《Maou Decides to Write a Shoujo》Dr1(Mae-SUF) Ch1


(Chapter 1 cover page)

Unpopular Mae’s Struggles to being an Unattainable Flower


Chapter 1 - Mae's unpopular peaceful life is about to be disturbed!


"Whoosh, unlimited axing works." - Kyrie says.

"Wait-- what!? You've only read two pages! How can you be so sure?" Ara replies

"Humu. Because it's the genius me." Kyrie replies as she started preparing her tea set on the meeting table. She's pretty confident.

"It's still worth a shot. Though Old Man's reaction regarding this will be so predictable, won't you like to continue reading the rest of the chapter?" Ingrid asks

"I know already how the story will go for the first 6 chapters. It's Freddie-doo we're talking here."



"Senpai!! I have a favor to ask of you!" -ryuuji

What is this guy talking about?

Eeh? Who is he? Is he a freshman? A new member??


"EEEH?!" -mae

(This is a scene at the occult club room that late afternoon of the freshman opening ceremony. With Kurosawa, Mae: sitting on her usual spot at a couch beside the window. The light of the late afternoon passes throufh the thin curtains which shines toward the eyes of Ryuuji.)

(Page 4-10)

(The usual entry scene where a femmc should be woken up by the alarm but she turns it off and her mom or someone will have to wake her up sooner)

"Mae!! Wake up! It's already seven thirty, shouldn't you be early today due to the first day ceremony?"

"Ah crap..."

(As mae tries to wake up, the scene goes up to her rushing to her uniform up to taking her usual french toast and running towards school. Aaah... So cringely generic)

“Make sure to take your breakfast. Gosh, what should I do with you…” -mom

“It’s because you haven’t woke me up early!!” –mae

“It’s your usual french toast, since I knew this scene would happen again.”

Mom understands me well. How is she always certain… geez.

(Mae finished prepping up and went out the house.)

This is how my daily life goes.

At mornings if the alarm won't be enough to wake me up, my mom will take over.

It's been a year since I've decided to live out my youth as a normal high school girl and I've also managed so far.

I really don’t have problem travelling to school since our house is not that far from it. Sometimes I meet up with my friends and from there we walk together.

(Mae finally arrived at the school grounds. She entered the school like any other normal students. For some reason there’s a silhouette of a boy watching her from a distance. She finally arrives at her classroom)


"Osu! Mae-chan good to know we're on the same class again." A classmate greeted her.

"Good morning."

Greetings. It is one of the things that I should do to maintain this peaceful quiet life of mine.

I’m really not that much of a loner. You could say I’m just averagely normal. I just have them know of me but I don’t really intend to be too overfriendly.

It’s just that…

I don’t want to catch too much attention at once.

Aah, I'm seeing familiar faces. There are new faces too. This is how your normal high school life should usually be like.

(A small figure approaches her from behind and hugged her)

"Uwah--! What? Who??"


"Eh? Shiori-chan! I didn't know we're classmates!"

"Geez, Mae that only means you didn't fully checked the whole class roster!"

This is Amatsukaze Shiori, one of my closest friend since I started high school. She's also one of the club members of the occult club I'm in.

We were actually just fellow club members at the start of school last year but eventually we became friends.

She's the one that introduced me the peaceful way of living my high school life.


(The classes ended. It was the usual afterschool where students are free to go home or attend their club activities.

There are students playing sports at the field, there are some at the gym, there are also students at the music room, you can find most of the student body being active on clubs.

Mae and Shiori were walking towards their clubroom as they pass the popularity rankings bulletin board)

"Tss, look at all those people going gaga over the posted top 5 last year."

"My, my, just don't mind them. It's not like they're ruling over the school or something. Let's just live our own peaceful lives."

As a matter of fact, I'm just being honest. The popularity ratings are just ratings. It is not something getting abused over to the point that most of the concerned student body are to take action to demolish the system.

It's alright not to care at all. Voting is not compulsory too. In my opinion it's just a system for fun in which you gain more popularity and a title which you carry.

“Hey it seems like they posted the news for the monthly polls.” -Shiori

“That’s really rich, coming from you. I don’t want to hear that from someone who dragged me to this peaceful and quiet life.”

“You don’t hate it though.”

Yes, like me, Shiori is one at the bottom of the popularity rankings.

I actually learned about that when we have started being close friends at club.

Come think of it, It’s been a year since I’ve followed her ways, huh?

“Yeah, I’ve let you drag me for a year. Thanks.”


