, the rogues around the room looked uncertain. Lord Sidney tried to encourage them, “the bounty on them is seven gold each. If we win their equipment would be worth a lot, if we lose it was a misunderstanding”. One of the members of the hidden hand grabbed all the paperwork from the table folded it up and threw it on the fire. He was well trained to hide his business to think in a fight. It also showed he didn't expect them to win, perhaps he had the chance to run.

Lord Sidney was a level 23 knight, he drew a massive two handed steel longsword and prepared to fight the adventures. He had eight rouges with him, all of them had light leather armour and heavy duty crossbows. Alice cast a physical shield spell around her and Vivian, David charged forwards, Martin drew his four barrelled pistol and cocked the firing mechanism.

The heavy crossbows were fired once and discarded, they were not going to get a chance to reload them. Two bolts wedged into Martin lodged in his armour, there poison having no effect on him. David had one bolt bounce of his helmet and one skid of his shield. Alice's mage shield blocked all four aimed at her and Vivian, not that they didn't have good armour on regardless of the shield spell.

The rouges mostly worked there tactics based on evasion, rather than strong armour for their survival in a fight. Their focus dodging could avoid many many hits. The knight relied on strength and damage, the thickness of his steel armour. One side had the numbers but they were completely out classed. Martin had his four barrelled pistol out. It was loaded with stakes for vampires, against leather armour the protection didn't matter. He aimed at the nearest rouge centre of mass. The alternate fire released all four barrels in one go. The rouge dodged two of the shots but still found two wooden stakes wedged in his chest quite deep. He stopped coughed up blood and fell to his knees then collapsed on the floor dead. Martin reached into the fire place, pulled the partially-burnt documents out and stamped the flames out.

Vivian didn't bother targeting the illusive rogues, but aimed straight for the knight. she put two Damascus bodkin arrows right through his steel plate armour pinning him to a wall. His helmet dropped off, a look of amazed surprise spread across his face. He tried to ask a question, and then he dropped forwards. His sword dropped from his hands, a shiver ran through his body then he folded over to the left. His legs giving out, the arrows held up his body pinned to the wall. That was the end of Lord Sidney, it was merciful compared to what they would have done to him if he was captured alive.

Two rouges faced off against David, he slashed at them but the moves were easily dodged. One rogue moved behind a table, David swung down on and through the table with a power attack. Cutting right through the wood sending up a shower of splinters and killing the rouge behind it. The man thought he was safe, but in the next instance he was gone. Alice sent a fire ball into the group of rouges, one didn't move fast enough. They really needed more room than the inside of the building, to fight effectively against a mage with area effect spells. An open street was more there perfect ground, an acid strike finished the wounded rogue off.

The five remaining rouges looked at each other, they were facing off against masters. They had a few tricks each but it would be a miracle if they even managed to fell one opponent. One rouge threw a fan of three octium tipped blades at Alice. The magic metal popped her shield spell. Two missed her with the third hitting her ring mail vest not penetrating it. The rouge tried to aim for something vital but Alice had already recast her spell. One rouge threw a smoke bomb at Vivian he came at her with a short sword. She sent an arrow flying low, he dodged at the last minute.

The rouge didn't appreciate how strong she was, her bow weighed almost as much as he did. A single kick from her was enough to injure him and send him flying. Martin was hit with several poisonous smoke grenades and needle thin throwing daggers. The damage was miniscule as his poison resistance was massive. David knocked away bombs and thrown knives with his tower shield, one distracted him with thrown weapons a second tried to sneak round behind him.

David was not surprised by the attack, his tower shield had been polished to a mirror finish on the inside upper rim. A trick he had been told by Melcher, he noted the reflection and had time to react. Slamming his shield into the rouge with enough force to crush him. The second rouge thought he saw an opening, but David was already spinning round with a power attack just to protect himself. It seemed to barely connect, but gravely wounded the rouge armour and stomach were opened up. Martin held up his holy symbol, “pillar of salt”. The rouge in front of him glowed then turned white, uttered a surprised gurgle. His face contorted in silent agony as it became marble white, he then collapsed to the ground leaving a pile of white powder.

