《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 4 Good Ford - Chapter 33 – Into the wider world.


Every battle that they survived hardened them. They became more experienced and more confident in their allies and their abilities. They had finished their work at forge-hold, now they were being sent to Good-Ford. It was a much larger settlement, they would see a few luxuries that they had not seen in over a month going around the smaller settlements.

David was learning when not to charge in and when he had to. He was also learning when it was not the best time to demand extra payment. Alice was becoming a tower of mystical might, she had half a dozen pieces of enchanted equipment. She had started this adventure at level 4. Now she was at level 40, she had a small repertoire of spells. Each was a master spell powerful, carefully chosen to complement each other and the abilities of her companions.

She also enjoyed a clarity of mind that she had not experienced before. Vivian was learning management and organisation. She was the dependable one, the one that had the view of the entire battlefield and the one that remembered to carry the stock of oil and rations.

Martin was the highest level, a jack of all trades. He spread himself out thin, having a coat full of tricks. He had become the monster he had sort to become. He could see how the original vampire hunters had sort to out monster the monsters that they faced. Now he had to live with the repercussions of becoming something else. He had started out as a death seeker, looking to avenge his family in a blaze of glory and then join them. His mind was tempered with experience and comradery. It was perhaps harder to live for a cause than die for it, he would have to come to terms with this.

They were on a coach, which had set out before the night had faded. Usually this was suicide to journey out at night. With a team this high level on board, anything that attacked the coach would be suicidal. If there was even anything left in the local area to challenge them. The ancient vampire had been defeated utterly, losing a limb and nearly his life. Many of his troops were killed, three of his lieutenants slain, his inner circle was wiped out. The vampires had suffered two major blows to their activities in the area, there minions were culled to an all-time low.

It the grand scheme of things, the vampires grip on the land was not lessened to a great degree. But one of its metaphorical talons was now quite blunt. They were headed to Good Ford, a city based on the intersection of a river and the trade route. It was surrounded with fertile land and had several large local resources. The group would qualify for some light garrison duty to recover. Then they would be able to pick and choose assignments, postings to best suit their skill set.

During the day they had passed along the road, there were many shipments lumber grain crops goods. The caravans and carts went in groups of at least four and carried one or two militia guards and mercenaries with them. People waved and greeted them back, it was good to see the flow of trade. Now it was getting late in the afternoon, when they finally saw the city of Good Ford. It was a slow uneventful journey almost relaxing.

There was large post driven into the ground, 80 foot before the entrance to Good Ford just viewing the outside. There was a corpse in a giblet, a very rare thing considering most were cremated. This one had been made an example of. A wooden sign hung below it, the highwayman dark shadows. He had his eyes burnt out ears removed. Both hands and feet hacked off or crushed it was hard to tell, the man's passing would not have been easy. There was a sign at the bottom, Note even the church reject him for his crimes. That was incredibly unusual, he must had done something extreme to anger the locals, for such a punishment meant to remain into the next life as well.


Good Ford had a large amount of farmland around it. They could see dozens of fortified farmsteads in the surrounding area with crops. There were some livestock, the fields were larger ploughed with cattle pulling a gang plough. Not just by hand it was far more efficient, the fields were right up close to the town. There was some movement form the town a series of covered carts, fertilizer in one direction and crops in the other.

Good Ford was on a deep river, they had dug out a second water channel around the town, to surround it to form a moat. It meant that any attacker had to wade and swim through the cold water to even reach the base of the walls. There was a population of 20000 people inside, just under seven times larger than Forge Hold. It was a city with good defences. At the centre a cathedral citadel it dominated the view. It was very large very imposing, with walls several yards thick at the base designed for defence. It was also a place of worship, holy symbols were visible everywhere. It was also a place you could fire arrows and throw rocks down on attackers.

Even getting to the outside of the cathedral would be difficult. There was a Ring of eight towers around the settlement rising above the outer wall. Each one had a heavy ballista mounted on it that could rain down fire on attackers. Each section of the wall between the towers had eight Scorpio two man heavy bolt throwing siege weapons. Giant crossbows operated by two guards or militia, the walls had crenulations and archery slits. People could pepper any attacker wading through the moat with arrows cutting them down to size.

The gate house was very large, it served as a barracks for the city watch. There was a second gate house on the other end of the settlement, so that carts could come and go from one side to the other. There were large drawbridges on each gate house that could accommodate two carts or coaches passing each other. A continual stream of trade could enter and exit the settlement.

