《Maou Decides to Write a Shoujo》r1 | Ch4-1 Sanctuary: Part 0


I. Sanctuary: Part 0

Modern Earth, 19xx

A good married couple with a stable farming business had been living by a remote town not far away from the city. Railways have been developed by that time already so access to the town from the city was not that hard. The development of the technology and infrastructure on it was slower compared to the large cities, so you could consider living a rural life in there.

But even though the community was still small, residents of the town have been living well. There have been infrastructures, products, livestock and crops that kept the economy circulating.

The town actually covered a huge area of the lands but the houses and establishment are gathering on the town central, the rest are covered by fields, forest and mountains. The vast fields were where general portion of the income comes from. From wheat, to rice, to vegetables, crops that are usually needed for daily life were being produced either to be circulated to the town or for export.

There were also educational institutes but up to high school only, the next university would be located at the central city few stations ahead. Without planning to enrol to a university, there could be options where one could produce a living: apply for a job within the town premises, or inherit a business of sort or land to grow crops.

The married couple was still young of age, around thirties for both of them. The husband inherited a good portion of land from his parents, so growing crops could provide income for a family of four.

They had a daughter first. A cute normal living girl. After their firstborn, a sickness hit the mother which led to her being unable to give birth again. Unable to give birth anymore, they gave all the love and care they could to raise the cute little girl, which in twenty years of time will be later known as Landlady Ingrid.

Ingrid grew as a sweet loving child that always helps her father when farming, and still helps her mother do household chores if ever.

She was a much loved girl.

She had friends at her age that often comes to their house to play. They were classmates from her grade school. Though most of them started having their own circle of friends as time goes on, Ingrid paid no mind, it's not that she’s mad or something. It’s just that she was raised at young age with one of the teachings of her parents: ‘nothing in this world is permanent than change.’

They spent their days like a normal happy family of three.

One day while walking home from school, Ingrid and her mother encountered a stray puppy inside a box on one of the main roads. Ingrid looked to her mother, and her mother immediately approved that they keep the dog. They started raising it and later on became part of their family. The dog was named Tenji.

A happy family of three became four


Years of happiness went by, and when Ingrid thought that everything lasts forever, events started to made her realize more: ‘nothing in this world is permanent than change.’

It was in her first year on junior high school.

Her mother fell ill.

Being worried, Ingrid could not concentrate at school, she couldn't make friends, nor live the days of her youth. She had always come home early to took care of her bedridden mother.


The sickness was unknown, her check-ups were fine. It’s just that there was something unknown that had been eating her life away. Current technology on the town couldn’t support treatments of such. Having her transferred to the city for medication will take them a few years income for just five days worth of cost.

The four of them gathered at her parents’ bedroom one night. The discussion went long, several, heart piercing hours. Both Ingrid and her father were crying. It was unknown sickness that has no cure yet on their town. Being admitted on the city won’t give them assurance that she will be cured. It must be some cancer of new sort. Instead of living in poverty trying to prolong mother’s life for a few more years, they resorted for God’s mercy and have her live life to the fullest for her remaining time. Tenji tried to comfort his owners, feeling the melancholy within the room.

It had been decided: the mother will spend her last days bedridden, while living happily with her family.

Both Ingrid and her father had no regrets. Ingrid tried to start living her youth again within the school, started making friends again and hang out. Her father continued the farm and still provided their daily needs.

Late her first year on junior high, Ingrid’s mother finally passed away.

At the funeral, both Ingrid and her father showed no sadness to anyone. Perhaps, it was relief and determination:

Relief, now that the long suffering of mother has finally ended, and she can continue to live peacefully at the afterlife

Determined, that they will happily continue living, the two of them with Tenji, just as the mother told them to.

But even though all’s been said above, the night after the burial, they were both crying at the living room of their small happy home.

A happy family of four became three.


The memory and will of their mother had been carried on. Ingrid’s father continued working on the farm. Business was booming later on that year. The savings versus the expenditures that were supposed to be just tallying out, were now in favour of savings. There were enough budget to have Ingrid live her junior high happily.

Ingrid started making friends, hanging out after school, started club activities, and even does hobby. At times she goes with her friends to book stores, checking out latest releases for light novels and mangas. Ingrid grew attached to reading manga more. She couldn’t accept the fact that reading long sentences on novels bores her. She needed visuals.

Besides reading manga, she also joined her friends at karaoke, batting centers, hot springs, and lots more fun stuffs. It was the peak of her youth.

Perhaps, she was happy… And lax.

Another event made her realize once more, the teachings of her late mother: ‘nothing in this world is permanent than change.’

It was late her third year junior high school Ingrid noticed that her father has been coughing a lot as of late. She tried asking her father if he’s alright, if he’s been sick. Her father tried to deny it, but test results never lie.

Her father had tuberculosis, at the terminal stage.

Ingrid came to a realization: Her father had been working himself to death just to supply her daily dose of happiness.

