《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 4 Good Ford - Chapter 36 – Rogue Mage.


After a solid night’s sleep and a stout breakfast. The party were all in good spirits. There levels were gradually increasing, as were there skills and teamwork. The next time that they faced off against lexicon, then they would be more than a match for him and whatever forces he could scrape together. They were getting better equipment to suit their superior skills and abilities. They had mentors teaching them, so that there strategic and tactical thinking would match their abilities. They would come out on top eventually.

They had been recruited by the bishop for some secret mission, promoted to agents of the state. They could expect a difficult mission and a large reward. Once they succeeded if they succeeded.

They were going over some basic maintenance, Alice was reading one of her books. Vivian was sharpening her arrows and David his blade. Martin was cleaning and oiling his pistols very carefully. One of the servants from the mages tower dropped off a note. A deputy hunter took the note to the party. knocking at the door politely nodding and leaving the note. Vivian read it, “There is a request from Lady Imoline. She needs us at the mages chapter house as soon as possible, something about discretion and a theft”. Vivian grabbed her arrows and bow. Martin holstered his pistols. David fitted a piece of armour and grabbed his tower shield. Alice had her staff and they were off.

It was a few minutes to get across town, then a worried servant let them into the mages sanctuary. They found the lady in her room going over a letter. She didn't look well, her clothes were ruffled she had thrown them on without care. Her hair and face were dishevelled barely any attention and no make-up. She had done the bare minimum to be presentable. Her face was knotted with worry. She let out a sigh of relief. But instead of greeting them she cast a spell, to check if they were being watched. She gestured them into the room, then set about shuttering the windows. She turned her attention to the doors dead locking them. “You can’t be too careful”.

She looked at Alice, then the rest of the group as if they were a secondary consideration. “Thank you for coming so quickly. It is a sad day when one of our own steals form us, but it has happened. I would like your discretion in dealing with this quietly. I don't want the rest of the chapter house to know the details. A junior enchanter and veteran mage, Leonard specialist in sonic magic he has betrayed us”.

She explained her anger occasionally showing itself. “He went out with a group of adventures, on a monster hunt to earn a bit of coin. Then he stayed on as protection for some pilgrims heading to the local shrine. He disappeared separated from the group, we presumed that he was dead inside a wererat’s stomach. But it looks like he is not dead, he faked his death with the help of a contact in the thieves’ guild. At least that is what we believe from the evidence. I found part of a burnt letter in the grate in his room, it was the last page so I don't have all the details”.

“He was planning this with a thief called Irma. They appear to have a relationship. A romantic attachment. They stole a lot of supplies, scrolls enchanting equipment some equipment only an exulted master could use. I think he is planning to sell them to the crime syndicate, the blades of red Saul. Now I come to audit our supplies, a lot of small things have also been going missing for a long time. Four or five months I think it’s been going. I had believed that it was a cataloguing error or someone broke them and was two ashamed to admit to it. Now I think that he was build up a stash of items to sell. We are missing a few more important items, including a few rare magic books that have some high level knowledge they have gone”.


He had keys to our stores as an enchanter. There were signs of thief's tools, scrapes and scratches on the locks he didn't have access to. I believe he came here last night with this thief Irma. He could bypass our magical locks and she could bypass our physical counter measures. The books are the most important things, they were greedy they got nearly a crates worth of materials and items from us”.

She reached out putting her hand on Alice's shoulder. “We need it back to finish the warding project for one. The rouge mage needs to be stopped, I know that it is difficult. But I want them captured alive, not every member of the group but at least these two. We have two combat focused veterans hear, no small order regularly. But you are masters or close to master level”. She felt Alice's aura, “you have improved since I read you yesterday, amazing”. Alice was a little hesitant as she responded she was still nervous around the chapter master. “Remember we wiped out a nest of vampires”, she nodded in response, “Of course”.