Because the settlement was also on a river, there was some space with an enclosed dock. A place for barges to load and unload. It could be cut off from the rest of the settlement, with several big heavy doors. They could also cut off river access lowering a giant iron reinforced door into the water, a defence against anything that could swim. The docks had one highly viable feature a big crane to lift goods up to the town and down to the barges below.

They noticed that the guards were better armoured than Forge Hold. Some of the guards that manned the gate had plate mail chest guards. The men on the walls had plate neck guards and helmets, perfect protection for the part of them looking out over the wall. They did notice the town walls when they got close. They were high but not uniform in construction. They did have a stone skin of neatly cut stone going up eight foot. An attempt to keep the base of the walls as strong as possible and deter climbing. After that initial eight feet the walls were far rougher. It was obvious that the wall has been added to several times, with new additions put on top. Probably after something got over them. There were even sections that looked like they had been repaired, where some great beast or siege engine had managed to shatter stone chewing away at the defences.


Each member of the group had briefly passed through this city, as they headed out to their northern assignment. Now that they were returning to it, they had a much greater appreciation for the sight of thick walls, a large town and the amenities that it contained. They went through the usual ritual at the gate. With a touch of holy symbol and silver then they were let in to the settlement. There was one guard wearing a bit more iron than the rest, he was senior in appearance they moved towards him.

On presenting their paperwork the town guard quickly studied it then saluted them. His back as straight as an iron rod. “It is good to see you, welcome to good ford. The bishop Alexis left orders with the gate guards, I will take you to him for re-assignment”. There was a hint of trepidation in his voice, he had one master and three adventures around level 40 in front of him. They certainly outranked him and the bishop himself wanted to see them straight away.

He started to walk and they followed, the coach driver moved to a side area. He would remain waiting for someone to tell him where to deliver their possessions. Vivian smiled warmly at the nervous guardsman, “thank you for the greeting, it will be good to find some comforts after so long on the road”. As they walked they chatted, Vivian looked about, “is there a bath house open”? The guard pointed to one of the towers. “Just by the north east tower road, there is a bath house they will be shut soon I think.”

David was next “I have not had any orange ogre ale in over a month, were is a local tavern that might stock some”? The guard scratched his head, “the tavern by the docks, the green duck has the largest selection you might be lucky there”. David had other pressing questions, “Were can we collect bounties, we killed a group called the brother hood of the Black Hand there was a price on their heads”. The guard nodded pointing back to the gate house, “Melcher is out on patrol of the farmsteads. He will be back later on an hour at most, he authorises and tracks such sums”.

David looked at the cathedral citadel, he nudged Martin. Martin spoke to the guard, “Where is the local hunters chapter house, my college reminds me that we have to collect the bounty on a few fangs”. The guard nodded, “the crusaders and hunters have a combined chapter house, it’s on the north approach to the cathedral. You see the tower spire it is to the left of that big grey and white building you can’t miss it”.

Alice was the last to speak, “where is the mages house and the merchant’s hall. We might need to do a little shopping to stock up on supplies”. The guard pointed, “The mages chapter house is just before the northern tower, it was a minor noble’s house adapted for the purpose”. “The merchant’s guild has a craft hall and other services based in a compound just before the docks. You can’t miss it, it’s huge”.

They moved at a comfortable pace, until they got to the cathedral citadel. A crusader and a low level priest were on the door with a few militia. An exchange of polite nods and paperwork and the guard left. A deacon led the group to meet the bishop. The cathedral citadel was busy with people in prayer, remembering those who had passed or praying for those around. There were groups in side rooms carrying out one endeavour or other. People tied to pick up a few tricks and skills to help them out. To make their lives better, as they passed one room a man from the merchant’s guild was teaching numbers and accounting to group of people from all walks of life. In another room a class was being taught, a large group of children trying to follow lessons on history and the triune system.

There was a ward where the local people came for some medical care. Everyone and anyone was there children, expectant mothers. There was a clamourer and two people ran through the place with a stretcher. The group jumped to the side, a man with his chest crushed and bloody was there. He gasped his last breath before Martin or Alice could use there healing abilities. A man firmly pushed them out of the way, he was thin wearing priestly robes. His forearms were bare to allow him freedom of movement.

