《Maou Decides to Write a Shoujo》Interlude 0 (Mytherion) - How to beat an Irresponsible God: No, you can't


How to beat an Irresponsible God - No, you can't

Maou to Frederie Spence

Endless Void, Nowhere

“HI! HI!! That should be it I guess!! Aint ya dead already?”

I guess I died. My life ran out on me huh.

“Heeeey~~ I said Hi!!”

It was quite a sad ending that I encountered but this was too anticlimactic. I questioned myself where I was. Everything’s white, there was absolutely nothing else to see and I can’t even determine where the horizon is. The only thing bugging me was this talking kid that exactly looked like me when I was a lad.

Please stop this cringe-y acting. I didn’t even act like that when I was your age. Oh what, how old are you even anyways.

“HEY, THAT’S RUDE. I’m still young for my position as a God.”

I really hated individuals granted with the Insight* ability. What was so fun about peeking into someone's mind anyways? And so he introduced hmself. This kid or whatsoever God he called himself was one of those who have been amusing themselves out of boredom by checking worlds currently in peace, and inciting them to war themselves to oblivion. I will be needing maximum composure if I were to talk to this one. But what might he want? I just wanted him to let me rest in peace. My duty is over already. I'm tired...

“Ah you’re a tough one. Come on speak to me, don’t make this hard.”

“May I know what business you have with me?”

“Oh no we ain’t talkin’ ‘bout business here, we talkin’ ‘bout yer future.”

“Please stop talking like that. And I don’t want to hear that topic from a twelve year old me. I don’t want to…”

“Let me cut to the chase. Do you want a second life? Do you want to continue or, like, want a redo—hey please don’t make me explain this all over again, you’re a Maou, you should know how transferring to another world or special summonings work already.”


Ah... Shit... You can't be talking about...

From that point I knew this will be a heavy bargain.

Parallel worlds, deaths and reincarnations, summoning rituals, stuff that makes you manipulate dimensions and travel multiverses. It has only been a theory at Mytherion, yet to be fully discovered for legalized usage. I can’t even bear to think these petty gods have been using these kinds of methods at ease for their convenience and to cure their indefinite boredom. Anyways I still have to listen to what he has to offer—

“Ah you know what? I’m getting tired of this, yer on your own pal.”


“Eh what?”

This is too sudden, or more like, he didn’t even planned about this!!

“Entity Transfer! Let’s Start Now!!~”

He tapped my left shoulder and the supposedly chair I’m sitting vanished.

Light starts to envelop my body as the feeling of being thrown out of a high-rise tower without a rope tied, then having a free fall to death. This should be a very long fall. He thrown me


“HAHAHA!! Snot-nosed brats who can’t even stop a war nor confess properly should be left on their own to learn! Don’t worry it’s for your own good!! I don't want to have a long lecture about this anymore so you'll be able to find out once you get to see your new world. Oh! Also, I won't be bothering to monitor you as I have lots of other individuals I needed to attend to! like, A thousand years worth of them!!”

Eh? Did he just?...


Then I fell to the void.

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