When did it start?

When did she lost track of it?


Her father had always told her: ‘Live your life to the fullest, be happy for me, be happy for mother.’ She just did what she’s been told. When could’ve everything went wrong?

She was crying.

She sought comfort with her friends, took advice what to do from now on. During days she continued attending school, during night she tends at her father, bedridden. It was the same bed that had supported her mother until she passed away, it will be the same for her father.

She asked God if she’s cursed.

Days of sadness and torment went on, until finally, her father passed away too.

At the funeral, unlike her mother’s, Ingrid was so devastated. It seems like the final pillar of support of her daily life of happiness had finally crumbled down. Again, she was thinking, ‘nothing in this world is permanent than change.’ After the burial, it was decided by her relatives that her aunt will take the responsibility of raising her until she’s capable on her own.

Even though how strong you show yourself in front of everyone, when times comes that you are alone, you could show the weakest of yourself. Again, that night, Ingrid was crying at the living room of their small happy house. Now, she only had Tenji to comfort her at the times of her grief.

A happy family of three became two.


During the day of the funeral of her father, her relatives decided that one of her aunts will take responsibility of raising Ingrid until she’s a fully capable woman being able to support herself. At that time her aunt asked her if she wanted to live with them on their apartment complex. At that time, Ingrid had been devastated by her losses that she couldn't even respond to questions being asked to her.

It was a complete shock. But she knew that her aunt had been asking out of concern. Still, she chose not to answer. She needed time first. Her aunt understood her silence and advised her to take her time alone.

She chose to live for a while being alone at her happy little home. She continued attending middle school and graduated with the financial assistance of her aunt.

But being at her current state, could one truly say that she lived at her happy little home?

Her aunt had a family of five. The couple had two older brothers and a younger sister. They had an apartment complex which was being run by her and her husband. The aunt was currently working as a sales clerk on a supermarket at the town’s center. Their apartment is shabby and unmaintained: they had a few tenants but they could leave any time due to finding a better place to live that is comparable to the current rent is possible.

Supporting a family of five plus Ingrid was bearable. It’s not like she’s the type of demon foster parents from a drama series Ingrid had watched on the past. In fact, her aunt was a total caring one. She always bring food whenever available to her house despite the distance. At times Ingrid came to the apartment complex to play and hang out with the brothers and sister.

Even though Ingrid lived separately, you could say she’s well-accepted by her new family.

She found a new reason for living. She just considered living at their old home a memento of her late parents. She never intended to put grudges to anyone, nor blame herself anymore. The field was left untouched. Ingrid casually maintained the cultivation of the soil when needed. At times she helped maintaining the old apartment complex of her aunt. She got in well terms with the other tenants too.

Having her purpose-driven life, her high school days have passed. Despite being busy with her new family, Ingrid also never failed to live out her youth. She still continued being sociable in school like her junior high.

With Tenji living at her small happy home, she finally decided:

She will give up her home and farm to her aunt and her family in exchange to the apartment complex. Running an 8-unit one should be easier alone than earning money enough to cover the expenses of a family of five. She bet she could maintain the apartment complex by herself. By the time she graduates high school, she will be the one to run the apartment complex and her aunt and her husband will operate the farm again. It would be a win-win situation.

One of the two brothers were to enter college the upcoming year and the younger sister will start her middle school too. Covering up for the expenses for college would not cope up with their current income. But with the farm, it should be bearable. Meanwhile Ingrid was only a family of one plus Tenji. Income from the apartment complex should be more than enough to cover her daily needs and expenses.

She talked with it over and over with her aunt’s family. At first they refused such a big offer. Ingrid tried explaining it again, pointing out the future of the siblings.

She have loved them like her own siblings. She had grew mature enough due to her circumstances but where could that ‘maturity’ bring her to? She took a leap and made the offer.

Besides one of her other reasons to this decision: her growth as a human, without the influence of her late parents. She’s been trying to rebuild the crumbled pillars.

Ingrid had been strong, she had to grew strong.

The deal had been sealed. Ingrid graduated high school. She inherited the apartment complex in exchange plus an initial sum for major renovation in exchange to her old and small happy home and her late parent’s farm.

A happy family of two, still two.


Renovation took months, she and Tenji lived with her aunt for a short time while renovations are still ongoing. Her old farming knowledge is still there, she took all time she had to teach the brothers farming to have them help their father in their free time.

A few months after, the renovation was a success and the apartment complex was now a liveable good looking and good conditioned apartment complex.

“Tenji, my boy, this will be our home. Our sanctuary.” Ingrid said. But the last of their tenants finally left and found a new one. They we’re back to zero—or not.

Months later she encountered Ara laying in front of the apartment complex

Months later a black luxury car ended up in front of it and there went Kyrie renting one unit.

Months later Ingrid encountered the former-maou Fred at that fated night at the forest.

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