The lady pulled out a heavy bag from under a desk, “Melcher provided me with these escape proof restraints. They are fastened with one way bolts, no locks to be picked for this thief Irma”. Vivian checked them over and threw them into her backpack. A second set of dedicated restraints was produced by the lady Imoline, “for Leonard these cuffs have been lined with a layer of octium, with a mana draining enchantment on the metal”. Vivian checked them as well. Alice wondered “what happens to them after we catch them”? Lady Imoline looked ill, at the thought of what was to come. “They will be brought back hear, interrogated in the jail cells, until we are sure that they reveal everything. Then they will be shipped out to the jail city. The sentence to be confirmed by the Duke the Bishop and the trade Guild Master, I would expect ten years at the very least, not that they would survive”.

Martin had more practical concerns, “how do we find them, is there some artefact that can be tracked, some item that is obvious”? The lady nodded, “if you were a mage of Alice's level you could detect the magic from fifty yards away. There is simply that much magical material, I don't believe that it has left the city yet. I am not going to send you on that type of search”.

“Many years ago I made a contact in the underworld, an informant whose life I saved. She worked for the last chapter leader hear. Now she works for me. The local crime syndicate is not too happy, but they don't want a war with the blades of red Saul. So they are keeping out of the way, but it does not mean that they are not informed”. Vivian looked at her, “you don't want to tackle the local criminals”? The Mage had no interest but she hid her reasoning. “I have to use this contact sparingly, this information cost me 15 silver so I believe it”. The master mage handed out a piece of paper to Alice, “this is the location of a man working for the red blades of Saul. He can probably be persuaded to lead you to the rest of them. He is a local guide just recruited.” Vivian looked sceptical, “can we confirm this information with your informant”?

Lady Imoline thought for a second, “No I wish to minimise contact with them, to keep them safe. And I need to keep this as quiet as possible, you might get the local syndicate involved, and it might waste what little time we have to get this resolved, in a way that is favourable to us”.


David was next to enquire, “what it the reward for all this?” She put her hands together, “for Leonard 20 silver if you bring back a corpse and 40 silver if you bring him back alive. For Irma 20 silver dead and 40 silver alive. If you recover everything another 40 silver, if you don't I will base the reward on what you do manage to recover”. She handed a hastily scribbled list to Alice, “This is a list summarising what was taken”.

She looked at the group, “I understand that he has one magical artefact at least. He gave Irma a gift something enchanted. So we can potentially say those two items are yours both should be a reasonable level you can use”. The group nodded they could snag several magical items and over a gold coins worth of silver for a short sharp bloody job.

They had the address, they were there in ten minutes, it was a rundown hovel very close to the wall. It was about standard for a single unskilled worker. There was definitely someone inside. David knocked on the door by charging into it with an adrenalin block. The force shattered the wood and cracked the door frame. The man inside the room was not expecting to suddenly lose his door. He was also note expecting Martin to crash through the window shutter next to him. He was surprised as Martin levelled a pistol at him. Vivian had a bow trained at him Alice and David were paces away. To resist was to be broken and dragged away, David searched him removing a set of lock-picks and two knives, standard tools.

At a small guard post he was interrogated, only two minute after his capture. They had found an armband bearing the insignia, the image of a red knife on a black band. It was new, a fresh uniform for one that had just joined the red blades of Saul. The band was distinctive so they could easily identify each other in a gang fight but could be removed and easily hidden afterwards. He also had a black hood that would have easily covered his face.

The interrogation began with Martin breaking his arm. While Vivian shouting at him, “talk we found thieves guild uniform on you, tell us everything”! The man screamed in pain as Martin put his arm back together, “divine favour”. The arm healed popping back into place with a little adjustment. The thief drew breath, “you think that's enough to make red Saul my enemy. They do far...”, he was cut off as the air left his lungs. Martin delivered a mallet to his groin “nooo....... aghaaaaahhhhh.... curse … you … inhuman bastards”. Vivian looked at him, “we have a mage we can heal anything we do to you again and again until you talk”.

Martin bent his fingers back one by one, then broken nose with a viscous kick. The man tried to spit in his face. Martin reached into a bowl left in the cell. “Talk or else” he held a spoon in his hand. The thief looked more confused, “what the fuck, you psycho you think you can intimidate me with a spoon”? It was really painful to have spoon forced up his nose, then pulled about especially with martin doing the damage. The prisoner was soon bleeding heavily coughing up blood. The blood was running down the inside of his throat, from a massive nose bleed and worse.