He looked at Martin, “pull the stone out of his chest”. The man's voice was commanding, but still had a soft tone to it. Martin complied as the priest held out his hand. A holy symbol hung from his waist, but he didn't need to touch it to use the blessings granted to him. “Greater resuscitation, greater divine favour, remove poison, remove disease”.

There was a white glow the man shook and coughed up blood. His ruined chest slowly knitted itself together, Martin pulled the chunks of stone out from the wound. He was using the forceps from his basic medical kit was sufficient for the task. Martin tuned to the priest half bowing, “Bishop Alexis I presume”. The bishop nodded in return, “Master vampire hunter Martin correct”. He looked at the others, “I greet you warmly, follow me, I have a few other matters to settle then we may speak in private”. A lay brother took over the man's care, he had suffered an accident at the dock but would just survive.

The bishop Alexis was level 62, he was known as the exorcist. A bishops blessings were far more potent than a priests. Their power was on another level, even able to resuscitate the departed for the span of two minutes, able to grant immunity to elemental damage for a few hours. Strong enough to banish demon overlords from the mortal realm. To grant a 250 points of extra health to an adventure, they possessed some really potent blessings.

He quickly found a deacon with a huge pile of paperwork. He scribbled his signature on to several key pieces of parchment and carried on jogging down the hall. Two people were waiting in a side room. He politely discussed a brief proposal with the first politely declining whatever he wanted. The second man he saw, seemed to have an element of familiarity with him he may have been a noble. “Sidney get the Duke and Gavin to sign off on this, than I will add my letters as well”, the man nodded and departed.

There was an official bishop’s audience room, with big uncomfortable chairs and a throne like seat.

It was used as an archive room for paperwork. The bishop led them to a far more cosy little room behind. He shook their hands they sat down at a table, a lay brother arrived with a bottle, he uncorked it and pored them all a glass then left.

The bishop looked at their paper work then cleared his throat. “Martin Vivian David Alice, it is rare to see a group like you. You adventures are a good representation of the triune. People of different backgrounds working together, stronger as one whole than apart as individuals”. They appreciated that this man had the seniority to make or break their careers. Thankfully he seemed to be quite pleased with them at the moment.

He patted Martin on the shoulder, “I honour you as a master, you have achieved a true feat of strength to get this far. But your companions are catching up close behind you”. He looked round the table. “So much power in such a short span of time. I spent twenty years to become a priest of level 51 and another five years as a bishop to get to where I am now. You are masters or you will be very soon, you have a potential a great calling that I am sure god will reveal soon”.

He looked through some paperwork, “Martin they are calling you the master of thermite, it burns as hot as your hatred for the vampire's”. Martin took a nervous little bow, “I am a little zealous but then so are all hunters”. “Vivian they are calling you eagle eye, I understand you have some magic item which empowers you”. “Yes I have a ring of the eagle, it boosts perception”. The bishop nodded, “The right equipment can be as important as the right skills to use it”.

“David you’re from the bay mercenaries. They seem to have nicknamed you, the shield of the bay not very original”. He tapped his shield, “that's what this if for, to even have a few people know my name is a good start”. The bishop looked a little hesitant, “Alice there was an incident in Forge Hold that has been the subject of rumours. Where you supposedly castrated a thug with an acid strike spell”. She nodded, “it’s true he was trying to attack us”. Alexus nodded, “they are calling you Malice as a result”. She sighed “not the worst name for a mage, it’s better than the red seductress of the black witch of Old root”.

He reached for a glass, “to your future adventures”. They raised a glass in response, “we had a man through hear telling everyone of your exploits. A John Dunn, he lead a man with one hand, helped him hear from Broken Gorge looking for healing. I don't quite have the power to help him. But my brother bishop in North Port dose, so I sent him there. A dread thrall wolf or two would have been quite a threat to a small village, you did well to survive and triumph”.

He looked around the table, he handed out sealed letters to each of them. “There are a few local veterans and masters I want you to meet. They are part of the garrison forces that protect this city. They can be useful as mentors, having fought the same battles you have fought. And the battles that you will one day fight. They have faced the trials you will face many years from now”. Some extra contacts and some extra training would certainly help them.

“Martin there is a crusader Reginald de plus, he is level 36 he has been hunting monsters and the undead around this city for fifteen years. You can learn from him, he specialise in crossbow and sword, even if he is not a hunter he has worked with them for years, the view of one who has worked with your order will be a useful perspective”.