Vivian sent a barrage of cheap iron broad-head arrows at the rouge targeting her. The rouge was able to avoid a few then he was clipped and wounded. A second time he lost concentration and fell to a final arrow through his chest. Alice threw acid strike spells at the rouge almost getting her, they used furniture as cover ending up using a table as a shield. After a second acid strike the table disintegrated and the rouge was hit. Screaming she dropped to the floor dropping a healing potion so that it shattered in her haste. She crawled towards the spilled liquid in desperation. A fire bite spell put her out of their misery. David finished off the last member of the group, as they attempted to put some sort of poultice on their open stomach wound.

The hidden hand would be reluctant to send anyone else after them, without putting the price on their heads through the roof. All the paperwork and plans were partially destroyed, but enough was legible. Vivian fished a few more fragments out with the fire poker. But they seemed completely illegible, the hidden hands fate bound enchantments removed there equipment and bodies soon after even down to the crossbow bolts that had been lodged in Martin.

The level up hit, their eyes glowed there body's toughened, David finally reached master status gaining the same additions that Vivian had. Martin reached level 58 he got rank 12 of the pistol specialisation, gaining another 15 points of armour piercing damage. Alice and Vivian need a break through before they could advance any further. They had fought on instinct, the duke’s older brother was dead by their hand. He seemed to be plotting to murder his brother. The duke would now need to be convinced of that.

There were two of the town guards outside Sir Sidney's rooms, after another minute they looked at Vivian and the rest of the group emerge. Lord Sidney had been laid out on his own table. David looked at them, “We found the hidden hand get Melcher, Get the sheriff go quietly but quickly”. They took the opportunity to search his room while the guard summoned the sheriff. They found a small diary in a hidden shelf under a table. It detailed at great rambling length, how he would do a much better job of running the town than his brother would.

David looked over the singed plans, they included maps of the dukes office the bishops private rooms. The inn that Gavin form the merchant’s guild like to frequent and the sheriff’s office and quarters. Two of those spots were marked. It was hard to exactly get the details, the assassins had not left bodies behind with their fate enchantments. But they had four eye witnesses and circumstantial evidence.

Melcher arrived with several guards to go over to the crime scene he saw David, “what the bloody fucking hell happened here, did the hidden hand get Lord Sidney”? David pointed out some details on the burnt paperwork to Melcher, “look hear this is a plan of your room right. This diary entry from Lord Sidney indicates that he would much prefer his friend sir Percival to act as sheriff”. The sheriff looked pale, “I don't like where this is going”. Vivian spoke next “he attacked us with eight rouges that wore the markings of the hidden hand. They were offered the chance to surrender and they didn't, his body has no sign of drugs”. Alice was next “there was no enchantment no spell of compulsion on him”. Martin looked at the sheriff “we found no evidence of the thrall taint demonic possession or anything else”.

Melcher looked at the group, “that implies Lord Sidney was a traitor, he was plotting with them. That would imply his father’s death was his work oh”. David turned to Melcher, “let the bishop and duke know about this. Put more men on the Bishop Duke and Gavin there is still one conspirator we need to find”. The sheriff started to look over the room only imagining the carnage and the large pile of salt. Martin looked back at him, “that was one of the rouges I tuned him to salt with a blessing”. The man shivered the holes from front to back on sir Sidney had bleed a lot, he would get a servant to cover them up before the duke saw his brothers remains. There were also other blood stains from some of the other wounded rouges.

They had to move fast lord Percival would destroy any remaining evidence, or run or both very soon, once he knew of his co-conspirators untimely death. They followed one of the city guards to his residence. Up above a series of shops the door was not locked, they spilled into the room. It was fairly large spread out more like a hall, an audience room where sir Percival would entertain guests. There were quite a collection around the room. A group of four men in crude iron plate probably marauders, there was a group of four people that could only be described as assassins. One of the group had far more gravitas, there equipment looked better perhaps a master assassin leading this group. To top it off was one minor lord armed to the teeth as a battle alchemist, with two musketeers as support. With the marauders and muskets he was probably a distraction, while the hidden hand actually carried out the important assassinations.