“So, do you have any plans this year on campaigning yourself to the top spot?”

“Yikes, please don’t start a topic like that…”

Living like that would only bother me.

I don't want it

I don't want to be popular at all

(Page 18-25)

(Mae and Shiori entered the club room. It was at the top floor of the main building and at the farthest side too. As they enter the room a figure is standing at the center.)

"Geez Ozzy-senpai, so uncool as ever. Can you please stop acting like that." - Shiori

"What now Ozzy-senpai, any new activities for this year? I really hope wo don't have much so I can live another peaceful year." - Mae

"Yes!! My eternal bloodstone fury device tells me that we are... CURRENTLY IN A PINCH!!" - Ozz

Chuunibyou aside, this nutjob of a senpai we have here is the current president of the club

Sometimes I really wonder why the previous president has entrusted the future of this club to this nutjob.

(Mae walks towards the cabinet and gets the tea set. As Ozzy continues talking. Shiori went and threw her bag at the table and find a comfortable seat at the couch too.)

"As you can see, young zombie-chans, if you are really paying attention, you can count our current members."

(Realization hits hard for the two)

"EEH!?" - Mae + Shiori

"Yes little zombie-chans!! You haven't really been paying attention at all!! The club's going to be disbanded via school rules if we don't make it to 5 members!!"

"This really is a pinch..." – Mae

This might really be a pinch! If the club goes shutdown due to lack of members then…

My daily peaceful life might be in danger too!!

(They started brainstorming. Shiori went to the computer and started designing posters and handouts. Mae went to the cabinet again to find available printing materials. Ozzy went out to negotiate with the computer club for printing.)

“Say, mae, If ever the club gets, disbanded, what will you do? Will you still continue being friends with me and live this normal peaceful boring life?”

Eeh? What’s with the question Shiori-chan?

I’ve never grown tired of being with this club.

The occult club. I’ve found about the occult club accidentally last year due to being lost while finding another club room.

I was kinda forced into joining the club, but as of late, I was drawn to the listless nature of the club. It made me wanted to live like one of them.

“Silly you! Why would I??”

I won’t ever make you think like this again Shiori-chan. I will definitely find a way to save the club!


(The door opens with Ozzy senpai and some other students.)


“Ozz-senpai you couldn’t mean…”

“Yes, I’ve completed negotiations with the computer society. They will be helping us up with the printouts.”


(Page 26-30)

(The club resumed their normal daily activity after agreeing to start their recruitment the day after. The bundle of printed club handouts that they will use is placed on the table near Shiori's bag. Also there's a tea set and a few platters. The three of them were having their afterschool tea.)

I should keep this club alive. No matter what the costs are. -mae


“I guess it’s the computer society. Oh no there might be a problem with the last batch of the poster printouts!” -Shori

“Yes! Please enter” –Ozzy

(The door opens, and there came a figure of a first year male. TADA!! Finally the mc arrives!)

“Senpai!! Please tell me your name!!”

“Ozzy, you can call me Ozzy young lad.”

“My name’s Amatsukaze, Shiori”

“Eh?! Me too?? Kurosawa, Mae, second year.”

“Kurosawa-senpai!! No!, Mae-senpai!! I have a favor to ask of you!!”

Eeh?!! First-name basis?!!


(Of course the two girls were shocked, and of course, God Bro Ozzy isn’t)

“Hey calm down, calm down. Now what has been your basis for this decision?”

“It’s just my intuition senpai! But Mae-senpai will make it big at the popularity rankings! I will bet my life on it!”

“See Mae? I told you, you have potential.”

“Oh god please no…” –shiori

What’s this, I can’t keep up with their conversation.

This feeling…

I’m not feeling good about this. It feels like something so revolting is realy going to happen.

And thus, the peaceful daily life of Kurosawa Mae is about to be disturbed!


“You see, Fred, this work… Is so damn generic.”

“I’ve been telling you it really is supposed to be that way!”

The studio has been messy. It is a sign that they have been working for days. They have completed a whole 6-chapter run of Fred’s story. The stress can be seen on their tired faces as they have run several days and nights with only a few hours of sleep, Fred at most.

“Humu, I’ll read this for Ozzy. You really know how to keep me interested.”

“Seriously, Ozzy’s character is not created for your amusement. Please keep that in mind Kyrie.”

“Come on guys, let’s just finish this already. I wanna sleep. I don’t want to sleep here next to Fred he might turn to a beast while I’m sleeping.” Ingrid said lifelessly.

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