“Alice the mages tower has a chapter house with a dozen mages in this town. It’s a hub for magical services, they are led by Lady Imoline a tower mage. She is a master level 50 a support specialist. She worked closely with the knightly orders in her youth. You can learn quite a bit working with her.”

“Vivian there is a mercenary and blacksmith Jonathan Swain. He is working out of the merchant’s hall, part of the emerald bows mercenary company. He is level 25 in both professions, he organises security for the trade guild operations. He keeps the places security running, he would be a good source of bounties.” He took a sip of wine, “Finally David there is our sheriff Melcher, he is a level 45 bounty hunter. He organises part of the garrison of this town, he can help you with a few tips tricks and a few local contracts.”

Vivian looked at the bishop, she tied to keep a neutral tone keeping suspicion out of her voice. “Your confidence in us is appreciated, contacts and contracts are very useful. What are you trying to do, what is the catch”? “I wish to gain a mutually beneficial arrangement, to raise a team up to break the local vampires plans into little bits. If I can accelerate your development with my patronage, it will give me a hammer hard enough to crack some of the local problems”.

David spoke, “won’t this put a big target on our heads”? The bishop looked over his notes, “you already have a big target on your head. Even if you find and kill lexicon and his money is no longer paying the guild thieves guild. Do you think the next vampire in line the ancient he works for will rest or do you, think that he will offer less gold”?

Martin looked around the table, “The vampires again, you know inside the walls even the thieves guild can be their eyes and ears”. Alice looked at the bishop weighing her words, “you want more than just a group of monster hunters, you need some brains”. He nodded, “between you, you have shown an aptitude for tactical thinking. A degree of logic, you have unearthed several spies and out played several superior opponents. Perhaps its dumb luck, but I could use that to. Rise up from being provincial adventures and became agents of the state”.

Vivian looked at the others, “we gain a bigger target on our back, but more options to do something about it”. Alice looked up at the bishop, “the extra leverage and connections would be useful”. David queried it, “so is there better pay”? The bishop nodded, “first pick of contracts and a few bonuses”. Martin grinned, “We get to kill vampire’s right”? The bishop nodded, “every vampire we find you can have a shot at killing”. The group look at each other, Vivian spoke up “we agree to your proposal”.

The bishop reached into the bag, he had removed letters of introduction. “Take these badges and paperwork, they give you authority as agents of the triune”. He put his holy symbol on the table it glowed, “raise your hands and repeat after me,” they followed his words, “I swear to uphold the laws and customs of the northern realm. To protect its people in the name of the triune for god king and guild”. He looked around the group, “Congratulations you work for me for now, until we have a resolution to the current situation, however long that takes.”

Agents were once step up from adventures, normally masters or close in rank. They were effectively state sponsored hunters of monsters and problem solvers. It was different from garrison forces, at the moment it was a temporary appointment by the bishop. It allowed them to act with his authority, disrupting the local vampires and the local monster population. The bishop looked around. “You are now provisional agents. you need to keep it quiet about the promotion from adventures to agents”.

“You will first establish your selves as an effective adventuring party. Once you have done that, then I will reveal more about the situation.” Martin looked around, “we can keep this to ourselves, in Forge Hold we had to keep certain matters quiet, so we can do the same again”.

“For Lodgings you’re going to be staying at the crusaders chapter house. They have both comfortable beds and solid doors.” Vivian nodded, “we stayed in a smaller lodging like that at Forge Hold”. “As for pay, I can get a few bits of equipment and a few extra supplies to you. You will not find working for me to be unrewarding”.

“Now” the bishop cracked his knuckles, “There is some plot about, the last bishop mysteriously passed away. He belied that elements of house Cain along in league with house Whiplash were planning with the vampire elder lexicon to take over the city. Not some massive military campaign, but a subtle switch of who was running things, an almost bloodless coup”. He looked round the room, “certain things are in motion. I need to disrupt the vampire’s plans, you have already become a thorn in their side. I hope to shake things up, more I cannot say for now. It may have even been a plot from the vampires, to have us looking about inside the walls, when there is an external threat”.

Vivian looked at him, “what about other local triune representatives”? He shrugged, “I am not sure of the other senior members of the triune. The duke is young I have not gotten the feel of him yet. his father fell to assassination, I am not sure why. The merchant Gavin I am not sure about either, he seems a nice enough man. He is worried about his own people, perhaps to the detriment of others but still I don't know what is inside him. Go and see the sheriff Melcher, the crusader Reginald collect the bounties you are owed, we will speak again in a few days’ time”.