The unknown was what derailed most people. That trick with the spoon was fucking unusual, “fuck please stop, I will talk you sick fucking bastard I will talk, I will talk”. In under two minutes the hardened criminal was broken. Hunters did far worse to those that willingly served the vampires. They got an address were they were hiding, the number of thieves there the levels and rough equipment each had. The goods would be moved very soon, hidden in crates bound for North Port.

There was a warehouse that they were based in. It would be charitable to say had fallen on hard times. Tar and boards had been used to put the roof back together several times. The walls were bowed and rotten. The entire thing was one strong cold breeze away from collapsing. There were four people outside wearing cloaks, there were four inside and the 2 veterans. They all had the insignia of the red knife on a black band. They had hooded cloaks, ten members of the Red blades of Saul waited including one new member, one rogue mage.

Outside the four guards kept an eye out, two on the roof one on the door and a fourth hidden in the shadows as a beggar. Martin moved fast using a focus throw with a poisoned dagger to critically wound one of the roof guards. Before he even realised something was going on. The one on the other side of the roof didn't see Vivian draw her bow. She was too far away, with her enhanced perception the shot was accurate. Its power passed a simple iron arrow through the guard and over the wall into the river beyond.

The third guard standing outside noticed the mage. A full powered acid strike from Alice dealt over 240 points of corrosive damage, which was enough to destroy him in an instant. David got the last one posing as a beggar, bringing his shield down crushing both his legs before the man could draw a short sword. The thief gurgled and slid into unconsciousness with two mangled legs.

The doors to the warehouse were trapped with hidden blades and a complex enchanted frost ward. It did very little as David knocked the doors in with his shield charge. The people inside stood frozen as David and Martin burst in carrying weapons. With Vivian and Alice behind them covering them. The thieves’ minds worked along this path. They were now faced with people who a few days ago had killed a dragon. They were not going to win a physical confrontation. If the two leaders were not wanted alive, it would have been a short few seconds for them all.

Inside the warehouse was a standoff, Irma wore dull grey armour and carried a bandoleer of throwing knives. She was tall and thin, she had a blade in each hand. Leonard was there and ready a sonic shock-wave spell at his fingertips. Four other members of the gang had bows ready, arrows notched. A chest full of equipment, sat in the middle of the warehouse.

Irma try to bribe them she motioned to the chest putting on her most reasonable voice, “look just let us go and you can have a quarter of this chest, it’s worth a lot”. David took a step forwards, “we could use the cash. But we can’t use the equipment and we don't have contacts to sell it to”. She looked desperate, “what about half the chest, we can give you a few contacts”? Martin shook his head, “the bounty on your head is quicker and easier”. She looked about seeking an exit. “Take the whole thing just let us go”. Alice looked at them, “let you go, you stole from the royal mages guild. You stole from the crown”.

Irma looked about for some way out of the situation, “OK take me in but let Leonard go”. They didn't budge. Leonard shook his head, “I have a really good magical belt, I could give it to you just let, Irma go”. David shook his head “surrender now” Irma held out a pouch, “I have some red sand drugs, how about that let Leonard go”. David shook his head, “we don't use it and we don't have anyone to sell it to and do you know the penalty if we let you go”?

The mage begged his voice borderline hysterical, “what if you just let us go, we will disappear you won’t see us again”. Alice looked vicious, “why did you do it”? His shoulders sagged, “we love each other, the tower will not let us be together”. Alice's eyes softened for a second, “I can appreciate the sentiment, but she is just using you to pillage crown property”. Irma's muscles tensed at those words. Leonard continued, “Its more than that, I knew her before I was taken away to the tower.” Irma shouted in support “we grew up two streets away”. David and Vivian exchanged a knowing look, together they spoke “surrender”. The couple backed up answering in unison, “not a chance”!