Vivian looked over the room, “Sir Percival a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I presumed that you were involved in this little plot, Lord Sidney attacked us why don't you surrender.” Worry and grief flashed across lord Percival's face, “What did you do with him?” Vivian spoke with a sharply edge to her voice, “What usually happens to people that resist arrest? You had a little coup planned didn't you”? She looked around the group “you, hired this lot, not the hidden hand, but they still look competent”.

Martin looked at him, “just surrender”. The four marauders formed a shield wall around sir Percival. They were clad in heavy iron and steel with large shields some kite some tower. They carried one handed swords and axes. He had his musketeers to his left and right, a musket and a blunderbuss at the ready. The assassins had bows drawn two on either side. With this group it would be a formidable fight. Martin activated his blessings “bastion of faith , fortress of faith” he moved forwards drawing a single shot pistol, he fired off a single focus shot killing the musketeer to sir Percival's left.

Martin was hit by two pistol crossbow bolts, too arrows and a musket ball. His shield blessings were strong but after a few more volleys they were worn away. Alice had a physical shield up it was struck by one arrow, with a second octium tipped enchanted arrow punching through her shield and striking her shoulder. The magic was resisted and physical projectile didn't go any further. The assassin threw a smoke grenade down. Alice hit the centre of the group with an improved electrical strike spell. The people in iron armour were badly wounded, the rest were not as badly hurt. David closed in on the group of marauders. It was four on one, but he had much better armour and skills.

Martin drew and fired his four barrelled pistol into one of the marauders. He had reloaded it with lead shot, four barrels with overload shots. Two ball of lead and 150% of the normal powder per barrel. He set of all four barrels in one go. The marauder was hit, his armour resisted some hits but failed with others. He looked down at his chest plate coughed up a few flecks of blood and collapsed. Martin's shield blessing collapsed under two more arrows two crossbow bolts and a musket shot.

David used a power strike against the nearest marauder, he blocked and David struck again landing a blow that was able to crush the iron helmet his opponent was wearing. dropping him to the ground. Alice targeted two assassins with her dual fire ball spell. One was able to leap over it grabbing a roof joist, the second was cooked in an instant. Vivian put an arrow into the second musketeer, he fell to one knee trying to keep himself up with his musket against the ground leaning on it, a second arrow struck him dead.

Lord Percival looked around his plan was falling to pieces, and his troops were falling apart. His loyal men were already dead and the hired assassins and marauders were not fairing much better. He fired twice more into the hunter, wounding him but not doing much. All too late he realised how resistant to poison a hunter of Martin's level would be. Martin drew his second pistol and fired, the assassin dodged the shot but it was not over. Martin held his holy symbol forwards, “smite” the bolt of lightning hit the assassin in the chest knocking them back to the ground dead. The remaining assassin fighting him ducked behind a pillar.

Alice fired one acid strike after another at the assassin facing her, they were fast able to dodge even to detonate her spells early. Intercepting those spells using precisely thrown knives. She had a lot of magic and the assassin would eventually run out of knives. Vivian targeted one marauder putting two bodkin arrows through his shield into his arm. The shield dropped and a third arrow hit him in the gap between his helmet and neck. David battered down the last marauder with a power block then a power strike to knock him to the floor. Then a strike through the visor of his helmet, he stopped struggling to get up.

Sir Percival threw a flask of acid at David, who just blocked it with his shield knocking it onto the floor to sizzle into the boards. Martin cornered the last assassin, blades sprang from the assassins wrists and they charged forwards, trying to tackle Martin to the ground. Martin had a throwing knife in his hand, his holy symbol in his right hand down he went wrestling with the assassin, his holy symbol was pressed to the assassins head, “smite”. Half their face was burnt away from the lightning bolt, they became limp.