They headed out from the cathedral lead by a lay brother. He had been assigned to show them about the city. They went back to the gate house, the coach driver was instructed to drop their equipment off at the crusaders chapter house. A few of the guards noticed them, they recognised there description form the events that transpired in forge-hold, there were a few whispers. They were lead past a few cells and a few barracks to the sheriff’s office.

Melcher was an average sized man, he had a large black shield and a long sword. His lose clothing hid solid blackened armour. There was very little sound as he stood up to meet them, training and preparation for a stealthy approach. He had a few scars on his face and neck. He looked at David with a glance measuring the man up. David greeted him handing him the notice form the bishop. “You must be the mercenary David the shield from the bay. This is your crew, the bishop mentioned you might come round”. The group exchanged pleasantries, “your building up a nice solid reputation my lad, I assume you’re a focused front line fighter”. “Oh yes everyone has to play to their strengths and have allies that can cover their weaknesses right”.

“Yes a very good view point”. “You’re a bounty hunter right”? Melcher nodded, “did you know that the bounty hunter job was one of the two jobs that was used to create the mercenary job”? David replied “I have heard that, but in gaining strength we still lost out on some things, like a lot of the tracking skills that bounty hunters have”.

The bounty hunter nodded, “with our tracking eye ability and ambush ability, we are perfect for taking down superior forces in hit and run tactics. Or finding an opponent that wants to stay hidden. I can’t carry a tone of armour and I can’t hit like a battering ram. But I can find a target, I can ambush them and slit there throat before they know what hit them”. He pulled out a couple of tankards and a bottle, “As an adventurer then a guard captain and filially a sheriff I have worked with all sorts of different groups and classes. I have fort side to side with grand masters and done my bit. I can give you the extra education that they don't have in the mercenary companies, a way to think when everything goes to hell and your plan is down in the ditch”.

They chatted for ten twenty minutes, he listened to David talk about the cheating gambler in Broken Gorge, the first vampire white they had killed. He responded with the time that he had been posted to north port. “I was a guard captain a ship had landed and then left, one man had stayed behind. The crew didn't want him or trust him. We were not too suspicious at first, he wouldn't be the first mariner with a foul temperament. but the man was avoiding silver and holy symbols. He got people suspicions. He had counted out so many bronze coins, to pay for a cloak in the market. When he touched a silver coin he shifted. Not a werewolf he was a doppelgänger, a young doppelgänger no more than level 3-4 but he or I should say they were caught”.

Its true form was a little taller than a man, thin arms and legs like tree branches. Three fingers and a thumb, dark grey skin no eyes but a long vertical mouth. He had a cutlass, we cut him in the head in the arms, and he didn't go down. Even slicing off one limb it started to regrow, he couldn’t fight worth much anyway thankfully. We could have killed him eventually, but then a mercenary remembered there weak spot. Right in the back in the spine, one strike and it was dead. With a Doppler, you can hack at the limbs all day but your only doing it a bit of damaged remember that.”

David spoke, “thanks I will remember that, are there any things to avoid round hear”? The sheriff sighed, “Blood thorn woods, it was once a haven for the druids. It was filled with neutral nature spirits. Historically they would let us cut a bit of lumber, as long as we kept out of the main forest. But the vampires corrupted it, they turned the sprigans trents and ents into blood sprigans. You don't want to go there at night or in the day.” The bounty hunter ran a hand over the bottle of wine. “It is still a pity about the blood thorn woods, there is so much good hardwood and a lot of valuable plants”.

“Has there been any problems locally, with the crime syndicates or thieves guilds”? David enquired “We think that there is a little low level smuggling by the docks, why do you ask”. “We had a run in with the hidden hand, there is a large price on our heads”. Melcher was confident, “only small fry in this town”, it was his professional pride talking. He added reluctantly, “or a group so good we have not seen any sign of them”. He paused for a moment thinking his hand on his blade, “If I get any hint of trouble I will let you know”.

He grinned, “I have been asked to act as your mentor, I would be happy to help you David you could go far. You have to remember the way the world works, it’s the merchant’s guild that keeps everything running. No churches would be built no lords halls, it would all be empty if the merchants guild didn't organise the construction and the labour to build the defences and the industry to stock them. Remember that, I keep the trade running by keeping this place safe.” David handed him a letter, “this is proof that we killed the brother hood of the Black Hand”. Melcher read it, “yes there was a good reward for the bandit wells and the spell slinger”.

