
Butler ???: Master Lemington, please, you are terrorizing the poor man.

Don Esteban Lemington: You're right, Isvan... Go on. Speak freely.

Messenger ???: Y-yes. I'm sorry, Sir, i bring bad news...Your son was killed.

This time it wasn't a glass but the entier desk that was completely broken. Even the calm butler was now strangling the messenger with a cold gaze. The Patriarch slowly walked towards the messenger and asked:

Don Esteban Lemington: What happened? Did he not take with him that mixed breed of elephant?!

The butler relaxed the grip just enough for the messenger to speak and prompted him to.

Messenger ???: H-h-He d-did S-sir. B-b-b-but he l-lost.

Don Esteban Lemington: Kill this bad news bringer and dispose of the corpse accordingly, Isvan.


A neck was broken as the butler smiled to his Lord and acknowledged the order. As he was leaving the office with the corpse on his shoulder, the Patriarch told him:

Don Esteban Lemington: I want the recording.

Butler Isvan: But of course, Master. I will bring it to you shortly.

The Patriarch nodded as the butler bowed and exited the room. As soon as the door was clsed, the Patriarch began to scream and destroy everything inside the room in his rage. Because it was the second son and not the first, he shouldn't be angry? He still had his heir? He still had many more kids? Bullshit!

Every children is important.

And right there and then, he swore to avenge this second son of his that departed the world far too early.


Not much longer later, Isvan returned to the estate with a copy of the recordings from the battle. The Patriarch had moved to a different office while people were mending the one he destroyed previously. It was there that they watched the footage that wasn't much longer than five minutes. Their heads were grim.


They could only see images and not the flux of magic behind what really happened there. However, thanks to their relative long and rich experiences, they knew. They knew these men were not to be trifled with. At this moment, the Patriarch gave a new order to his trusted butler of many years.

Don Esteban Lemington: Get everything you can on those four.

The butler bowed and left. He had work to do.


At the Mansion, everyone was doing his thing. Shen was enjoying the sun relaxing in a long chair in the garden while a butler was constently bringing him more wine and snacks. He was joined by a curious and slightly anxious Adeline. It didn't take a genius, even though he was, to figure out that she had questions. However, she was too nice a child to bother him with them and just stood there awkwardly and expectandly. This made Shen sigh and relent.

Shen: Alright. Ask.

Adeline: Is it true that those arms are fakes? The real ones were those...white ones?

Shen: Yes. I made the modifications long ago.I use the fake because they are constantly pouring out energy and it is...not very practical. Anything else?

Adeline: ...How?

Shen: How what?

Adeline: How did you, hum, well, make them?

Shen: Killed a blue-eyed white dragon and used its parts to mod those arms. Simple.

At this moment, Adeline couldn't help but notice Shen's blue eyes...And he noticed where heer gaze was so he answered the unspoken question.

Shen: Yes, my eyes are from that beast too. Most of the body was made from the skin of the creature alongside other ingredients of similar rarities and properties.

Adeline: I see...Do you have other restraints? Like, is your true body...

Shen: Stop right there. I only have restraints for the arms. The rest of my body is exactly as you see it. No visual changes. Except for my teeth.


His teeth? This made Adeline curiosity peak to the point she forgot that she was actually discussing about body modifications. A taboo in this kingdom and basically everywhere in the world.

Adeline: Your teeth?

Shen: Yes. Did you know that Vampire Lords use their teeth as a potent magic channeling tool?

Adeline: ...I did not?

Shen: Now you do. Alright, enough. Go learn more Magic from Atem now.

Adeline: Fi~ine.

However, before she left, she smiled at Shen and said:

Adeline: Thank you for telling me, Shen!

Then she left in a small run. Shen could not help his mouth from slightly curving upwards at the sight. Youth sure is nice even after living youth for hundreds of years.


In House Lemington, in the second office.

Don Esteban Lemington: You were quite fast to finish this task, Isvan. Only a day elapsed. I hope that your report is not flawed?

Butler Isvan: Of course not, Master. There was just not that much to learn unfortunately.

Don Esteban Lemington: Well, what are you waiting for? Do tell me what you found!

Butler Isvan: Yes, Master. First, we have a young priestess named Adeline coming from the Cathedral's orphanage of St Catarina. She came to the capital to become an adventurer and met the other three on the way. There weren't any records of weird or unusual disposition concerning the lass. She seemed to be a very young, weak and inexperienced priestess which makes her presence with the other three quite the enigma.

Don Esteban Lemington: And the other three?

Butler Ysvan: Yes. Shen which we saw...Tempest who was at the origin of the incident and finally Atem. Shen and Atem are humans while Tempest is a wolfman. There is not much we know about them. It seems they simply appeared one day in Raspburry Village, met the priestess and went on their way to the capital.

Don Esteban Lemington: You would not have come back here if you only knew this, right?

Butler Ysvan: Of course, Master. While we don't know much, we did find three things: One, they are strong and wealthy with no obvious ties to anyone known. Two, they have subscribed for a rank A delver's examination at the adventurer's guild right at their arrival spending 1300 golds straight. And third, they love prostitutes.

Don Esteban Lemington: ...Wait. Care to repeat that last one?

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