《Maou Decides to Write a Shoujo》r1 | --Prologue: Twilight Mytherion--


--Twilight: Mytherion--

Maou, Post Human-Demon War

Demon Capital, Kingdom Mytherion

It hurts, it surely hurts.

I was a demon if not a man, clad in heavy armor, shallow breathing, and blood dripping.

I never knew being stabbed by a holy sword would hurt this bad I wanna cry my lungs out... It came down to this. I know I shouldn’t let them see this pathetic side of me, but being stabbed like this kind of forces me to.

I showed a faint smile.

I slowly moved my aching body towards her, trying to reach out my arms to gently embrace her feeble body. My vision was so blurry that I can only see faint signs of confusion.

Ah, please don’t make that kind of face. This is not the time to be hesitant, now that you have plunged this sword towards my body. It’s not like I can still do a thing at my current state.

I slowly looked sideways, left then right. I could only see ruins everywhere. So this is what clashing of two powers lead to. I can only imagine the amusement of the Gods of this twisted world.

Hey don’t tell me that’s Second General in command Minos lying right there.


Ah, Third General Orcas too.


Morgianna… good to see you’re still alive.

I gathered strength in my guts to talk. It seemed like my subconscious was only the thing that was pushing me to still see her,


The Hero

“S-So this is it for me, huh?”


“I was too close to it too, world domination, I guess.”

I tried to hide my real intentions with those words.


I could only see what I could only think to as tears falling from her eyes. It should be a face of someone who could finally see through the real me. Though my vision continued to fade away, I knew I would be able to remember that beautiful, close to perfection face. Golden hair that glowed radiantly even with the smallest ray of light, deep blue eyes as deep as the color of a calm ocean, lips glossed with crimson red, smooth snow white skin. Ah, such a waste to see you cry.


I have lived a life long enough for a demon king. I’ve seen countless of wars where neither sides achieved complete victory at the end. It had always been like this. Age per age, generation per generation, never did the fighting cease. Being aware of this at a young age (demon race basis) had led me to want to put an end to this endless cycle. World domination was just a front for my true intentions. But my naivety always got ahead of me, which led me to the situation I am in now. What really was my goal? When did everything went astray?

Slow, heavy breathing.

I could feel massive amount of blood leaving my body.

All I wanted to achieve was for the war to stop, and for this girl standing in front of me to acknowledge my intentions.

I couldn't even feel my muscles anymore. A chill slowly crept through my body. I know I was going to die. This was a holy sword we’re talking about. Strength had finally left me and I started to crash down but that’s not the case.

Melancholy... Tears started to fall through my cheeks.

Happiness... I knew it was her supporting me. The warmth of someone. The heat of a human body that I could feel even with the thick armor I am wearing. It was her, Yuusha, the Hero.

“Since when?”

Words could not even describe the happiness I’m feeling…

You’re finally speaking.

“I don’t need sweet talk. I need answers”

Oh, right. Insight* was the skill. It lets someone read through the opponent’s thoughts. It surely was unfair to have someone acquire an ability of such. Felt like cheating. I replied using my thoughts:

It will be better for us to talk this way.

She doesn’t answer, I guess she’s ready to listen.


Since the beginning of this war. Or, rather, even way long before that.

Very little words were exchanged, but I knew we both knew what we were talking about. I continued speaking my thoughts.

Morgianna is a loyal follower. Now that both second and third in command have been deceased, she will be the direct highest representative of the demon race. Not even the dark factions will be able to oppose her. Please treat her well. All of my last will and plans laid out will be carried on by her. This should put a lid to an aging war.

It was almost time. I heard her speak again.

“Grant me one last answer”

I fell silent. I knew this question was coming. She opened her mouth and continued talking for seconds. I knew Morgianna was using Hearing Enhance* to hear what we were talking from afar, but this time it was being blocked by Yuusha's ability. I assumed it is safe enough to finally speak. I answered her question truthfully. It was a long ten seconds for me but I were able to speak everything out before her ability's duration ran out. I said it again to confirm everything:

“Yes, from the very start, I—”


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