Vivian put an arrow into Percival's left knee then his right. He collapsed to the floor dropping his weapons as he screamed in agony. The last assassin mistimed a jump and was hit with a fire bite spell. They had the hardened criminal perk so just survived the damage, they lay there knife in hand waiting for the mage to get close enough to check that they were dead. Only for Alice to finish them off with a second fire bite spell, just to be on the safe side.

Alice realised that the assassin that had been so dam hard to hit must have been a master. She felt a familiar sensation, the flow of time ground to a haul a message appeared in her mind’s eye.

A special action has been performed, a feat of marshal strength has been achieved. You have defeated a worthy opponent your level limit has been increased to level 75, she could keep growing. If she got to level 75 a seat on the mages ruling council was pretty much a guarantee.

The lord surrendered, “I will talk, no more I give up”. Martin grinned manically as he pulled out his mallet. “You don't need legs to testify at your trial, if we bother to have one”. The wounded man tried to crawl away terror in his eyes, “no no I will talk don't...”. He swung the mallet down onto Percival's limbs crushing them. An arrow in the knee or not Percival would not be able to flee. Alice used her healing spell, to heal the man's mangled legs at their twisted angles. She shook her head “he is dangerous, but that is going too far Martin, rain it in”.

Martin stripped Percival of his remaining weapons, he held Percival holding his fingers under the mallet, “did you make the demolition charge for use at vine garden”? He looked terrified and confused, “which one”? Martin felt the anger, this man had made more than one explosive for the vampires. “Small barrel high yield quick burning powder, with a match ignition fuse”? Lord Percival looked down, “Yes I did” his confession was complete, sealing his fate.

The level up hit. Martin reached level 59 gaining rank 13 of the pistol specialisation, with even more of an armour piercing bonus. Alice reached level 51 she upgraded her electrical strike spell to the grand version. She could feel the power of the spell its radius had improved to 9 feet up from seven, her magic made it very powerful. The extra damage would probably kill almost anything remotely human wearing metal armour. Cooking them in their plating, unless they had a big wooden shield to hide behind.

Looking around the battle alchemists rooms they did find a few trinkets. Alice found a Ring of the adders tong, it boasted a 50 point poison resistance. It was on the assassin probably so that the master assassin didn't fall afoul of his own poisoned weapons. Alice kept it as a trophy form the master she defeated. Vivian removed ten mithral arrows, un-enchanted and five more octium arrows from the dead assassins. Martin picked up four octium throwing knives, recovered from the dead assassins. One marauder had an amulet of vivacity 30 points of extra health it went to David. There was a box of fifteen mithral bullets, Martin snagged it the ammunition disappeared into his coat.

They found a few incriminating documents. There was a safe, sir Percival was happy to disarm the trap. Rather than letting Martin demonstrate why he should be afraid of a spoon. He was handed over to the sheriff. His family and former friends were rapidly distancing themselves from him. He had to be carried over to the jail. They had a scribe write out two copies of a confession, he signed them both one was given to Melcher for safe keeping the party took the second. They left sir Percival in Melcher's tender care. Of course Melcher had a few things to discuss about the plot to kill him and have sir Percival take over as sheriff.

They moved past a dozen crusaders hunters and town guards to see the Bishop. Alexis met them in his private chambers. He looked tired but on some level relieved. The bishop looked them over he sighed, “I have heard from Melcher, you realise the paperwork involved in this correct”. They handed him a copy of sir Percival's confession, implicating the late lord Sidney. He read it, “Sir Percival will be going to the jail city to the keep, no parole no execution, crippling him was a tad overzealous. But a battle alchemist can be dangerous in any form so I can understand it”.