Martin ran forwards towards them, he was hit with 500 points of electrical damage from a rune on the floor. The mage looked horrified as he was still standing, still coming forwards like some monster out of a nightmare. Alice's shield spell sprang up, stopping a throwing knife from Irma. Vivian bow vibrated as she notched and released an arrow aiming to kill one of the rogues with a bow. He dodged the first arrow then the next. Four shots then he was hit through the chest and he folded falling down to the ground, a surprisingly small amount of blood heralding his end. David closed in and aimed to kill another rogue. A few power attacks and the rogue was beaten. He managed to dodges several strikes before he was cornered and a blow connected.

Luther tried to hit Martin with a sonic bolt. Martin blocked the sonic spell with his holy symbol. The mage panicked losing his focus, in a true oh shit moment as he realised his magic couldn't save him. The Thief threw two knife's they hits Martin, barely piercing the gap in his armour. Martin shrugged, so what. Alice melted one rogue, he managed to dodge two spells but the third got him. Vivian attempted to skewer the last rouge. With her speed shooting she overwhelmed her target. The rouge managed to dodge four shots, with the fifth shot going through a box he was using as cover to kill the criminal hiding behind it.

Martin closed in on the mage and tackled him. He grabbed his left hand and twisted, breaking a few fingers then he sat on him. Irma screamed as Martin got a hold of Leonard. While she was distracted David caught up to Irma. She was at the window, quick as a flash, looking to escape. She stopped looking back, trying to aim a knife at Martin trying to help Leonard. David body slammed her with his shield sending her into a crate and onto the floor.

David went over to the mage while Vivian went to secure Irma. A brief search of Irma revealed a small smoke bomb. A set of hidden picks and two short knives. The shackles fitted around her hands were designed for maximum security. They were ridged and kept the wrists pressed closely together. They had individual leather mittens at the ends filled with a resin, then folded over to completely immobilise her fingers and hands. Then they were locked to a waist chain behind her back tight round her middle. Her elbows were pulled back until they touched and a second set of cuffs were used. Her ankles were locked together with a short chain of about eight inches. Every part of her restraints were tightly screwed shut, with no thought for her comfort or dignity.

The mage was locked in the mana draining shackles. He soon became unresponsive as he suffered the effects of mana fatigue, barely being able to stand. The injured rouge and the remains of the three dead rouges were brought into the warehouse. Irma whispered into Leonard's ear that it would be OK. He was barely awake his hands shackled behind him. Alice gave them a once over check for any magical items. A scroll that could disintegrate a lock was shoved in the mages boot it was recovered from him.

With the remaining thieves incapacitated, it counted as a victory and they levelled up. Each gained a level, Martin hit level 53 gaining another point in trap specialization, putting it up to level 5. He had access to the silver shrapnel mine. Which would be good against the supernatural, his health was now above 1200 he was gaining 20 hp per level with the vitality ability. Alice got the greater version of the icy tomb spell as she reached level 46. It could deliver around 3000 points of ice damage. the spell did cause her to focus on one target and did have a long preparation time.

Vivian got the 5th level of her pierce armour skill, as she hit level 46. David hit level 45 gaining the same class ability Vivian had unlocked when she reached that level. A mercenary could make very good coin training up one of the city's guard’s forces. Especially combined with a man at arms drill Sargent ability, a very effective force could be created with the synergy between the two.

They had done the job for the mages guild, the ringleaders were alive to be made examples of. They had taken out a rouge mage, who had been stealing items to be used in the defence of the city. They had the enchanted belt of some kind, which he had been going on about trying to bribe them with. Alice held out her hand analysing the item. “It’s a greater belt of 3 favours, it give 50 point of shock ice and fire resistance, its twenty points better than what I have at the moment”.

David looked at her, “I want it to help me survive front line attacks. Remember the beetles it would have protected me against them.” Alice looked at him, “what about me I have far fewer hit points. If I had the greater belt you could have my original one”. David shook his head, “Alice you already have one and you can cast elemental shields. You are far better off already”. Alice looked back, “OK what about Vivian, she doesn't have any protection”. David shrugged “Vivian is at the greatest range it’s not needed, she is safer at the back.” Vivian nodded to Alice, “let him have it”.