He went to a strong box and counted out silver, “just under one gold on their heads. It will go towards a bit of Damascus armour right.” David tapped the iron plate encasing his body, “I was thinking of saving up for mithril plate.” The man looked at him, “get some steel or Damascus first” David nodded. He would take the advice when he could. He would trade up to a better suit of armour. They thanked the sheriff for his hospitality and moved out to the next destination. When they were out of the door Vivian nudged David and he handed over the bag of silver.

They have made it to the crusaders chapter house. There was a faded sign indicating that this place was the chapter house of the valiant swords. One crusader and one hunter stood outside the heavily fortified building. They regarded the group, a quick test and they were admitted. A crusader squire led them through the building to a back office. A man wearing high grade Damascus chain-mail was sparing with a young recruit, he was walking them through several attacks with a quarter staff. The same way that Vivian had shown Alice to fight with her magic staff.

The man was old enough to have his hair turning grey. He had a little forked beard. They waited a few minutes for the lesson to end, then the recruit was on his way. Martin handed the note to the crusader. He nodded in greeting shaking Martin by the hand, “Impressive the master of thermite, I am Reginald a pleasure to meet you. I have herd tales of your exploits for several weeks now. You even survived the mine, grand masters have been too afraid of what was sealed in to go in there”.

Martin grinned, “the bishop said you had quite a reputation yourself.” He smiled “I am not sure it is deserved but I have been doing my bit to try and hold back the night. I have coordinated the hunters and crusaders against the monsters out in the darkness for nearly twenty years, after I became a veteran”. David coughed politely, Martin handed over a bag of vampire teeth.

“We want to collect the bounty for these fangs”, Reginald looked through them using a magnifying glass. “Good show you got one of the elite hear, an old one not quite made it up to an elder yet”? Martin sighed, “We would have, but he used a supreme spell to teleport away”. The crusader looked at him slack jawed, “you’re not joking, you almost got an elder vampire”? “He was standing to close to a demolition charge”.

Reginald de plus laughed, “You have to use any advantage you can get. The crusaders try to remain chivalrous, but these days we can barely afford the horses to ride out on. So we improvise, I make that just over 150 silver well done. Your belongings have been put in the guest barracks, rooms A to D”. He handed Martin a ring of keys, “I hope you find the accommodation to your liking.” “I am sure we will, what is the situation around town”.

He sighed, “Some elite vampire is skulking about, we have lost two patrols that could handle a full vampire. So I believe it was one of the elite, I don't suppose your party has ever dealt with rat men”? Martin nodded “Something similar, we have killed snake men and fought against giant rats before.” He considered Martins words, “That would be a good enough start, this group is a pain for the local farmsteads and pilgrims. They have made a nest to close to the local shrine”.

David asked curiously, “a shrine”? “Oh yes a monk or priest who visits the shrine effectively gains two levels, in reward for their devotion. A few pilgrims have not made it back, even with armed escorts” Martin enquired, “is there a quest”? The crusader shook his head, “not yet but I will speak to the bishop and we will raise one”.

Martin pressed for more information, “As you know we almost got a vampire a few days ago, an elder called lexicon. Knowledge about him was the key, what can you tell us about the local vampires”? “Lexicon the names familiar, we did raid a lair and find some correspondence between him and a vampire called Cameron the razor. He is a local elite, which has been causing trouble for two decades. I could dig out the letter but it’s fairly mundane. I am also aware of a female vampire magic user she would be about somewhere. She is considered strange even by vampire standards. One of the vampire fledglings we interrogated a few years ago described her as not right in the head. Considering the size of this city I would not be surprised if an ancient vampire was behind the scenes, or at the very least a senior elder vampire a good way back out of harm’s way”.

“You say you hit lexicon with a demolition charge, it can be amazing how alchemical weapons can really even the odds. Especially when regular people fight the undead or the other monsters. When the crusader job was being created, they had simple matchlock weapons and arquebus. The more primitive version of the blunderbuss, but they were still able to do tremendous damage to attacking forces. Of course the vampires now screen there attacks with bats but there you go tactics march ever forwards”.