He paused weighing up the party's actions. “You didn't try to take Lord Sidney alive did you, you were over egger”. Vivian nodded, “forgive me sir, but we gave him several options to surrender”. The bishop nodded, “With the duke’s brother dead, I believe we have eliminated the immediate threat to the settlement in these walls. The dukes brother was the lynch pin of the plan, a senior noble poised to take over. We still have the mastermind this vampire elite Cameron somewhere about, searching through sir Percival's correspondence and the burnt fragments of correspondence we got from Lord Sidney's rooms might shed some light on their location”.

Vivian steeled herself, “What is the political fallout from this, what is the penalty”? The bishop seemed to make up his mind, “Sir Percival was neither favoured nor dishonoured before this, he is a pariah now. One unremarkable man who is now a cripple, going to be thrown into a jail cell that will never open again. In truth if his family didn't have wealth, he would be executed painfully. The tower jail is by all accounts worse”.

The bishop looked about, “I will say a prayer of the repose of the souls of the hidden hand. We will give last rights and cremate sir Percival's hired muscle today. After a day of mourning for the duke we will do the same for his brother. I believe that it is better now that Lord Sidney is dead, he can’t whisper to his brother that it was a misunderstanding. That he was coerced that he should be pardoned. In this place at this time it is far easy to convince Donald that his dead brother arranged for their father to be murdered. To convince him that his brother was trying to arrange to have him murdered as he converted his position. With your testimonies and the other evidence there should not be too much problem”.

David did wonder, “Who were there other targets apart from the obvious”? The bishop read the confession, “I would say that it was fairly obvious, they aimed to kill the sheriff Melcher and replace him with sir Percival. He has admitted to killing the last sheriff and to poisoning the old bishop. I was most definitely a target, Gavin is powerful but not too well protected, so he was a good target. Jonathan they would have left, as they thought his services could be simply purchased. Lady Imoline was a noble before she was a mage, she would have been left in place to begin with as would sir Roderick a noble before he took a vow in for the church, those were the obvious targets”.

“But there are several of the duke’s supporters and his wife that would have also had an accident. They would have had to have killed several members of the merchant’s guild and the church to give Lord Sidney the power he needed. So that his word was law, he would have needed to fill the guild with yes men and the bishop’s post with one that would keep their nose out of politics”.

Martin wondered “Is Good Ford still in imminent risk?” Alexis shook his head, “You have done enough to disrupt the vampire’s plans. You certainly seen to have the stuff to be agents of the triune. The payment for your little adventure today will take some time. Melcher is matching the dead assassins and marauders against bounty posters, there is probably some coin on their heads”.

Alice looked at him, “I have been thinking two groups of silent killers, it was redundant it was over kill”. The bishop explained it away, “Good point but the way you describe the two groups of assassins and rouges, I believe that they were going to set up one and have the hidden hand murder them. So that they had a convenient pile or corpses to blame for all the people they were going to kill. Lord Sidney and sir Percival would just be the lucky survivors. Now For breaking the vampires plot that is another thing entirely, I think I can get an agreement between Gavin and the duke for somewhere between 45 and 60 silver each”.

“The prize on Cameron's head is five gold that's 125 silver each, we can conclude our business then. I suggest you rest up, according to Reginald Cameron the razor is named for a cursed sabre he wields. His group is small and mobile, he doesn't abide weaklings, so expect full vampires and powerful blood thralls, few in number but each one will be a strong fighter”.

David brought out his insignia, “have we passed your test for agents”? The bishop was hesitant, “before you make any decision on wither you want to become full agents or put my offer to one side. Finish off Cameron also think on the knowledge and armaments you have gained in my service, what you can do for the triune and what the triune can do for you”.

They thanked the bishop and left Alexis to his paperwork. Even without much extra silver in their pockets they were still quite well off, after the day they just had. Alice had made her break through. Vivian and Martin had some more ammunition and David had a new magic item. David briefly considered the lords words, there was 7 gold on each of their heads. A sum that the vampires would pay out on. If one betrayed the other three that was 21 gold or 2100 silver, a lord’s ransom. Of course he would never do it. But that was the value of a full suite of mithral armour, a high end suit it was interesting to know the price on his head.

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