Vivian sighed, “OK what's the next item maybe something good”? Alice looked at it feeling it with her magic. “It’s a bracelet of sonic defence, effectively a + 45 to sonic resistance.” Martin looked at them. “I have high endurance so I can stomach sonic attacks, Alice's shield spell can protect her against it and David's shield would protect him from the worst, if he gets behind it.” Alice looked at the swirly silver bracelet sighed and handed it over to Vivian. “Fair point, but the next magical trinket is mine”.

They borrowed a cart and loaded it up, the dead rouges the recovered merchandise the live prisoners were all loaded onto it. The first visit was to the garrison building and the cells, the pair of love birds were locked up separately in tiny cells. Gagged cruelly with iron brakes to shut there pathetic begging up. The extra gang member that they had captured was bandaged up. His legs healed, the two veterans would be treated as the danger they were.

The other rouge would be kept in jail, it would be a slow and exhausting intergeneration process. There next stop would be to the cathedral, to drop the bodies of the dead rogues off for last rights and cremation. Then the books and other items would be dropped back to the mages tower for the reward.

Melcher looked over the prisoner records, “good work on delivering these other three, there is a ten silver bounty on her head and a 1 silver bounty on the other thug. They will talk after some time”. He looked at them cautiously, “you told me about the hidden hand, a few local undesirables have been hitting pay day. Someone is paying of informants, they might be watching you for round two so be careful. Also why dose the first man you dropped off to the cells start screaming every time he sees a spoon”? They thanked the sheriff for his concern and the tip, they would keep one eye open alert for the hidden hand to make their move.

They slowly moved the cart and the stolen goods back to the mages chapter house, Alice looked to Martin, “what would have happened if that necromancer vampire, had flooded the city with drugs containing the accelerated thrall taint”? Martin thought about it, “it is only a guess that was what the vampire was trying to create, the church has contingencies. The cathedral has a giant holy symbol on-top of it, there is a mass purify blessing powerful enough to clear the city in one go if it’s activated. though it would also screw with any magic for a bit like collapsing a magic ward round the city.” Alice looked at the cathedral, “people do really think of everything”. Martin nodded “this war has been going on for a long time they prepare. It needs a long ritual to reactivate the blessing but the church has many layers of defences”.

They arrived at the mages chapter house. David carried the box, a cloth draped over it. A servant let them in and up to the master mages private rooms. David carefully placed the box down, not wanting to find out how volatile the contents was. “Hear is the material back”, she carefully checked on one book then let out a sigh of relief, then checked through the rest. Her regal air re-emerged, “apart from a powerful scroll of electrical attack, that's everything bar one or two consumables”.

Martin looked at her, “he used that electrical scroll on me”. She looked at him cautiously, “I sometimes forget how tough vampire hunters are”. They handed her a notice from the sheriff, her eyes scanned it. She counted out silver coins from a draw. “Alice hear is the reward in full. Thank you for keeping this as discreet as possible”. “As for the deserter and that thief they will be interrogated. Every drop of information will be rung out of them, then they head off to the jail city and the warden can have a word with them”.

The four adventures and there mentors spent a little time and a little coin drinking and relaxing. Some problems were sorted, some problems were on the horizon. Ale and wine disappeared, finally lady Imoline pulled out a copper flask of alchemically imbued brandy. For the first time in over a month Martin was actually able to scratch his itch, he relaxed noticeably after two or three drinks of something even a grand master would normally be floored by.

Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 46 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 265/265 Adrenalin 230/230 Efficiency 4 Strength 52 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 46 Level Defence Bonus 46 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 142 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L8 Layered Armour Perk L2 Adrenalin Power Shot L2 Bow Proficiency L8 Speed Shooting L8 Critical Strikes L8 better criticals L8 Pierce Armour L5 Perks Intensive Training + 1 Endurance and Strength Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 45 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 260/260 Adrenalin 225/225 Efficiency 4 Strength 51 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 45 Level Defence Bonus 45 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 138 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L8 Layered Armour Perk L2 Adrenalin Power Strike L2 Sword Proficiency L8 Shield Proficiency L8 Adrenalin Power Block L2 Defend Against Missiles L4 Duelist vs single target L4 Defence Against Horde L4 Shield knock down L4 bonus sword damage L4 Flaws Gambling Addiction Greedy Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mage Level 46 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 153/153 Mana 310/310 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 51 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 46 Level Defence Bonus 46 Number of Simultaneous Spells 3 Base Mage Spell Cost 3 Mana Magical Defence 100 Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L3 Analyse Magic L3 Recharge Enchantment L3 Spell List Fire Bite (5 Damage + 2 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Tracking Fire Bite Master (16 Damage + 5 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Touch Heal Master (15 Heal + 6 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Ranged Heal (5 Heal + 1 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Fire Ball Master (30 Damage +12 per Level 10 foot Area ) 4 x Base Mana Cost Touch Poison Cure – 5 x Base Mana Cost Tracking Acid Strike Master (16 damage +5 per level ) 1x base mana cost Aura of Healing Master (15 heal + 5 per level per second 10 seconds) alies 10 foot 10x base mana cost Physical Shield Master (6 x level resistance to physical damage) 3x base mana 25 seconds Elemental shield Master (5 x level resistance to cold lightning fire) 4 x base mana 25 seconds Icy tomb greater (6 points of cold damage per level 11 seconds) freezes target in place instant 9 x base mana Flaws Fear of Bats Shy with Peers Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 53 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 1216/1216 Focus 320/320 Focus efficiency 3 focus Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 60 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 64 Level Defence Bonus 64 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Holy Symbol usage L3 Greater Poison Resistance Blade Coatings L4 Focus Shot L3 Immunity to Taint – Demonic, Thrall, Necromantic, Ghoul and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L9 Overload Shot L1 Focus re-load L3 Throwing knife Proficiency L4 Focus throw L3 Focus Multi Throw L3 General Melee Weapons L7 Focus strike L3 Grenadier L10 Focus Parry L3 Duel Wield Focus Attack L3 Combat Medic L4 Focus Stitch L3 Trap specialization L4 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Guardian Seraphim angel – blocks first four attacks that would penetrate armour x 1 Armor of Faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Purify – remove taint disease etc x 7 Holy Aura – five feet - ten points holy damage – per second x 1 Divine Retribution – 100 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Circle of Consecration – fifteen feet area ten points holy damage per second x 3 1 x sphere of consecration – twenty five feet area twenty points holy damage per second Fortress of faith – 100 points of temporary health + 20 points of armor x 1 Smite – 200 points lighting damage x 4 Divine Favor – 20 hit point Regeneration for 5 seconds x 7 Hallowed Earth – 250 points holy damage in 10 meters x 1 Martyrs Sacrifice – minus 4 hit point per second + 20 attack + 10 strength + 10 agility + 10 dexterity. - (really painful) consumes focus per sec x 1 Chain Smite – 200 points lighting damage + 50 points per second of ability stacks x 1 consumes focus per second Thy Will be Done – can see location of enemy directed to them Wrath of the Almighty – (300 holy 100 fire 100 freezing 100 electrical) damage x 2 resist igna – resistance to 35 points of fire damage x 1 resist lightning – resistance to 35 points of electricity damage x 1 resist cold – resistance to 35 points of cold damage x 1 1 x litany of blessings – activates every unused defensive blessing 1 x Bastion of faith – 250 points of temporary health + 30 points of armor 2 x pillar of salt – 400 point holy attack transforms enemy to salt 1 x Field of Wrath – 25 points of holy damage all targets 25 foot in front of hunter 1 x hand of judgment – 500 physical damage 500 holy damage knocks target down Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Woodworking L1 Leather Working L3 Mettle Working L5 Sowing L1 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Pistols – improved critical damage 30% + Armour penetration 45 points Long ranger rank 2 Grenades – improved focus throw improved distance 30% Vitality level 1 – 2 x base hit points Flaws Alcoholism Zealot Survivors Guilt Sadistic

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