《Maou Decides to Write a Shoujo》Dr1(Mae-SUF) Ch2


(Chapter 2)

(Page 1)

(continues the scene left from chapter 1 when Ryuuji suddenly barged into the clubroom)


(Pages 3-5)

(Ryuuji pov)

(a flashback from way back his gradeshool days…)

I was accompanied by my parents towards the school’s faculty. At that time I was not knowledgeable yet or unaware of the situation.

After they have finished talking I just know that I will be starting my grade school.

“Hey Ryuuji, I’m xxxx. I wanted to be friends, can we play after school? It will be us with yyyy and xxyy!!”

“Uhn!” –I nodded.

I didn’t have trouble making friends. It feels more like, I’m the one attracting them.

It’s fun being with them of course.

(Pages 6-10)

(a flashback from his middle school days… Ryuuji and his parents went to xwyz middle school weeks before the entrance exam.)

I have a vague idea of what’s going on now, either ways, this is still an opportunity to be in such a prestigious school.

My parents have connections to the higher ups of the school and seems they are using their connections within the high society for under the table transactions.

“Okay Ryuuji, you the talks have been finished. You will be starting your middle school here at wxyz-high.”

“Mom what have you offered with the principal again?”

“Ryuuji you shouldn’t be mindful of these things right now, all you have to do is just obey what we tell you to do and there will be nothing to worry about.”

“But mom, I can pass the exam.”

“You can still take the exam and show us your skills. This is just about assurance.”

I hate it…

I hate it when they treat me like this…

(Page 11-13)

My mother is a popular model that had climbed her way up the industry. Being a popular model, she was offered by a national tv channel to hone her skill as an actress which she instantly grabbed.

She’s a veteran actress now so she also has lots of connections with the high society.


She’s has top of the line beauty and also married a known stylist, our father.

Father was a known stylist. He studied abroad and went back to the country afterwards to pursue his wanted career.

Being gifted with talent and a good educational background, opportunities swarmed him like an open field.

Both high tier people getting married, of course leads to the current situation of our family.

(Page 14-20)

As of now, I won’t let my parents down just like my sister.

“Yes, mother. I won’t let go of this chance and will not fail you.” (Ryuuji smiles at his mom.)

“Good… Also, your sister should be on her second year this coming school year. Have her as a model and set a good example for yourself.”

There it goes again…

Being compared to my syster really pisses me for some reason.

Mom being a beauty, and dad being a perfectionist, most of the good genes are gathered by my sister for some reason.

I can’t say I’m not blessed at all, she’s the one that always stands out to them.

I’m going to try my best and show my parents what I got.

At this moment I never knew the things that are going to happen during my middle school days.

(This is the scene where Ryuuji overheards some bitch friends gossiping over him at the school restroom.)

“That Ryuuji, He really is an airhead! Hahaha”

“Yea xx-kun, just keep up the act. We will still be needing him for a while. All we need to do is to cling with him and we’ll be popular too. He’s the son of two bigshots.”

“Not just that, he’s also the younger brother of Ria-senpai too. Who knows, he might introduce us to their groupies. We’ll have special privilege.”

“Hahaha!! Poor Ryuuji, it won’t be long before we overshadow him.”

(Laughter, laughter everywhere.)


“Hey Fred isn’t Ryuuji’s background too dark?”

As Ingrid asks Fred about the draft, Kyrie and Ara are having tea beside their meeting table. Fred was unsure as to why Ara stopped reading too and joined Kyrie on the strike area.


“Hmm yea, seems like the atmosphere within the scene went too dark. What should we do with the pages, should we redraw this?”

“That would be waste of resources. Let’s just figure out how to lighten up the dialogues while keeping the scene. The development is good enough.” –commented Kyrie after taking a sip on her tea.

“Make ecchi scenes Fred… you know… I can teach you some…” teases Ara while in erotic aneki mode.

“Quit it Ara. You won’t get me this time. And besides, switch to sister mode while Ingrid is *not* around.”

Whack! –Ingrid hit Fred with his draft to the head.


So this is the reasoning of most of the people who associates with me.

I wonder how many of my friends stay true.

Why is it always related to my family?

Having known of my current situation, I tried not to have myself attached much on a group.

At times I’ve kept distances too and also built up a wall.

Most of my friends eventually distanced themselves too, but I have some left with me. Which still fulfilled a happy middle school life for me.

(Page 21)

I was accepted at Kamigawa high school still, due to my parent's recommendations.

I took the entrance exams for formality and the higher ups did the rest.

I still do my best at the exams though.

(Full-page 22-23)

And thus, my high school life begins…

(Ryuuji’s first day at school. This is the epic generic shoujo scenes where the male character sees the female character for the very first time at the whole story. First encounters.)

(Page 24)

Who is she?

She’s pretty. She looks like someone you extracted from a shoujo manga.


I can’t approach her. It was a mysterious aura. It’s something unique.

At that moment something… someone already piqued my interest.

I want to meet her again.

(Ryuuji stared at Mae as she walks towards the building)

(Page 25-32)

(Now we’re back at the scene where Ryuuji barged in the occult club room)

“Uhm, for starters, why don’t you have tea with us. Let’s calmly discuss this.” –Shiori, calming down the situation.

(They gathered at the club meeting table)


“Why me?” –Mae wonders

“It’s just my feeling senpai. It is like—The gears of fate have finally started turning for me the very first time I saw you this day!!”

“That’s it kiddo! Noce wordings, not bad. You’re a member of the Occult Club now.”

“Thank you senpai. In exchange, Please let me model you into someone who can compete on this school’s popularity ratings!!”

“Awawawawa—” –Shiori

“W-W-Wait a minute!!! What’s Happening guys I can’t keep up!!” –Mae

“Poor old soul, what should it take me to explain it to you until you understand.”

“Please senpai help her.”

“First of all, Ryuuji-kun here will help you on your makeover so you can compete on the popularity ratings so you can win the top 1 title and so Ryuuji can be a member here so the club won’t be disbanded. Everybody happy!”

“For a long explanation that sure took just a second senpai. Can you please explain again, now in a slower and detailed version so we Neanderthals here would be able catch on?”

(A single page pause was used for this.)

“You will teamup with Ryuuji here to take on Ria-kun at the top of the popularity polls and snatch the ‘Takane no Hana’.”

(pov shifts to Mae)

How did this happen?

How did it come to this?

I can repeat same question all day on my mind and still come up of one answer.

“NO!!” - (Mae and Chieri as she slams the door open)


(all at the same time)

Mae - “Excuse me who are you?”

Shiori - “The who?”

Ozzy - “Oh another cute little zambie-chan!!”

Ryuuji - “Chieri!!”

Chieri - “Please get your hands off my bethroted!!”


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