“Martin I assume from your earned name you focus on grenades, yes” he smiled a wide somewhat unnerving grin, “I am proficient with thrown weapons”. “I have the greatest proficiency with a crossbow, the range is much more substantial than a thrown weapon. Also the variety of tips you can add to a crossbow bolt are far greater than a pistol. I can re-lode my cross bow very fast. Admittedly bolts are bulky and heavy but I have a wide range of ammunition for every situation.” Martin appreciated the perspective, “I am sure that you can show me dozens of tricks, which you have acquired though years of hunting the monsters. We can talk in the next few days we can make a bit of time”.

He put a hand on his holy symbol embossed on his shield, “the hunters always think of this as a battle of holding the line. I will give you perspective, remember the church is the light of our nation. The only reason we have not been taken over, such was my oath. They have a certain rigid way of thinking that sometimes needs to be bent, you will learn when you can bend the rules”. He smiled picking up a bag “do me a favour and take this to the duke, he would appreciate this and it can’t hurt you to meet the other local members of the triune”.

They said there thanks to Reginald and headed over to the Dukes home. It was not very far from the cathedral's main entrance. The place was fortified and surprisingly Spartan, for a lord he didn't have rich tapestries or a collection of trophies. What he did have was a bit of a menagerie, it mostly focused on the four legged kind, large war dogs. An apprentice tamer was being almost dragged around the front yard by two of them. There was a large aviary where several ranked up eagles were being fed. There diner was curtsy of a thin woman, she was carrying a large stick for protection from the beady eyed birds.

A militia man let them in once he saw their letter of introduction and other credentials. They kept their latest paperwork hidden. The lord himself was a short thin wiry man who dressed in warm blue clothes. He had a tight fitting hat and a warm grin, he was all charm and character. He had a long dagger by his side but didn't seem to have much of a use for it, the horse sized dogs around him wore iron plate armour they were all the force that he needed. Despite drooling over everything they were perfectly loyal, a small girl probably his daughter was riding one about the room. He looked at them, “the party of adventurers from forge-hold it’s nice to meet you.” Alice curtsied “a pleasure to meet you Duke Donald”.

“Don’t worry about the formalities, you know I thought that I had another fifteen twenty years to go about raising my little darlings. But bang and I am now in charge, I wish that they had chosen one of my older brothers, but I digress wheat have you brought for me”? He opened the offered bag and smiled, “dread rat bones my hounds love these”. A hound the size of a war machine stared to bounce up and down rattling its plate armour barking excitedly. The duke threw one bone too the drooling mass of muscle.

Duke Donald whiplash was a level 25 monster tamer, specializing as a hound master. One of the dogs moved over to Alice, it considered chewing on her staff. It took one look into her eyes, tiling its head sideways it barked. She narrowed her eyes and it took a few steps back, he patted the nearest dog “ignore those fellows they are a little bit riled up. They are greater St Michele's hounds, perfect for tracking all sorts of monsters, and they have a bite like a bear trap”. The party introduced themselves to the local lord.

Vivian looked at him “how may we be of service to your house and the triune”? He grinned “there are a few minor jobs, there is the dragon sitting at the tin quarry bold as brass, if it was ten levels lower and I was thirty levels higher I would have jumped at the chance to tame it. For the vampire hunter, I hear from the mages a little tale. From the dear old lady of the tower, that there is a litch around here. Its floating about somewhere, your powers work on those types of undead to” Martin nodded, “a type of necromancer, a bit tougher than there flesh and blood counterparts but a walk in the park compared to a vampire”. “Splendid when the mages or my hounds sniff it out, you will have a little job to kill it”.

David looked back at him, “we killed a wyvern so a dragon might be possible”. The duke nodded “of course if we were going to get rid of the thrall tainted dragon. We might get a few mages with long range spells, a cannonade from the hunters and a few mercenaries to make certain. It’s a red dragon, I believe they are the melee focused breed, so range fighters would win the day”.

Alice spoke up, “what can you tell us about this litch, you know the mages tower hates the competition”. He grinned charmingly, “The old lady can tell you more, but I understand they estimate it to be below level 50 not very strong. One that achieved litchdom through serving a more powerful necromancer, rather than with its own power. It will be weak by comparison, but it will have a master somewhere that it answers to.” They had a brief meal with the lord and his wife, she was the woman who was taking care of the eagles they thanked him and headed off.

It was quite late when they arrived at the merchant’s guild craft hall. They met one of mercenaries who let them in. An apprentice working late directed them to the merchant Gavin. He was busy sitting round a table with a dozen other members of the guild. They were smoking cigars and playing cards. For stakes they used bronze pennies and lead weights for lesser denominations. He saw the group, “I assume you just rolled into town, you’re trying to do the circuit of the meet and greet before you head off to bed right”? Vivian looked at him “we have a few things to discuss can we speak in private”, he gestured towards the table. “Don’t you want to deal a hand and have a drink first”? David took one step forwards, there was a dull thud as Vivian hit him on the back of the head. His shoulders sagged as he stopped.

The merchant Gavin was middle age he carried a bit of fat around his middle. His eyes and fingers were sharp, he had reached level 50, after completing a particularly complex trade deal. It was considered a work of art, if you were a banker. That deal allowed him to break the 25 barrier he had levelled up steadily. He was still looking for that elusive deal to pull further ahead, “he took them to a side room shaking their hands. “I am Gavin I am sure you know me, I have been head of this branch of the guild for twenty years, people don't cower around a level 50 merchant, that is until they read the fine print in my contracts”, Vivian and David laughed at his joke.

Vivian cleared her throat, “there was a man in vine garden, a merchant guild representative called Adrian. He came there three years ago, he was a blood thrall a vampire spy. We want to see if he had any associates, he worked in the wine trade had a wife and two adopted kids. We need to trace if there were other spies or just gullible people he misled.” The merchant stopped thinking, “I vaguely remember him, he worked here for a month before moving on. A real workaholic, no humour just down to business. Give me a few days to go through the paperwork and make a few discrete enquires ok”.

Vivian spoke, “Martins all out he is going to need lots of thermite, can you show us the master’s selection, or do we need to come back later. The merchant shrugged, “better be armed as best you can. Only Martin is a master so if you get anything it’s technically him that purchased it ok”, they nodded. The merchant moved them into a records room, then slid a book case aside and lead them into a room using two small keys and a code lock. “Thieves guild would rob us blind if it was easy to get in hear” David nodded, “you can’t be too careful”.

Martin moved his hands over several muskets, a cannonade and a wheel lock rifle before he came to the thermite. With a happy grin he put several canisters to one side, Ten small thermite grenades, five medium and five large thermite grenades the total cost was 35 silver it would do.

He looked about, “Vivian has a few mithril tipped arrows what about mithril bullets”? The merchant looked at him, “mithril would rip out a normal barrel, so you have to use a mithril core bullet. It’s wrapped in lead to stop it destroying the gun, I can sell you ten for five silver. They are very rare able to pierce deep into a monsters hide”. Martin nodded and put the package away into a small coat pocket. Vivian looked over the crossbows just out of curiosity. The merchant sighed “we really need good hardwood for a few projects”. Alice looked about disappointed the merchant grinned, “the mages tower has a few bits you might find interesting”.

The party started to look at the top shelf adventuring gear, the merchant looked over them, “Alice I would recommend the 3 favour belt of elemental resistance it’s made from the hides of creatures immune to electrical fire and cold damage. It would suite a mage well, also consider a nightmare spider silk robes, its enchanted with warmth and a small boost to agility and 8 points of natural armour, the blue cloth is as tough as iron chain mail”.

He looked over at Vivian, “you really relying on not getting hit, but you need to think of upgrading your armour. I have a suit of Damascus chain-mail with two points of endurance enchanted into it, matching Greaves with a two point agility boost. Boots with a two point strength boost. A neck guard with 5 points of natural armour, a Damascus helm with a two point willpower boost and Damascus gloves a two point dexterity boost. I have octium arrow heads perfect for anti-magic they would work well against the lich in area.” Vivian looked at the octium arrows imagining how they would pop a mages defensive spells like a bubble.

The merchant had one more sales pitch, “David I could have a custom made Damascus tower shield, I could have it enchanted with resistance and natural armour. For a front line fighter a mercenary a nightmare spider silk gambeson or arming jacket. Combined with a chain-mail suit of steel, it would be much better than the basic equipment supplied by your company. Over that a suit of tempered Damascus steel armour plate, expert made. It would be very pricey the plate probably four times what you paid for the other iron. But it would easily be four times as strong, imagine that.” When the merchant Gavin finally did tell them the price, they took a very deep breath and decided to sleep on it. He shrugged at an escaping sale and went back to his cards.

The party headed back to the chapter house, a brief meal and a toast and they sunk into very comfortable lodgings. Rank had its privileges a nice comfortable bed after a month of making do was a pleasant change.

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